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Section 1 - Preamble
(1) This Policy is effective from 1 January 2025.
(2) This Policy is pursuant to the Academic Board Regulations.
Top of PageSection 2 - Purpose
(3) This Policy outlines the principles and responsibilities of the University, University staff, graduate research candidates, and associates in offering higher degrees by research (HDR).
Top of PageSection 3 - Scope
(4) This Policy applies to graduate research candidates, their supervisors, faculties, institutes, schools, and University administrators. It does not apply to degrees by coursework.
Top of PageSection 4 - Policy
(5) The University is committed to offering graduate research and joint graduate research programs that:
- meet the standards specified in the Higher Education Standards Framework (Threshold Standards) 2021.
- provide high-quality research training to graduate research candidates. The University will ensure graduate research candidates are informed, empowered, and supported by robust systems. The University’s academically sound programs and supportive environment enable candidates to make well-informed researcher decisions, enhancing their development and success
- promote a research culture of excellence, integrity, professionalism, and mutual respect
- contribute to the University’s strategic research objectives
- develop graduate research candidate capabilities that will equip them for their individual career path
- provide an academic environment that enables the contribution of new knowledge to research disciplines
- align with the University’s Generative AI Framework (see Deakin University Generative AI Framework)
- ensure that the selection process supports diversity and inclusion and meets the standards as outlined in the Higher Degrees by Research (HDR) Admission, Selection and Enrolment procedure and the Admission Minimum Eligibility Criteria Procedure, admitting graduate research candidates who demonstrate the potential for high-quality research and the capability to contribute significantly to their fields of study
- recognise the complexity of graduate research candidate circumstances and provide affordances in candidature to accommodate their diverse needs and situations where practical. Variations to candidature are outlined in the Higher Degrees by Research (HDR) Candidature Procedure
- are committed to providing high-quality research training to graduate research candidates through supervisors who enable a culture of excellence, integrity, professionalism, and mutual respect. Supervision will be conducted in accordance with the Higher Degrees by Research (HDR) Supervision procedure
- are dedicated to monitoring and supporting graduate research candidates' academic progress through regular reviews and feedback in accordance with the Higher Degrees by Research (HDR) Academic Progress procedure
- have rigorous and fair examination processes that uphold the integrity and quality of the University’s graduate research programs. The University’s examinations are designed to assess candidates' ability to conduct independent research and to contribute original knowledge to their fields. To ensure consistency and transparency, we provide clear guidelines and criteria for the examination of graduate research theses. Further, the assessment of a graduate researcher’s achievement of the course learning outcomes will be conducted in accordance with the Higher Degrees by Research (HDR) Assessment Procedure
- ensure equitable complaints and appeals processes to address any concerns or issues that may arise during the candidature
- align each graduate research course code with a faculty, as per the responsibilities articulated in the Higher Education Courses Policy.
(6) The Academic Board will oversee the introduction, review, and quality assurance of graduate research courses and graduate research supervision.
(7) The Pro Vice-Chancellor Researcher Development Academy is responsible for the University-level oversight of:
- graduate research degrees governance, establishing and leading the University’s Graduate Research Strategy, lifecycle, and researcher capability development
- centralised administration of graduate research admissions, candidature, scholarships, and examinations.
(8) The Faculty Executive Dean is responsible for the academic oversight of the graduate research candidature, in line with the principles in clause 5 of this Policy, and regardless of the study mode and location of graduate research candidates’ enrolment as set out in the procedures listed in Section 5 of this policy, including:
- academic assessment and selection of graduate research candidates for entry into graduate research degrees
- ensuring that the quality and experience of the graduate research candidate’s degree in the faculty is maintained at an appropriate level
- ensuring that the Faculty Graduate Research Director and Graduate Research Coordinator(s) are provided with the appropriate resources to enable them to effectively oversee graduate research programs.
(9) The Faculty Graduate Research Director assumes the delegated responsibilities of the Faculty Executive Dean for matters related to graduate research implementation, prioritisation, reviews, approvals, and decision-making. The Faculty Graduate Research Director is responsible for overseeing the graduate research experience, intellectual climate and academic development of graduate research candidates within the faculty.
(10) The Head of School or Director of non-aligned Institute is responsible for:
- providing graduate research candidates with an appropriately qualified supervision team, as well as the resources, facilities, and programs necessary for the successful completion of their research degree, considering the distinctive disciplinary requirements and modes of enrolment throughout the duration of their candidature, in accordance with the procedures listed in Section 5
- ongoing monitoring of the progress of each graduate research candidate in accordance with the Higher Degrees by Research (HDR) Academic Progress procedure
- the performance of the supervision team and ensuring that supervisors are registered in accordance with a process approved by the Pro Vice-Chancellor Researcher Development Academy.
(11) The Graduate Research Coordinator(s) assumes the delegated responsibilities of the Head of School or Director of non-aligned Institute for matters related to graduate research implementation, prioritisation, and decision-making. The Graduate Research Coordinator(s) is responsible for overseeing the graduate research experience, intellectual climate and academic development of graduate research candidates within the school.
(12) The supervision team has overall responsibility for guiding the graduate research candidate in their research, monitoring and supporting progress toward completion, reporting on the progress of the candidate, and nominating examiners. Graduate research candidate supervision will be conducted in accordance with the Higher Degrees by Research (HDR) Supervision procedure.
(13) The principal supervisor will take reasonable steps to ensure that graduate research candidates make any and all disclosures required under the Declaration of Interest Procedure. Any potential, perceived, or actual conflicts of interest involving the graduate research candidate, supervision arrangements, or the proposed project must be appropriately managed by the principal supervisor and overseen by the Head of School or Director of non-aligned Institute, including declarations relating to a candidate’s employment with Deakin.
(14) Graduate research candidates are responsible for:
- maintaining good academic progress and meeting key academic milestones
- completing assigned mandatory training
- identifying any actual or perceived conflicts of interest and informing their supervisory team and making a disclosure in accordance with the Declaration of Interest Procedure
- engaging with the University in line with their mode of study.
(15) All staff, graduate research candidates, and external supervisors are responsible for complying with all relevant Deakin Policies, Procedures, and State and Commonwealth legislation.
(16) All graduate research candidates and supervisors will comply with the Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research, 2018, and with relevant industry standards, professional codes of conduct, and contractual obligations involving third parties related to their research.
(17) The Autonomous Sanctions Risk Assessment Panel will implement procedures to ensure compliance with the Autonomous Sanctions Act 2011 (Cth) and the United Nations Security Council Sanction requirements for applicants and candidates from sanctioned countries.
(18) The Executive Director, Student Services is responsible for admissions criteria and compliance to the extent set out in the Admission Policy.
Top of PageSection 5 - Procedure
(19) The following procedures document how to comply with this Policy:
- Admission Minimum Eligibility Criteria Procedure
- Admission Policy
- Higher Degrees by Research (HDR) Admission, Selection and Enrolment procedure
- Higher Degrees by Research (HDR) Candidature Procedure
- Higher Degrees by Research (HDR) Supervision procedure
- Higher Degrees by Research (HDR) Partnership procedure
- Higher Degrees by Research (HDR) Academic Progress procedure
- Higher Degrees by Research (HDR) Assessment procedure
- Higher Education Courses Policy
- Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Policy
- Declaration of Interest Procedure.
Top of PageSection 6 - Definitions
(20) For the purpose of this Policy:
- Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research, 2018: Commonwealth guidelines for the ethical and responsible conduct of research.
- Autonomous Sanctions Risk Assessment Panel: the panel established by the University to assess whether HDR applicants and students and their projects comply with the Autonomous Sanctions Act 2011 (Cth) and the United Nations Security Council Sanction requirements.
- Candidature: the enrolment in Graduate research degree, including all applicable academic milestones
- Faculty Graduate Research Director: A single role per faculty, allocated to a member of academic staff who is the representative of the Faculty Executive Dean and whose role is to lead the faculty’s graduate research initiatives and practices
- full-time study: The ordinary hours of work for a full-time graduate research candidate is based on 36 hours within a work cycle not exceeding seven consecutive days
- Graduate Research Coordinator: Member(s) of academic staff whose role is to support Graduate research candidates within their assigned unit, under the direction of the Faculty Graduate Research Director
- Graduate research degree / higher degree by research: a doctoral degree (AQF level 10) or a research master’s degree (AQF level 9) in which an approved program of research leads to an original contribution to the field of research and/or practice as defined in the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF).
- Joint Graduate Research Programs: a graduate research program offered jointly by the University and a partner institution or institutions
- maximum completion date: the prescribed time limit for the degree, which is the date by which the thesis must be submitted, including any approved extensions
- mode of study: refers to the method or format in which a graduate research candidate engages with their degree such as the location and if they are full-time or part-time
- non-aligned Institute: an institute that reports directly to the Deputy Vice-Chancellor Research and Innovation
- Principal supervisor: a member of the University’s academic staff who is the leader or co-leader of a Graduate research supervision team and has the responsibility of ensuring that the graduate researchers receive appropriate guidance in their project and support toward successful completion of their thesis and its examination.