(1) This Procedure is effective from 10 July 2015. (2) This Procedure governs academic partnerships. (3) This Procedure applies to the development and maintenance of partnerships with other entities in Australia and overseas. It may be focussed on domestic or international students or domestic and international activities. For the purposes of this policy, it does not include partnerships specifically related to research and research training matters. (4) This Procedure is pursuant to the Partnership policy. (5) The process associated with the development and maintenance of partnership arrangements that cover a combination of types of partnerships must be consistent with the requirements for each individual type of partnership as set out in the relevant procedures. (6) Any proposals to enter a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with another domestic or international institution or organisation in relation to academic partnership matters must be reviewed and approved by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor Global Engagement (DVCGE) and prepared in accordance with the Contracts policy. (7) Faculty Executive Deans as partnership sponsors (or their nominees), may propose the establishment of domestic and international academic partnerships. The Directors of the domestic and international partnerships areas within the Global Engagement portfolio may also propose the establishment of academic partnerships. (8) The proposer/s will prepare a partnership proposal for a proposed domestic or international academic partnership (for partnerships involving student mobility refer to later clauses) for consideration and approval by the DVCGE on strategic and business grounds which includes: (9) For partnerships involving course delivery, the partnership proposal will also include the following additional matters which will be reviewed by the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Planning and Integrity) (PVCPI) to ensure that internal and external requirements relating to quality and standards are met: (10) Proposals to revise courses to reflect new partnership arrangements will be considered by the PVCPI and the Academic Board in accordance with the Higher Education Courses Approval and Review procedure. (11) For academic partnerships involving course delivery, the nomination of staff members by a partner institution to provide academic services relating to course delivery to students must be approved by the relevant University Head of School. (12) The Human Resources Division will maintain appropriate records on the approval of academic partner staff members. (13) The Sponsoring Faculty will provide academic partner staff members with induction services to enable them to meet their obligations under the agreement. (14) The Academic Board will determine on academic grounds whether to approve the proposed partnership. Criteria for determining approval may include: (15) Changes to a course or the addition or removal of a course from an academic partnership involving course delivery will require the approval of DVCGE, and the PVCPI and/or the Academic Board in accordance with the Higher Education Courses Approval and Review procedure. (16) The DVCGE will notify the Director, Academic Governance and Standards of new or changed arrangements with a partner involving course delivery. The Director, Academic Governance and Standards will ensure that the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency (TEQSA) is notified where required under the TEQSA Act. (17) Academic partnerships involving student mobility require the approval of: (18) The proposer/s will prepare a partnership proposal involving student mobility that sets out the information relating to the following criteria: (19) Provision for, and approval of specific student mobility program arrangements must comply with the Student International Programs and Placements procedure. (20) The DVCGE through the domestic and international partnerships areas within the Global Engagement portfolio manages and monitors academic partnerships, with additional responsibilities allocated to: (21) Student mobility outside Australia is reviewed and monitored directly by the DVCGE or their nominee. (22) The DVCGE or nominee will normally visit each partner institution annually to meet with staff members and students, or they will invite the partner to provide a written report on the partnership. (23) The DVCGE will provide annual reports to the Academic Board on all types of academic partnerships in the previous year. Where applicable, these reports (except those relating purely to student mobility) will include: (24) The annual report to the Academic Board on student mobility partnership in the previous year will include information on student numbers, relevant information from student evaluation surveys and any issues in relation to quality assurance that have been identified. (25) Between six and nine months prior to the expiration of a contract for partnerships involving course delivery or student mobility within Australia, the DVCGE in consultation with Sponsoring Faculty or Faculties will review the operation of each academic partnership. The review forms the basis for the renewal and/or renegotiation of each partnership agreement. (26) For the purpose of this Procedure:Academic Partnerships procedure
Section 1 - Preamble
Section 2 - Purpose
Section 3 - Scope
Section 4 - Policy
Section 5 - Procedure
Establishment and approval
Academic partnerships involving student mobility
Monitoring and review
Section 6 - Definitions
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