(1) This Policy is effective from 7 November 2018. (2) The law governing information and records management at Deakin University includes both the common law and legislation, including: (3) This Policy documents requirements for the control of University data and information. (4) This Policy applies to all University data, information and records, whether received, created, maintained, copied, disseminated or disposed of by the University in the course of its operations. (5) The University will operate under the following principles developed by the Victorian Government for the Victorian public sector: (6) All data and information held in the University and used by members of the University in their official capacities is considered to be a University asset, will be subject to University control and should be stored appropriately. Confidential, personal and proprietary data or information will be stored, to ensure, as far as is reasonably practicable, that it is protected from corruption, loss, unauthorised access and disclosure. (7) All Relevant Documents will be classified according to the classification schema set out in the Information and Records Management procedure. (8) The University will manage its information to ensure that it meets legislative requirements. (9) All information held by the University, whether created or received, will have an Information Owner. (10) No University information will be sold or have ownership transferred to a third party without the approval of the Vice-Chancellor or nominee. (11) The University will manage its records throughout their lifecycle to ensure that they are a complete and accurate record of its business activities and that they remain the property of the University. (12) The Information and Records Services Team will maintain an information and records management program that includes: (13) To ensure that the confidentiality, integrity and availability of University information is protected, staff will only be provided with access to data and information in accordance with the requirements of their particular role. Staff authorised by the Vice-Chancellor or nominee may: (14) The University Information Manager or nominee will receive and act on any notifications of alleged breaches of information and records management policy, procedures or guidelines. (15) Information and records management is mandatory and required of all stakeholders including staff, contractors and volunteers. (16) All Directors, Managers and Coordinator are responsible for monitoring staff under their supervision to ensure that they understand and comply with information and records management policies and procedures, fostering and supporting a culture within their workgroup that promotes good record management practices, assessing and monitoring compliance with this Policy and the Standards, and reporting any identified compliance breaches or incidents. (17) All members of staff (including volunteers and those under contract) have a responsibility to create, capture and manage appropriately complete and accurate records of the University’s business, including records of decisions made, actions taken and transactions of daily business. (18) The Information and Records Management procedure documents how to comply with this Policy. (19) For the purpose of this Policy:Information and Records Management policy
Section 1 - Preamble
Top of PageSection 2 - Purpose
Section 3 - Scope
Section 4 - Policy
Principle 1
Information is valued and governed as an asset.
Principle 2
Information is created and managed digitally.
Principle 3
Information is fit for its intended purposes and is easy to find, access and use.
Principle 4
Information management capability is fostered and embedded into how the University does it work.
Section 5 - Procedure
Section 6 - Definitions
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(See the Victorian Government’s Enterprise Solutions website or the University’s Information and Records Services website for further information.)