(1) This Policy is effective from 16 June 2021 (2) This Policy is pursuant to the Academic Board Regulations. (3) This Policy outlines the principles and responsibilities of the University in offering higher degrees by research (HDR). (4) This Policy applies to students for HDR, their supervisors, faculties, institutes and University administrators. It does not apply to degrees by coursework or higher doctoral degrees. (5) The University will offer HDR that: (6) The Academic Board will oversee the introduction, review and quality assurance of HDR courses and HDR supervision. (7) Admission to HDR is conducted in accordance with the Higher Degrees by Research (HDR) Admission, Selection and Enrolment procedure and the Admission Minimum Eligibility Criteria Procedure which document the minimum criteria for admission and selection of applicants into the University’s HDR courses. (8) The University will provide each student with a supervision team throughout the duration of their HDR candidature, at least one of whom will be a suitably qualified and experienced member of Deakin University's Academic staff taking the role of principal or co-supervisor. (9) At least one HDR coordinator will be appointed in each Academic Unit to support HDR students in that Unit. (10) Student supervision will be conducted in accordance with the Higher Degrees by Research (HDR) Supervision procedure. (11) Faculties and the Pro Vice-Chancellor Researcher Development must review the progress of each student in accordance with the Higher Degrees by Research (HDR) Academic Progress procedure. (12) The period of candidature is prescribed by the University. For masters students the time is a minimum of one year and a maximum of two years. For doctoral students the time is a minimum of two years and a maximum of four years. These times are based on full-time candidature, and are doubled for part-time candidature. For students admitted to candidature based substantially on prior publications, the normal limit will be one year equivalent full-time. (13) The assessment of a student's achievement of the course learning outcomes will be conducted in accordance with the Higher Degrees by Research (HDR) Assessment procedure. (14) All joint HDRs are established and delivered in accordance with the requirements of the Higher Education Standards Framework (Threshold Standards) 2021. Where there are differences between Deakin University's policies and procedures and those of the partner institution/s, the parties will determine procedures in accordance with the Higher Degrees by Research (HDR) Partnership procedure. (15) The Faculty Executive Dean is responsible for the oversight of higher degree by research candidature in the faculty as set out in the procedures listed in clause 22. The Pro Vice-Chancellor Researcher Development is responsible for the oversight of higher degree by research candidature in institutes that report to the Deputy Vice-Chancellor Research and Innovation as set out in the procedures listed in clause 22. (16) The Head of Academic Unit is responsible for providing the student with access to resources and facilities necessary for the successful completion of their studies, taking into account the different disciplinary requirements and mode of enrolment. (17) The Head of Academic Unit and the principal or co-supervisor are responsible for ensuring that the quality of the student's research training experience is maintained at an appropriate level, regardless of the mode and location of their enrolment. (18) The principal or co-supervisor has overall responsibility for guiding the HDR student in their research, monitoring and supporting progress toward completion, reporting on the progress of candidature, and nominating examiners. (19) The Graduate Research Academy will administer HDR candidature. (20) All students and supervisors will comply with the Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research, 2018 and are expected to be familiar with the relevant University policies and procedures dealing with professional practice and conduct. Students must also comply with relevant industry standards, professional codes of conduct, contractual obligations involving third parties related to their research and relevant State and Commonwealth legislation. (21) The Autonomous Sanctions Risk Assessment Panel will implement procedures to ensure compliance with the Autonomous Sanctions Act 2011 (Cth) and the United Nations Security Council Sanction requirements for applicants and students from sanctioned countries. (22) The following procedures document how to comply with this Policy: (23) For the purpose of this Policy:Higher Degrees by Research (HDR) policy
Section 1 - Preamble
Section 2 - Purpose
Section 3 - Scope
Section 4 - Policy
Section 5 - Procedures
Top of PageSection 6 - Definitions
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