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Academic Promotion Procedure

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Section 1 - Preamble

(1) This Procedure was approved by the Vice-Chancellor on 27 April 2012, effective from 2 May 2012 and incorporates all amendments to 11 March 2015.

(2) This Procedure is pursuant to the Academic Promotion Policy and includes the following schedule:

(3) Schedule A: The Academic Promotion Out-of-Cycle Procedure.

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Section 2 - Purpose

(4) This Procedure documents the steps required to comply with the Academic Promotion Policy.

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Section 3 - Scope

(5) This Procedure applies to:

  1. full-time, part-time, continuing or fixed-term academic staff applying for promotion to Level B, Level C, Level D or Level E (Professor)
  2. appointments to the title Alfred Deakin Professor.
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Section 4 - Policy

(6) Refer to the Academic Promotion Policy.

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Section 5 - Procedure

Preparing and lodging the application

(7) When annual applications are called for, applicants are referred to the Academic Promotions website.

(8) Applicants assess whether they are eligible for promotion against the eligibility criteria.

(9) Applicants may evaluate whether they merit promotion using the Minimum Standards and Typical Duties for Academic Levels.

(10) Applicants must consult their Head of School (or equivalent) before preparing an application to seek advice on the timing of their application and the proposed weighting of teaching and learning, research and scholarship, and service. Mentors, senior colleagues and/or other supervisors should also be consulted.

(11) To submit an application, applicants must provide the following:

  1. a completed on-line Application Template via Deakinpeople
  2. a synopsis of career to date (maximum of two pages, single spaced, 11 point Calibri font)
  3. statement of achievement for the period relevant to the application, this being the period since the date of last promotion at the University, or since appointment at the University, whichever is more recent (maximum of nine pages, single spaced, 11 point Calibri).

(12) Applicants must provide a draft of their application to the Head of School/equivalent at least two weeks prior to the closing date for submissions. The Head of School/equivalent will discuss the application with the applicant, provide further advice as appropriate, and consult with others in the School or Faculty/Institute/Research Unit, and seek advice as appropriate.

(13) Applicants lodge the final application via Deakinpeople by the due date. Late applications will only be accepted in exceptional circumstances as determined by the Chair of the relevant promotions committee.

Applicant assessment report

(14) The applicant's Head of School/equivalent will prepare and sign a confidential Applicant Assessment Report and submit that online by the due date. Applicants will not be able to view this document.

(15) Applicants are able to make a request, to the Chair of the relevant Promotions Committee, that their Head of School (or equivalent) not provide an Applicant Assessment Report. The applicant must demonstrate grounds for believing that an Application Assessment Report from their Head of School (or equivalent) will impact negatively on their case for promotion.

(16) The Executive Officer of the relevant promotions committee will collate each applicant's documents and forward them to the relevant promotions committee.

Meeting with the promotions committee

(17) Applicants will be invited to attend an interview with the relevant promotions committee where the applicant's Head of School/equivalent will attend for the duration of the interview and afterwards if clarification is needed by the committee.

(18) Applicants are able to make a request, to the Chair of the relevant Promotions Committee, that their Head of School (or equivalent) not attend their interview. The applicant must demonstrate grounds for believing that the presence of their Head of School (or equivalent) will impede on their ability to present their case for promotion.

(19) Applicants are invited to bring a one-page summary of their achievements since their application was originally lodged to the interview. Applicants must not place other documents or submissions before the committee.

Notification of outcome

(20) The Vice-Chancellor (or nominee) will advise applicants in writing of the outcome of their application.

(21) Unsuccessful applicants may obtain feedback from the Chair of the relevant promotions committee or from another member of the relevant committee nominated by the Chair.

(22) Promotion for successful applicants is effective from 1 January of the following year.


(23) An applicant contemplating requesting reconsideration must discuss the matter with the Chair of the committee that considered the original application before proceeding.

(24) An applicant requesting reconsideration must provide a written statement detailing the procedural irregularity, supported by evidence of the procedural irregularity.

(25) Requests for reconsideration must be lodged formally with the Chair of the relevant promotions committee within 28 days of the date of the letter advising the applicant of the outcome of their application.

(26) A request for reconsideration will be considered by the Reconsideration Review Group which will determine whether or not a case exists and will advise the Vice-Chancellor whether or not a case exists.

(27) If a case is substantiated, the Vice-Chancellor will refer the application back to the relevant promotions committee for reconsideration.

(28) The Vice-Chancellor will refer applications from staff specialising in Indigenous Education to the Indigenous Academic Promotion Committee (IAPC) for reconsideration. The IAPC will then advise the Vice-Chancellor in writing of the outcome of the reconsideration. The Vice-Chancellor will inform the applicant in writing of the outcome.

(29) For promotion up to Level D, the Faculty Academic Promotions Committee (FAPC) will report their finding(s) to the Deputy Vice-Chancellor Research and the Deputy Vice-Chancellor Education, who will formally advise the Vice-Chancellor in writing of the recommendation. The Vice-Chancellor will inform the applicant in writing of the outcome.

(30) For promotion to Level E, the University Academic Promotion Committee (UAPC) will advise the Vice-Chancellor in writing of the outcome of UAPC's further deliberations. The Vice-Chancellor will inform the applicant in writing of the outcome.

(31) Where the Vice-Chancellor determines that a procedural irregularity adversely affected an application for promotion, that promotion shall be made effective from 1 January of the year following the original application.

(32) Where a procedural irregularity was determined not to have affected the outcome of the promotions committee's decision, the original decision of the committee will stand.

(33) The Vice-Chancellor's decision will be final.

Roles and responsibilities

(34) Head of Schools/equivalent are to provide advice and support to applicants. As described in this Procedure, the Head of School/equivalent provides an assessment report for each applicant.

(35) Head of Schools/equivalent are encouraged to establish mentor/advisory groups, or equivalent mechanisms, to provide advice, assistance and support to potential applicants that reflect a diversity balance for example, part-time, gender, disability, staff from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds.

(36) The Pro Vice-Chancellor of the Faculty will be Chair of the FAPC and participate as a member of UAPC.

(37) Head of Schools/equivalent should accompany applicants from their School at their interview but will not participate in the interview other than to provide support to the applicant if required. After the interview is completed the Head of School/equivalent should remain for a brief period in case clarification is required by the Committee. Head of Schools/equivalent will not be present when the decision on whether to recommend promotion is made.

(38) Pro Vice-Chancellors of Faculties prepare a report on the FAPC's recommendations concerning promotion applications, and any deliberations regarding the operation of this Procedure for consideration by the Vice-Chancellor via the Deputy Vice-Chancellor Research and Deputy Vice-Chancellor Education.

Alfred Deakin professorial appointments

(39) The Human Resources Division will call for nominations of existing staff members from those eligible to nominate as outlined in the Academic Promotions Policy. The title 'Alfred Deakin Professor' is awarded by invitation only and no application is required or will be considered.

(40) The recommendations will be considered by circulation by those eligible to nominate and recommendations will then be considered by the Vice-Chancellor.

(41) The Vice-Chancellor will present his or her recommendations for consideration by Council.

(42) The Vice-Chancellor will present his or her recommendations regarding the conferral of the title of Alfred Deakin Professor on incoming or newly appointed members of the University Professoriate to the University Council.

(43) The Vice-Chancellor (or nominee) will advise the successful staff members and the new title will take effect as soon as practicable.

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Section 6 - Definitions

(44) For the purpose of this Procedure:

  1. Procedural irregularity: where the administrative requirements of this Procedure were not met.