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Higher Degrees by Research (HDR) Admission, Selection and Enrolment procedure

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Section 1 - Preamble

(1) This Procedure is effective from 1 January 2025.

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Section 2 - Purpose

(2) This Procedure documents the minimum criteria and processes for admission, selection, and enrolment of applicants into the University’s higher degrees by research (HDR) courses.

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Section 3 - Scope

(3) This Procedure applies to the University’s graduate research courses. It does not apply to undergraduate and postgraduate coursework programs.

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Section 4 - Policy

(4) This Procedure is pursuant to the Higher Degrees by Research (HDR) Policy and Admission policy.

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Section 5 - Procedure

(5) Applicants will follow the application processes for graduate research courses stipulated by the Pro Vice-Chancellor Researcher Development Academy.

Admission criteria

(6) To be considered for selection into a graduate research course, the applicant must meet the following minimum admission academic criteria:

  1. course admission criteria specified in Table 1: Minimum Admission Academic Criteria for Graduate Research Degrees; or
  2. establish to the satisfaction of the Faculty Executive Dean or nominee that they have sufficient academic qualification and relevant research experience, with demonstrated output, to prepare them for graduate research candidature success. Consideration will be given to an individual’s circumstances to recognise different pathways when evaluating an applicant’s preparedness for graduate research.

Table 1: Minimum Admission Academic Criteria for Graduate Research Degrees

Course Level Criteria
Doctoral degree 
Completion of a degree at level 8 or 9 of the Australian Qualifications Framework, with a minimum overall grade equivalent to a Deakin grade of 70%.
The qualifying degree must be in the relevant area and include a research component, equivalent to 25% of the final year’s full-time study.
The research component must include a dissertation or equivalent assessed outputs with a minimum achievement grade equivalent to a Deakin grade of 70%.
Masters Degree (Research)
Completion of a degree at level 8 or 9 of the Australian Qualifications Framework, with a minimum achievement grade equivalent to a Deakin grade of 65%.
The qualifying degree must be in the relevant area and include a research component, equivalent to 25% of the final year’s full-time study.
The research component must include a dissertation or equivalent assessed outputs with a minimum achievement grade equivalent to a Deakin grade of 65%.
Course Specific Criteria 
Master of Philosophy  – offered by the School of Medicine
Meet at least one of the following criteria:
- completion of a master’s degree in the same discipline as the proposed research thesis with a minimum achievement grade equivalent to a Deakin grade of 65%.
- completion of a bachelor’s degree in the same discipline as the proposed research thesis with a minimum achievement grade equivalent to a Deakin grade of 70% for third-year units.
- completion of the pre-clinical component of the Doctor of Medicine (or equivalent degree) at the postgraduate level.
Master of Surgical Research Completion of a bachelor’s degree in medicine (or equivalent) and current registration (or capacity to obtain registration prior to commencing study) to practice medicine in the jurisdiction of study (e.g., registration with the Australia Health Practitioner Registration Agency).
Master of Research (Business)
Meet at least one of the following criteria:
- completion of a bachelor’s degree with a minimum achievement grade equivalent to a Deakin grade of 70% in the final year of study and in a cognate discipline to the proposed research thesis topic.
- completion of a master’s or honours degree with a minimum achievement grade equivalent to a Deakin grade of 70% in a cognate discipline to the proposed research thesis topic.

(7) All applicants must meet the English language proficiency as outlined in Table 2 or equivalent requirements as specified in clauses 25  to 33 of the Admission Minimum Eligibility Criteria Procedure.

Table 2: Graduate Research Degree English Language Requirements

Faculty of Arts and Education
Faculty of Business and Law
Faculty of Health
Faculty of Science, Engineering and Built Environment
Doctoral Degree
CEFR Proficient User Level C1, or
Recognised bachelor degree
CEFR Proficient User Level C1, or
Recognised bachelor degree
Masters Degree (Research)
CEFR Proficient User Level C1, or
Recognised bachelor degree
CEFR Proficient User Level C1, or
Recognised bachelor degree

(8) An applicant’s relevant degree or equivalent qualifying outputs must:

  1. demonstrate sufficient current knowledge, academic attainment, and research experience related to the proposed research topic; and
  2. have been demonstrated typically within the last five years and no greater than eight years.

(9) Additional eligibility for graduate research scholarships is set out in the Higher Degrees by Research (HDR) Scholarships Procedure.

(10) Meeting the minimum admission criteria does not guarantee selection into a course.

(11) A current Deakin staff member must seek additional approval from the Faculty Graduate Research Director prior to being admitted to a graduate research course at Deakin and must demonstrate the following:

  1. the risk of conflicts of interest associated with supervision or candidature is not significant and a risk mitigation strategy has been developed
  2. the staff member has considered the relative merits of undertaking their study at another institution
  3. it is in the staff member's best interests to study a graduate research degree at Deakin.

Autonomous sanctions

(12) In the case of applicants from a country listed under the autonomous sanctions’ requirements, a risk assessment must be carried out by the University's Autonomous Sanctions Risk Assessment Panel using the approved process. This assessment will determine whether the enrolment of the applicant would breach the requirements of the Autonomous Sanctions Act 2011  or the International Relations Regulation Policy.

Thesis by prior publications

(13) Applicants may apply to complete a thesis based substantially on prior publications. The applicant must demonstrate, to the satisfaction of the Faculty Graduate Research Director, that:

  1. the prior publications could form a coherent body of work by the applicant that demonstrates an original contribution to knowledge in the relevant discipline. For a doctoral applicant, this contribution must be significant.
  2. the prior publications are deemed to be recent, the definition of which may vary by discipline.
  3. the prior publications involve a substantial contribution by the applicant as an author and appear as a peer-reviewed academic output.
  4. the research leading to the publications was conducted in a way consistent with university research integrity requirements.

(14) Applicants for a PhD by prior publication who are successful in attaining admission are automatically granted block credit for prior learning of three years and will complete the course within the remaining six months full-time or 12 months part-time enrolment. During this time, candidates develop a critical introduction, a section that describes how all the publications are linked, and a conclusion that provides a synthesis, demonstrates the significance of the work and its originality, and offers directions for future research.

Transfers from another institution

(15) An applicant enrolled in a graduate research course at another institution may apply to transfer to Deakin. To be considered, the applicant must meet all minimum admission and selection criteria as described in this procedure. International applicants are required to seek and demonstrate that they have any required permissions before applying to transfer to Deakin. The consumed load at the previous institution determines the applicant’s maximum completion date at Deakin.


(16) A former Deakin University graduate research candidate whose enrolment has been terminated, discontinued, or withdrawn may apply to be readmitted to Deakin. To be considered, the applicant must meet all minimum admission and selection criteria as described in this procedure. The previously consumed load at Deakin and any other institutions will be considered when determining the applicant’s maximum completion date.

(17) Graduate research candidates may be considered for readmission for the purpose of submitting their thesis.


(18) The selection process aims to be fair and transparent and to ensure that admitted candidates have the academic preparation and English proficiency needed to succeed in the graduate research course.

(19) Selection processes will abide by the University’s Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Policy.

(20) The Faculty Graduate Research Director will assess the suitability of the applicant and likelihood of success in the course through examination of evidence, which may include interviews, and will consider:

  1. whether the applicant meets the admission criteria outlined in clauses 6 and 7
  2. whether the applicant can meet the standards of responsible and ethical behaviour and conduct expected of all University students, as set out in the Student Code of Conduct
  3. the alignment of the proposed field of study with Faculty/Institute and University research priorities
  4. the feasibility of the applicant completing the proposed research project within the prescribed period of candidature
  5. the availability of an appropriate supervision team in accordance with the Higher Degrees by Research (HDR) Supervision procedure
  6. the availability of adequate resources according to clauses 22 to 24
  7. the availability of research resources, consumables, and equipment reasonably expected to be required for the completion of the proposed research project
  8. the applicant's intended location(s) of study and academic environment(s)
  9. whether the enrolment is to be full-time or part-time
  10. whether the resulting thesis will be examinable.

(21) For international applicants, additional assessments by the Faculty Executive Dean and Faculty Graduate Research Director will be made to consider:

  1. any potential impacts on student or project success related to anticipated visa delays or rejections
  2. whether the applicant and their project have been assessed by Deakin under the Autonomous Sanctions legislative requirements and have been determined as low risk or been approved by the Australian Government's Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade
  3. other relevant legislation such as Critical Technologies in the National Interest, and Defence Trade Controls.

Resource requirements

(22) Faculties are required to provide all graduate research candidates with the minimum resources described as follows:

  1. bookable work point on-campus, which includes technology equivalent to a computer screen, dock, keyboard, and mouse
  2. access to on-campus office supplies and communal facilities equivalent to staff access, including printing and stationery, kitchen, and appropriate workspaces
  3. Deakin software and systems privileges equivalent to staff, including email and on-campus Internet access
  4. Deakin Library privileges equivalent to staff
  5. a reasonable level of financial support to assist with activities directly related to the candidate’s research, such as fieldwork, research consumables, conference attendance, and other research- related activities or expenses directly arising from their candidature. The specific level of support will be determined by the Faculty/School/Institute and indicated to candidates as part of their induction.

(23) Faculties are required to provide a laptop with a standard operating system and endorsed Deakin software to all on-campus graduate research candidates.

(24) Faculties are required to provide all graduate research candidates with financial support to enable the candidate to present their research at one or more conferences during their candidature. Support can include travel, accommodation, and conference registration with an approximate total value of $5,000. All travel arrangements must be in accordance with the University’s Travel Policy.

Outcome of application 

(25) The Head of School or Director of non-aligned Institute or delegated Graduate Research Coordinator will make a recommendation to the Faculty Executive Dean or Faculty Graduate Research Director for the applicant to be selected.

(26) The Faculty Executive Dean or Faculty Graduate Research Director will consider the recommendation of the Head of School or Director of non-aligned Institute or the delegated Graduate Research Coordinator and will decide whether to make an offer. They will then advise the Researcher Development Academy, which will notify the applicant of the outcome in writing.

(27) Where an offer of candidature is made, it will include the following terms and conditions:

  1. any credit granted
  2. the nominated supervision team
  3. the location(s) of study
  4. whether the enrolment is full-time or part-time
  5. the date of commencement of candidature
  6. the expected completion date of candidature
  7. compulsory requirements, such as coursework (including required grades where relevant), research integrity training and occupational health and safety
  8. tuition fees
  9. terms and conditions of any scholarship or offer the applicant is asked to consider
  10. any other relevant terms or conditions.

(28) The University may withdraw an offer for any reason before the applicant’s acceptance.

(29) The University may decline to make an offer, withdraw an offer, or terminate a candidate’s enrolment where an offer has been made based on incomplete, inaccurate, fraudulent, or misleading information supplied by the applicant or certifying authority. In these circumstances, fees paid may be forfeited. For international applicants, the University may also decline an offer or terminate enrolment if an applicant does not meet the Genuine Student requirement. (See Genuine Student requirement webpage Department of Home Affairs)

(30) Applicants who are unsuccessful in their application may make a complaint according to the Student Complaints Resolution Procedure.

(31) The University reserves the right to refuse admission of an applicant even where they meet the selection criteria.

(32) International candidates can only be enrolled as per their visa conditions.

Deferral of enrolment

(33) Applicants may apply to the Pro Vice-Chancellor Researcher Development Academy or nominee for deferral of their studies. Deferral will normally be limited to a maximum of 12 months. Requests for longer deferral periods may be considered in compassionate and compelling circumstances. Deferrals may be limited by the requirements of applicable graduate research scholarships and are contingent on the research project and supervision remaining available. International candidates are responsible for updating pending visa applications and any required visa extensions will be at their own cost.

Miscellaneous obligations

(34) A graduate research candidate may not be enrolled or enrol in another course, including at another institution, while enrolled in a Deakin graduate research course without the approval of the Pro Vice-Chancellor Researcher Development Academy or nominee.

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Section 6 - Definitions

(35) For the purpose of this Procedure:

  1. applicant: an individual seeking admission to a graduate research degree
  2. block credit: credit granted towards whole stages or components of a course, such as a trimester/s or a year/s of full-time study in that course, rather than for specific units
  3. candidature: as defined in the Higher Degrees by Research (HDR) Policy
  4. credit for prior learning (CPL): credit granted for relevant prior learning
  5. full-time study: as defined in the Higher Degrees by Research (HDR) Policy
  6. graduate research candidate or graduate researcher: as defined in the Higher Degrees by Research (HDR) Policy
  7. graduate research degree: as defined in the Higher Degrees by Research (HDR) Policy
  8. international graduate research candidate: a student enrolled in a graduate research degree who is not an Australian citizen or permanent resident or New Zealand citizen
  9. maximum completion date: as defined in the Higher Degrees by Research (HDR) Policy
  10. non-aligned Institute: as defined in the Higher Degrees by Research (HDR) Policy
  11. part-time study: The ordinary hours of work for a part-time graduate research candidate is based on 18.5 hours within a work cycle not exceeding seven consecutive days.