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Partnership policy

This is not a current document. It has been revoked and is no longer in force.

Section 1 - Preamble

(1) This Policy is effective from 29 May 2014.

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Section 2 - Purpose

(2) This Policy sets out governance arrangements for engagement between the University and the diversity of persons, organisations, institutions, agents and commercial entities in the University community for the mutual benefit of the University and its partners.

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Section 3 - Scope

(3) This Policy applies to all partnerships entered into between the University and other entities. Any research related contracts are also subject to the Research Conduct policy and the Externally Funded Research Contracts procedure.

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Section 4 - Policy

Partnership principles

(4) The University recognises the importance of working with a broad range of partners in carrying out its strategic objectives.

(5) The University may enter into partnerships in Australia and internationally with other institutions, community groups, government, businesses and industry that deliver tangible outcomes to all parties and that are in line with their common strategic goals.

(6) Partnerships may entail the disbursement as well as receipt of funds or in-kind benefits by the University.

(7) All partnerships resulting in a formal agreement with the University must be approved by the Vice-Chancellor or nominee, with the exception of:

  1. affiliations, which require the permission of Council
  2. academic partnerships, which are approved by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor Global Engagement, Deputy Vice-Chancellor Academic, Academic Board, or the Faculty Executive Deans
  3. existing delegations to the Chief Advancement Officer for donations and sponsorships as per University policy.

(8) The Vice-Chancellor is responsible for approving any partnerships involving government whether domestic (at local, state or federal level) or international.

(9) Any partnership arrangement must be consistent with external legislative requirements and standards and University legislation and policies and procedures.

(10) Partnership arrangements may be developed to cover singular or multiple foci or type of partnership.

(11) In accordance with the External Relationships and Partnerships policy, except with the written permission of the Vice-Chancellor, the University will not accept funding from, or enter into any partnership or other arrangement with organisations with a vested interest in limiting measures to mitigate harmful social or health impacts of their products.

(12) Partnership sponsors or their nominee may propose the establishment of domestic and international academic partnerships and Memoranda of Understanding (MOU) with institutions or organisations that are principally focussed on teaching and learning. Academic partnerships may include partnerships for teaching, course delivery, articulation, staff and student mobility, or general academic collaboration.

(13) The Deputy Vice-Chancellor Global Engagement is responsible for the establishment and management of academic partnerships, including MOUs and in accordance with the Contracts policy.

(14) The Chief Advancement Officer is responsible for the establishment and management of community and industry partnerships where they do not involve academic or research partnerships.

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Section 5 - Procedure

(15) The following procedures document how to comply with this Policy:

  1. Academic Partnerships procedure
  2. Community, Industry and Government Partnerships procedure.
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Section 6 - Definitions

(16) For the purpose of this Policy:

  1. partnership: a formal relationship between the University and other parties to achieve specified objectives. A partnership may include individual persons, industry, government, institutions (including other educational providers) and/or community organisations
  2. partnership sponsors: a member of the Executive who proposes the establishment of a partnership.