Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Contact the Policy Team for assistance via e-mail or on +61 3 524 78534 If you’ve found the document of interest to you but need further advice in regard to its application or interpretation, click on the ‘Status and Details’ page for that policy or procedure and direct your question to the Enquiries Contact or to the Implementation Officer. (The ‘Status and Details’ page is located at top of page on the light grey menu bar). The Responsible Executive is the member of the Executive whose portfolio covers the policy area. The Approval Authority (Vice-Chancellor, the Academic Board or Council) assign a Responsible Executive to each policy and procedure. The Responsible Executive is responsible for ensuring that their policies and procedures remain up to date, accurate and are complied with. The Policy Framework details the Responsible Executive’s roles and responsibilities. The Implementation Officer is a staff member with management responsibility for the activity addressed by the policy or procedure. The Responsible Executive for a policy or procedure appoints an Implementation Officer. The Implementation Officer roles and responsibilities are set out in the Policy Framework and include the development, implementation (including communication, dissemination and interpretation) and review of policies and procedures to which they have been assigned. All Deakin policies and procedures are listed in the View A-Z page in alphabetical order, by title. Or you can search the Policy Library from the Search page, using: Full Text and/or Keyword searches will also find matches in documents listed in Associated Information (all other search fields will not identify documents in Associated Information). Council approves new or significantly amended policies and procedures relating to the governance of the University. The Academic Board approves new or significantly amended policies and procedures relating to all academic matters. The Vice-Chancellor approves new or significantly amended policies and procedures relating to and management matters. The Responsible Executive can approve minor amendments to policies and procedures. The Council Secretary may approve administrative changes to policies, procedures and schedules that do not alter the substance of those documents, and amendments required to align with changes to University legislation. The Policy Library publishes University policies and procedures, including important information such as: You can provide feedback by emailing or through the Policy Library. To do this – open the current version of the policy or procedure and click the 'Feedback' tab (in the light grey menu bar). Click on the policy name. The document feedback – review and comment page will open, allowing you to provide feedback on a specific clause/s or make general comments. Please read and follow all instructions on the feedback page to ensure your comments are recorded. Where a policy is under development or review the policy drafter will consult with relevant areas of the University affected by the policy to obtain their input. The Policy Framework sets out the requirements for developing, reviewing, revoking, approving and implementing University policies and procedures. Staff undertaking policy development should familiarise themselves with the Policy Framework before commencing this work. Practical advice about policy processes can be obtained from the Policy Team at
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Note: If you are looking for a historic or future version of a policy document you can access these from the current version. Links to historic or future versions are located in the grey menu bar (at the top of the page) in the current version.