(1) The new Deakin University Enterprise Agreement 2013 came into effect on 25 November 2013 and this Policy/Procedure is currently under review. Affected policies and procedures will be updated as soon as possible to reflect any new changes. (2) This Procedure was approved by the Vice-Chancellor on 28 August 2007 and incorporates all amendments to 25 March 2011. (3) This Procedure is pursuant to the Workforce Design and Planning Policy. (4) This Procedure documents the requirements for job design at the university. (5) This Procedure does not apply to casual staff. (6) Refer to the Workforce Design and Planning Policy. (7) Heads of organisational areas must ensure that positions in their area are classified appropriately for the work performed, are part of an appropriate structure and contribute to the achievement of the University's mission, core commitments, strategic goals, and operational and functional plans. (8) General staff positions are classified, and duties and responsibilities are allocated. In accordance with the established descriptors for Higher Education Workers (HEW) Level 1-10 (see the University Classification Guidelines-HEW Descriptors). (9) Academic staff positions are classified as Level A-E with reference to the Minimum Standards for Academic Levels in Academic Promotion Guidelines. (10) Heads of organisational areas are responsible for planning new positions to reflect the needs of their area's overall workforce plan. Any new positions must be approved as part of their establishment as set out in their staff plan. (11) Where a new position is required, the manager will develop a position description in accordance with the Position Descriptions Procedure. (12) The head of the organisational area will arrange for the approval of the new position and the position description, in accordance with the Recruitment of Academic Staff Procedure and the Position Descriptions Procedure. (13) Human Resources Division (HRD) will evaluate all new general staff positions to determine the appropriate HEW classification. (14) The manager preparing the documentation for a new position should contact HRD to discuss the job evaluation process and requirements. (15) The manager of the new position must complete a Job Evaluation Application form, obtain sign-off from the head of the organisational area and forward it to HRD with the position description, the area's organisational chart and other documentation specified in the Job Evaluation Application form. (16) The Executive Director, Human Resources will nominate an HRD job evaluator who will review the application documentation for content and consistency, and consult with the manager regarding any queries. (17) The job evaluator will recommend a HEW classification to the Executive Director, Human Resources for consideration and will notify the manager of the Executive Director, Human Resources' decision. (18) The manager will then arrange for the approval of the new position and the position description, in accordance with the Recruitment of General Staff Procedure and the Position Descriptions Procedure. (19) Heads of organisational areas must ensure that all positions in their area are reviewed regularly in accordance with the Performance Planning and Review Procedure, taking account of the area's workforce design objectives (see also the Position Descriptions Procedure). (20) Where the duties of a general staff position have changed significantly, the classification of the position may be reviewed. (21) A staff member and/or manager may seek a review of the classification of an existing position where the duties and responsibilities have changed significantly and/or it is considered that the position is no longer appropriately classified. (22) The staff member and/or manager will complete the Job Evaluation Application form, obtain sign-off from the head of the organisational area and submit it to HRD together with all required documentation. (23) The Executive Director, Human Resources will arrange for the General Staff Classification Committee to consider the application within a specified timeframe (usually within 5 weeks). (24) The General Staff Classification Committee will make one of the following recommendations to the Executive Director, Human Resources: (25) The Executive Director, Human Resources may approve the recommendation of the General Staff Classification Committee, request additional information or make a different decision to that recommended by the General Staff Classification Committee. The Executive Director, Human Resources will provide reasons in writing where he or she decides the appropriate classification is not that recommended by the General Staff Classification Committee. (26) Where a reclassification is not approved, the staff member may discuss the matter with the Chair of the General Staff Classification Committee and, following this discussion, may provide additional information considered relevant to determining the classification. Any such information must be provided within 5 working days from the date of advice of the original classification decision from the Executive Director, Human Resources. (27) The General Staff Classification Committee will review any additional material provided by the staff member and provide a recommendation to the Executive Director, Human Resources. The Executive Director, Human Resources will review any additional information provided and may review the classification decision. Any reclassification arising from this review will apply from the date of the original classification decision. (28) A staff member may appeal the outcome of a classification review to a Review Committee within 10 working days of the date of the original classification decision of the Executive Director, Human Resources. Appeals against a classification are only allowed on the following grounds: (29) Where a re-evaluation of an existing position is not considered warranted, or where the process determines that the classification should remain unchanged, the staff member and their manager may consider whether it is appropriate to seek a personal classification. The manager should contact HRD to discuss the requirements of a personal classification. (30) Where an academic staff member seeks promotion to a higher level, the Academic Promotion Procedure and the Alfred Deakin Professors and Appointment of Personal Chairs Procedure apply. (31) Where a staff member receives a promotion to a higher academic level, the head of the relevant organisational area will revise the position description in accordance with the Position Descriptions Procedure. (32) There are no definitions arising under this procedure.Job Design and Evaluation Procedure
Section 1 - Preamble
Section 2 - Purpose
Section 3 - Scope
Section 4 - Policy
Section 5 - Procedure
Job design
New positions
Academic staff
General staff
Review of position descriptions - General Staff
Review of position classifications - General Staff
Academic promotions
Section 6 - Definitions
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