(1) This Procedure is effective from 21 June 2023. (2) This Procedure is made under the following legislation: Academic Board Regulations Part 7. (3) This Procedure outlines the requirements and processes in the administration of end-of-unit assessments and examinations in undergraduate and postgraduate award courses other than higher degrees by research. (4) This Procedure applies to administrative arrangements for end-of-unit assessments and examinations in undergraduate and postgraduate award courses other than higher degrees by research, and to all staff and students. (5) Information about the design of end-of-unit assessments and examinations can be found in the Assessment (Higher Education Courses) procedure . (6) This Procedure is pursuant to the Higher Education Courses policy. (7) The information outlined in this section applies to all end-of-unit assessments and examinations scheduled in the end-of-unit assessment period. (8) End-of-unit assessments occur in the end-of-unit assessment period and (9) Examinations occur in the end-of-unit assessment period and (10) End-of-unit assessments and examinations may include practical, oral and performative tasks. These can be delivered online or on-campus, with marking either during or post-delivery. Approval for these assessment tasks and the rules for administering them are the responsibility of the relevant Faculty Committee. (11) The Executive Director, Student Services, under the general direction of the Academic Board, is responsible for the arrangements necessary for scheduling end-of-unit assessments and examinations. This includes: (12) Faculty teams are responsible for scheduling end-of-unit assessments and examinations where a student is sitting as a result of receiving special consideration outcome 4 (an alternative assessment task is provided for the student). (13) Student Services work collaboratively with the Faculty Learning Innovations and the Digital Learning teams within Deakin Learning Futures (DLF) to set up end-of-unit assessments and examinations. (14) Faculties and Student Services staff members are jointly responsible for the security of documentation relating to end-of-unit assessments and examinations. (15) All staff must give highest priority to the security of end-of-unit assessment and examination materials during all stages of the assessment process. At no point should end-of-unit assessment or examination materials be released to unauthorised personnel, or students, prior to the scheduled start time. (16) Unit teams must observe strict electronic and physical security protocols in writing, collating and communicating end-of-unit assessment and examination materials: (17) Faculties will have in place security processes for managing all end-of-unit assessment and examination content while it is in the control of Faculty staff. (18) The Unit Chair, or nominee, must submit to the relevant Faculty Learning Innovations team either: (19) Statutory declarations stating that a student will not reveal the contents of an end-of-unit assessment or examination must not be used as an alternative to clause 11, 15 and 18. (20) End-of-unit assessment and examination materials will be submitted via Deakin supported secure online systems that allow electronic transfer. Email submission is not permitted. (21) Faculty Learning Innovation teams, supported by the Student Services Assessment Team are responsible for the provision of electronic online end-of-unit assessment and examination content and associated materials to students, via the Learning Management System and Deakin supported systems. (22) End-of-unit assessments and examinations typically: (23) Students with an approved Access Plan may have alternative start times and/or duration of their end-of-unit assessments and examinations. (24) The University provides campus spaces including use of a Deakin computer, for students who have a compelling reason that prevents them from completing an exam at their location. (25) Faculties will designate assessors who are authorised to access online end-of-unit assessment and examination responses for specified units. (26) Assessors must have a current University staff user account. Access to end-of-unit assessment and exam responses will be assigned and authenticated using the assessor’s Deakin login credentials. (27) For online examinations, an online proctoring service will be engaged by Student Services to provide: (28) The proctoring company will provide reports of recordings where suspicious student behaviour has been identified. Recordings that contain suspicious behaviour will be reviewed by Student Services team members who are trained to identify potential academic integrity breaches. (29) For on-campus examinations Student Services will engage examination supervisors to ensure: (30) Where a staff member has reason to believe that the security or academic integrity of an end-of-unit assessment or examination has been compromised (e.g., such as a leaked assessment), the staff member must immediately advise the following staff: (31) If a security breach occurs and the end-of-unit assessment or examination has not been held, the Associate Dean (Teaching and Learning) will consult with the Manager of Assessments, Student Services to determine the appropriate course of action. A replacement assessment may be issued, taking into account: (32) If a security breach occurs and the end-of-unit assessment or examination has already been administered, the Faculty Academic Progress Chair in collaboration with the Associate Dean(Teaching and Learning) will review the marks and take appropriate action. The Chair will advise the Manager of Assessments, Student Services, of any change of marks/grades or of the allocation of an interim administrative grade (e.g., RI, RW). (33) Students are to be advised of any change to, or delay in finalising assessment in the unit and the details of any alternate or additional assessment which may be required. (34) When assessment has been completed, students will be notified of their results via the standard result notification process. (35) Any breach of end-of-unit assessment or examination security or any act that jeopardises the integrity or management of the assessment will be dealt with under the relevant University legislation, policies, and procedures for staff and/or student misconduct and discipline. (36) Upon completion of marking the Faculty Academic Progress Committee consider student outcomes and the release of final results to students. The Faculty must make arrangements for the secure online storage of materials for a minimum retention period of six months after administrative use has concluded. (37) If a review or appeal process relating to an assessment is commenced within the six-month period, the assessment must be retained until completion of the process. (38) Faculties must ensure that records are retained in accordance with the Information and Records Management policy including any supporting documentation for decisions about special consideration applications, amendments to results and supplementary assessment. (39) Student Services and Faculties will facilitate the archiving of all end-of-unit assessments and examinations. Information and Records Services will maintain the archive. Records will be stored electronically on a secure server and may only be accessed with the appropriate Faculty authority. (40) At all times students must follow directions provided by Unit Chairs and Student Services within the end-of-unit assessment or examination environment. (41) Students are not permitted to share or reproduce any assessment information. This includes (but is not limited to) screenshot, copy, remove items, or use devices to photograph, record, video, live stream or otherwise document content of end-of-unit assessment or examination. Except where explicit approval has been provided as part of the instructions. (42) Students are not permitted to circumvent the security of the exam supervision. (43) Student responsibilities for online end-of-unit assessments and examinations: (44) Student extra responsibilities for digital on-campus examinations (only): (45) Student extra responsibilities for on-campus paper-based examinations (only): (46) End-of-unit assessments (only): students will be allowed to use all resources there are no restrictions on the permitted resources students may access during the assessment; excluding use of contract cheating sites, artificial intelligence content generation sites, resources that compromise the purpose of the assessment task and help from peers or others (unless otherwise outlined in the assessment instructions). (47) As per the information specified in the unit instructions, it is a student’s responsibility to ascertain whether they are permitted to bring to the examination: (48) In paper-based examinations, students should bring their own writing equipment in a clear non-coloured plastic bag e.g., pens, pencils (2B pencils are recommended) and erasers. These items will not be supplied at the examination. (49) Limited items of food and drink will be allowed at the discretion of the Chief Supervisor in the case of on-campus examinations. Items of food or drink that may reasonably be expected to cause disruption or inconvenience to other students are not permitted in the examination room. (50) Where a student is in possession of unauthorised material, this may lead to failure in the examination or unit or other more severe penalties as determined by the Faculty Academic Integrity and Progress Committee in accordance with Academic Board Regulations Schedule 1. (51) Materials other than the authorised materials as per clause 46-49 must not be present in the immediate vicinity. Materials prohibited from being present in online examinations include: (52) Materials other than the authorised materials as per clause 46-49 must not be present in the examination location or immediate vicinity. Materials prohibited from being present in on-campus examinations include: (53) The Unit Chair, or nominee, must submit to Student Services two versions of each paper-based examination as per clause 18. The examination papers will be submitted via a secure online electronic submission system. Email submission is not permitted. (54) Paper-based examinations that are required for supplementary or special examinations must be submitted by the Unit Chair or nominee in accordance with the dates issued by Student Services. (55) The Assessments Group, Student Services, is responsible for the secure printing and storage of printed examinations. (56) The Assessments Group, Student Services, is responsible for all aspects of the distribution of paper-based examinations and associated examination materials. (57) The collating, packaging and dispatch of paper-based examinations and associated materials must be undertaken in a secure area. All materials dispatched must be systematically recorded by Student Services to facilitate an accurate reconciliation upon return. (58) All campus-based examination venues must have secure storage facilities available from the time of receipt of materials until the conclusion of the end-of-unit assessment period. (59) No examination materials are to be dispatched to a venue without a signed declaration by the Chief Supervisor at that venue stating that all University requirements will be adhered to. (60) Examination supervisors will not permit students to remove any examination material from the examination room. (61) Arrangements for collection of paper-based examination material will vary from campus to campus. Faculties will designate ‘assessors’ who are authorised to collect examination material for specified units. All assessors will be contacted by the Assessments Group when paper-based examinations are ready for collection. (62) Assessors should contact the Assessments Group as soon as possible should alternative arrangements be required for the collection of completed paper-based examination materials. (63) A University staff identification card must be provided by the Collector and examination materials and answer booklets counted and signed for by the Collector. (64) All unused paper-based examination materials are to remain in the custody of the Assessments Group in secure storage for later destruction. (65) For the purpose of this Procedure:End-of-Unit Assessment and Examinations Procedure
Section 1 - Preamble
Section 2 - Purpose
Section 3 - Scope
Section 4 - Policy
Section 5 - Procedure
Information Relating to Administration of End-of-Unit Assessments and Examinations
Security of end-of-unit assessments and examinations
Submission and delivery of online end-of unit assessment and examination materials
Timing of end-of-unit assessments and examinations
On-campus spaces for end-of-unit assessments and examinations
Access to online end-of-unit assessment and examination response by assessors
Supervision of examinations
Suspected security breach
Disciplinary action
Storage and archiving of end-of-unit assessments and examinations
Student Responsibilities
Conditions of End-of-Unit Assessments and Examinations
Authorised Materials
Materials that may be used in end-of-unit assessments
Materials that may be used in online examinations
Materials that may be used in paper-based examinations
Unauthorised Materials
Materials that must not be present in online examinations (Unauthorised Material)
Materials that must not be present in on-campus examinations (Unauthorised Material)
Administrative Management of Paper-Based Examinations
Submission of Paper-Based Examinations Materials
Printing, Storage and Distribution of Paper-Based Examinations Materials
Document Management at Examinations Venues
Collection of Completed Examination Papers by Assessors
Section 6 - Definitions
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