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Code of Conduct

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Section 1 - Preamble

(1)  The Code of Conduct is effective from 6 August 2024.

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Section 2 - Purpose

(2) The Code of Conduct sets out the personal behaviours and obligations of University staff and associates as part of contributing to a thriving, progressive, respectful and inclusive University community.

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Section 3 - Scope

(3) The Code of Conduct applies to all staff and associates of the University. The Student Code of Conduct applies to students except where a student is also a member of staff or an associate where this Code of Conduct will apply.

(4) This Code should be read in conjunction with other policies and procedures set out in Section 5 that cover personal and professional conduct.

(5) The Code of Conduct covers all circumstances where staff or associates are engaged in University activities, performing work or functions of the University, or on behalf of the University, during and outside work hours and includes work-related functions, travel, online activity, conferences or in any other circumstance when an individual is representing the University.

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Section 4 - Personal behaviours and obligations

Personal behaviours

(6) Our Deakin values are:

  1. Ethical - We conduct our business with the highest standards of professional behaviour and integrity
  2. Inclusive - We value diversity, embrace difference, seek to engage and welcome all
  3. Sustainable - We care about our shared future, integrating economic, environmental and social dimensions of sustainability in all we do
  4. Excellent - We strive for excellence in all aspects of our work
  5. Brave - We make bold decisions, demonstrate courage and ambition, and we support personal responsibility and accountability
  6. Dynamic - We are innovative and entrepreneurial, solving problems with creativity and flexibility.

(7) We apply these values to all our actions, decision making and conduct. In demonstrating these values, we will act respectfully towards others across the University community.

(8) We support an environment where ideas are pursued with passion and where they can be challenged freely. We will uphold freedom of speech and academic freedom consistent with the commitments set out in the Deakin University Code for Upholding Freedom of Speech and Academic Freedom.

(9) We are always accountable for our actions. It is our responsibility to read and understand our Code of Conduct and Deakin’s policies and procedures, to participate in mandatory training and to seek advice if we have any questions.

Personal obligations

(10) We conduct our business with the highest standards of professional behaviour and integrity. We will:

  1. act with honesty and transparency, disclosing any conflict of interest that may impact our conduct
  2. demonstrate academic and research integrity in all duties relating to teaching and research
  3. act within delegated authority
  4. respect information and are committed to responsible information management. We will protect personal, business and commercially sensitive information, including from inappropriate use and maintain appropriate information records
  5. act in compliance with all University policies and procedures and any other legislative obligations including the Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research, 2018
  6. report suspected incidents of fraud and corrupt or improper conduct 
  7. comply with any lawful and reasonable direction given by someone at Deakin who has authority to give the direction.

(11) We value diversity, embrace difference, seek to engage and welcome all. We will:

  1. promote and support an accessible, inclusive, safe and respectful learning and work environment for all members of our community
  2. challenge and take responsibility responding to behaviour that is inconsistent with legal requirements under equal opportunity and anti-discrimination legislation.

(12) We understand the importance of health, safety and wellbeing. We will:

  1. perform our duties free from alcohol or drug impairment and will not put at risk the health or safety of other members of the University community
  2. provide a child-safe environment and work with children in a manner that promotes child safety and wellbeing
  3. promptly report any accidents, incidents, near misses and incidences of noncompliance
  4. provide support for staff who require workplace adjustments in accordance with University policies or procedures
  5. manage our wellbeing and support the positive mental health and wellbeing of others in the University community
  6. comply with any other relevant health, safety and wellbeing legislation and University policies or procedures.

(13) We care about our shared future, integrating economic, environmental and social dimensions of sustainability in all we do. We will maintain, protect and responsibly use University resources.

(14) We strive for excellence in all aspects of our work and to collectively create an environment where our students, staff and other members of the University community can achieve personal and collective success. We will guide, encourage, recognise and celebrate the success of others.

(15) We are innovative and dynamic and seek answers to challenges in our teaching, research and work. We will develop solutions for major challenges facing communities in Australia and globally using responsible research practices and with research integrity.

(16) Our senior staff and leaders will demonstrate leadership and model our values, ensure staff members understand their responsibilities and create a working environment where staff respect the Code and feel supported comfortable to ask questions or raise concerns.

(17) We value external partnerships and engagement both domestically and internationally. We take the threat of foreign interference and undue influence seriously. Recognising and managing the risk of foreign interference is the responsibility of all staff and students in accordance with Deakin policy and procedures.

Raising and responding to concerns

(18) We take any potential breach of this Code seriously and encourage people to speak up. We will immediately raise any concerns with the University, and where appropriate, take action to prevent:

  1. any possible corruption, fraud, improper conduct, maladministration, waste of resources
  2. any behaviour that is inconsistent with legal requirements under equal opportunity, anti-discrimination and health and safety legislation.

(19) We can anonymously raise concerns via an external reporting line, Stopline. We will not victimise individuals who raise a concern.

(20) Alleged or actual breaches of the Code of Conduct by staff may be dealt with in accordance with the Staff Discipline procedure.

(21) Any breach of the Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research may be dealt with in accordance with the Research Integrity Breaches Procedure and/or the Staff Discipline procedure.

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Section 5 - Policies and Procedures

(22) This Code is a set of overarching principles to be followed. It is not an exhaustive list of behaviours. The Code cannot address all possible issues and scenarios which may be faced in the course of activities, performing work or functions of the University.

(23) The following policies provide further guidance on how to implement the Code in specific areas:

  1. Code for Upholding Freedom of Speech and Academic Freedom
  2. Academic Integrity policy and procedure
  3. Alcohol policy
  4. Business Expenses Policy
  5. Child Safety Policy and Child Safety and Child Abuse Response and Reporting Procedure
  6. Declaration of Interest procedure
  7. Copyright procedure
  8. Credit Card policy
  9. Delegations Policy
  10. Complaints: Discrimination, Harassment, Victimisation and Vilification (Staff) Procedure
  11. Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Policy
  12. Family Violence (Staff and Student Support) policy
  13. Employment of Staff Policy
  14. External Relationships and Partnerships policy
  15. Fraud and Corruption Prevention and Control procedure
  16. Gifts and Hospitality Acceptance procedure
  17. Government and Political Engagement policy
  18. Health, Wellbeing and Safety policy
  19. Information and Communications Technology Acceptable Use Policy and procedure
  20. Insider Trading Prevention Policy
  21. Integrity policy
  22. Intellectual Property Policy
  23. International Relations Regulation policy
  24. Media Policy
  25. Performance, Development and Recognition Procedure
  26. Privacy policy and Privacy Breach Management procedure
  27. Procurement policy and procedure
  28. Public Interest Disclosures procedure
  29. Research Conduct Policy
  30. Research Integrity Breaches Procedure
  31. Sexual Harm Prevention and Response Policy
  32. Social Media Policy
  33. Smoking, Vaping and Tobacco free policy
  34. Staff Development policy
  35. Staff Discipline procedure
  36. Sustainability Policy
  37. Travel policy
  38. Workplace Bullying policy
  39. Workplace Relations policy.
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Section 6 - Definitions

(24) For the purpose of the Code of Conduct:

  1. associates: contractors, consultants, volunteers, visiting appointees and visitors to the University.
  2. staff: a member of the Academic or Professional staff, Executive or Honorary staff member.