(1) This Procedure is effective from 25 July 2024. (2) This Procedure outlines the requirements for responsible publication and dissemination of research conducted according to the Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research, 2018 (the Code) and the supporting NHMRC and Universities Australia Publication and Dissemination of Research Guide. (3) This Procedure applies to research undertaken by Deakin staff (including honorary, affiliates and associates), Deakin students and any persons named on a research publication in the public domain affiliated with Deakin through use of the University name or implied through a partnership or collaboration. (4) This Procedure is pursuant to the Research Conduct Policy. (5) The University is committed to promoting open and transparent research in order to maximise the benefits of research, increase innovation, encourage collaboration and improve community engagement. (6) Researchers are responsible for undertaking training in dissemination and publication of research provided by the Graduate Research Academy, Deakin Library and within their Faculty and Institute. (7) Researchers should consider developing a publication and research dissemination plan that ensures: (8) Researchers must ensure publications and disseminated research outputs: (9) Researchers will disseminate and publish research outcomes (including relevant negative results and findings contrary to any stated hypothesis) widely and to all appropriate audiences. (10) Researchers must carefully consider the most effective way to communicate research findings in a public forum by: (11) Fragmented publication, plagiarism, self-plagiarism and under-reporting of research are not permitted. (12) Researchers will not disseminate multiple research outputs that are substantially similar, unless disclosed to the publisher at the time of submission and appropriately cited to prevent the effect of portraying previously presented ideas or data as new. (13) Prior to republishing their own or other’s research outputs, researchers must take all reasonable steps to obtain permission from the original publisher or copyright owner, taking into account any relevant legal agreements. (14) All research outputs will be reported by the researcher for the purposes of the assessment and display via the University’s enterprise publications management platform and a copy of the output deposited in Deakin University Research Online (DRO) in accordance with the Research Repository procedure. Research outputs deposited in DRO will be openly accessible, unless restricted by copyright law, publisher policy or embargo. (15) Researchers must adhere to the relevant open access policies of funding bodies, including the Australian Research Council and National Health and Medical Research Council open access policies. Other funders may have specific requirements regarding Open Access, and it is important for researchers to understand these. (16) Where possible, researchers should publish or allow interested parties to access or refer to research data, survey instruments, coding manuals and the tools and resources that supported analysis of research data. (17) Allegations of breaches of this Procedure will be managed in accordance with the Research Integrity Breaches Procedure. (18) Researchers will correct or retract the public record and Deakin University Research Online entry in relation to any errors, misleading or inaccurate statements in their research. The University will undertake this if required. (19) For the purpose of this Procedure:Research Publication and Dissemination Procedure
Section 1 - Preamble
Section 2 - Purpose
Section 3 - Scope
Section 4 - Policy
Section 5 - Procedure
Responsibilities of Researchers
Communicating research outputs
Multiple submissions or republishing of research outputs
Reporting of research publications and open access
Breach allegations
Section 6 - Definitions
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