(1) This Procedure is effective from 4 December 2017. (2) This Procedure documents the processes for the approval, assessment, award and review of Deakin Hallmarks. (3) This Procedure applies to higher education award courses offered by the University, with the exception of higher degrees by research. (4) This Procedure is pursuant to the Deakin Micro-credentials policy. (5) Proposals for new Deakin Hallmarks are: (6) Hallmark proposals include the following award requirements: (7) Approved Hallmarks are included in associated course specifications. (8) A panel is established by the course director to assess whether a student has demonstrated outstanding achievement which merits the award of a Deakin Hallmark. The panel includes the course director (or nominee) as Chair, at least one other member of the course team and one external member of the relevant industry or professional group. Timing of assessment is determined with reference to course requirements and the needs of different student groups. (9) Possible outcomes of the assessment of the Hallmark are (1) standards and criteria met: Hallmark to be awarded; or (2) standards and criteria not met: no Hallmark awarded. No further grading is applied. (10) Students who apply for but are not awarded a Hallmark will be given timely feedback explaining why the evidence submitted by them did not demonstrate the required level of outstanding achievement. (11) Where the assessment panel determines that an applicant has demonstrated the standards required for the Hallmark, the chair (or nominee) proposes to the Executive Dean (as Chair of Faculty Board) that the Hallmark be awarded. The Executive Dean will approve the award of the Hallmark where satisfied that the requirements for the award have been fulfilled. (12) Hallmarks are awarded using approved digital credentials delivered through DeakinSync that include the: (13) Deakin Hallmark awards will be recorded as part of the student record of a successful applicant. (14) Where possible, the award of a Hallmark will be acknowledged at a public ceremony. Recipients of Deakin Hallmarks will be strongly encouraged to share their digital credential publically and to future employers. (15) Approved Hallmarks are reviewed annually by course teams and a report is provided to the Faculty Board, including: (16) Faculty Boards decide whether a Hallmark should continue to be offered and approve any revisions to the award requirements or changes to industry partners. Revisions to the award requirements must first be endorsed by the industry or professional partner/s and the Deputy Vice-Chancellor Education (or nominee). Students who have commenced preparation for the achievement of a Hallmark must not be disadvantaged. (17) For the purpose of this Procedure:Deakin Hallmarks procedure
Section 1 - Preamble
Section 2 - Purpose
Section 3 - Scope
Section 4 - Policy
Section 5 - Procedures
Approval of new Deakin Hallmarks
Assessment of Deakin Hallmarks
Award of Deakin Hallmarks
Review of Deakin Hallmarks
Section 6 - Definitions
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