(1) This Procedure was approved by Academic Board on 20 November 2012 and incorporates amendments to 17 November 2015. (2) This Procedure is pursuant to the Higher Degrees by Research (HDR) policy and includes the following schedule: (3) This Procedure outlines the processes involved for academic staff in the supervision of students for higher degrees by research (HDR) awards. (4) This Procedure applies to students for HDR, their supervisors, faculties, institutes and University administrators. It does not apply to degrees by coursework or higher doctoral degrees. (5) Refer to the Higher Degrees by Research (HDR) policy. (6) Heads of Academic Units will ensure that supervisors are suitably qualified to supervise HDR students in accordance with Schedule A: Qualifications and other requirements for HDR supervision and are registered with Deakin Research. (7) Only members of Deakin academic staff or approved external supervisors who are registered as supervisors may supervise HDR students. The Pro Vice-Chancellor Research Training and Performance Enhancement may remove a member of academic staff from a supervision team where they are not registered. (8) Heads of Academic Units will ensure that all supervisors have the workload capacity to take on the role, and will not exceed the supervision load limits specified in clauses 21-24. (9) The Head of Academic Unit will ensure that a team of at least two suitably qualified supervisors is established and maintained for all HDR students. Supervision teams will include either a principal or an executive supervisor, and have one of the following compositions: (10) All supervisors must complete ongoing professional development activities as described in Schedule A: Qualifications and other requirements for HDR supervision. (11) Where a principal, executive or co-supervisor has not supervised a student throughout their candidature to successful completion, the Head of Academic Unit will ensure that at least one experienced supervisor is included in the team. (12) The Faculty Executive Dean or Pro Vice-Chancellor Research Training and Performance Enhancement or their nominee will approve the supervision arrangements for each student. (13) If the Head of Academic Unit is proposed as either a principal, executive or co-supervisor, their line manager will take over the responsibilities normally allocated to the Head of Academic Unit in matters concerning HDR candidature, supervision and examination. (14) The Faculty Executive Dean or Pro Vice-Chancellor Research Training and Performance Enhancement will apply in writing to Deakin Research for permission for a supervisor to be appointed as a research adviser. The application should include: (15) The information is presented to the Research and Research Training Committee for a decision. (16) Research adviser status will be reviewed every three years by the Pro Vice-Chancellor Research Training and Performance Enhancement. (17) The Head of Academic Unit or nominee may recommend the addition or removal of members of the supervision team at any stage of candidature. Proposed changes must be discussed with the student, agreed to by the new appointee and approved by the Faculty Executive Dean or Pro Vice-Chancellor Research Training and Performance Enhancement or their nominee. Changes must be made according to the processes stipulated by Deakin Research. (18) The Head of Academic Unit or nominee can recommend the removal of a person from the supervision team if that person does not meet the requirements of the Higher Degrees by Research (HDR) policy or this procedure. (19) If the principal or executive supervisor is unavailable for more than six weeks, the Head of Academic Unit or nominee must appoint a replacement, either temporarily or permanently, according to the circumstances. (20) Normally the student is enrolled by Deakin Research in the Academic Unit of which the principal or executive supervisor is a member. If a change in the supervision team results in a new principal or executive supervisor being appointed from a different Academic Unit the student's enrolment will normally be transferred to that Unit. (21) Principal, executive and co-supervisors will be limited to a supervisory load not exceeding seven full-time equivalent HDR students, and not more than ten individual HDR students. (22) Co-supervisors (including executive supervisors) share the supervision load between them and count 50 per cent toward the supervision load limits specified above. Workload recognition and recognition of successful completions are also shared. (23) A principal supervisor who has not yet acted in the role of principal, executive or co-supervisor of a student who has successfully completed their HDR will be limited to a supervisory load not exceeding three full-time equivalent HDR students, and not more than five individual HDR students. (24) In addition to the above limits, an associate supervisor will be limited to six full-time equivalent HDR students, and not more than ten individual HDR students. (25) Research advisers do not have a supervisory load limit. (26) For the purpose of this Procedure:Higher Degrees by Research (HDR) Supervision procedure
Section 1 - PREAMBLE
Section 2 - PURPOSE
Section 3 - SCOPE
Section 4 - POLICY
Section 5 - PROCEDURE
Research advisers
Changes to the supervision team
Supervision load limits
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