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Coursework Scholarships, Bursaries and Prizes procedure

This is the current version of this document. To view historic versions or versions that have not yet come into effect, click on the Historic or Future version links in the navigation bar.

Section 1 - Preamble

(1) This Procedure is effective from 27 October 2014.

(2) This Procedure is pursuant to the Statute 6.1 - University Property, Facilities, Fees and Charges.

Governing law

(3) The law governing coursework scholarships, bursaries and prizes at Deakin University includes:

  1. Deakin University Act 2009 (Vic)
  2. Education Services for Overseas Students Act 2000 (Cth)
  3. Higher Education Support Act 2003 (Cth)

(4) and the following Statutes and Regulation of the University:

  1. Statute 2.2 - The Academic Board
  2. Statute 6.1 - University Property, Facilities, Fees and Charges
  3. Regulation 6.1(1) - Gifts and Bequests
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Section 2 - Purpose

(5) This Procedure documents the requirements for establishing scholarships, bursaries and prizes offered by the central Scholarships Office and Faculties.

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Section 3 - Scope

(6) This Procedure applies to scholarships, bursaries and prizes offered by the central Scholarships Office and by Faculties. It does not apply to higher degree by research scholarships offered by Deakin Research and Innovation Portfolio.

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Section 4 - Policy

(7) Refer to the Statute 6.1 - University Property, Facilities, Fees and Charges.

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Section 5 - Procedure

(8) The University will establish awards from University resources, external sources (including Commonwealth scholarship funding) or donations.

(9) Awards may be offered and administered by the central Scholarships Office or by Faculties in accordance with this Procedure.

(10) The Executive Director, Student Services will make recommendations annually to the Senior Management Group (SMG) on the range of awards to be offered each year by the Scholarships Office and the resources needed to fund those awards.

(11) The Vice-Chancellor, on the advice of the SMG, will determine the range of University-wide awards offered by the Scholarships Office from year to year.

(12) Faculty Boards are responsible for overseeing the awarding of Faculty offered awards.

New awards

(13) A Pro Vice-Chancellor, or the Senior Deputy Vice-Chancellor Academic, or the Deakin Advancement may seek to establish a new award by submitting a proposal using a template available from the Scholarships Office.

(14) A panel comprising the Executive Director, Student Services (Chair) and two representatives nominated by the Chair, Academic Board will make recommendations on proposed new awards to the Deputy Vice-Chancellor Global Engagement.

(15) The Deputy Vice-Chancellor Global Engagement, on the advice of the panel, will determine whether to establish a new award.

Scholarships and bursaries

(16) All scholarships and bursaries will be publicly promoted. The Scholarships Office will place appropriate information and announcements on the Deakin scholarships and awards website, and the relevant VTAC Scholarships sites.

(17) The Scholarships Office will publish full eligibility and selection criteria via the Deakin scholarships and awards website.

(18) Applicants must meet the prescribed eligibility criteria to be considered for a scholarship or bursary and selection will be in accordance with the criteria published for each scholarship or bursary.

(19) In accepting a scholarship or bursary a student must agree in writing to the terms and conditions attached to that scholarship or bursary.

(20) Each student holding a scholarship or bursary will be assessed at least annually by the Scholarships Office or, in matters of academic standards, the relevant Faculty. Where a student fails to meet the eligibility criteria the Scholarships Office or Faculty will apply the terms and conditions of the scholarship and advise the student whether the scholarship or bursary is to:

  1. continue subject to the student satisfying specified conditions before the next assessment; or
  2. cease.


(21) The selection criteria for prizes and the benefits conferred will be specified in the University Handbook and/or on the website of the Faculty in which prospective awardees are enrolled.

(22) Faculty Boards is responsible for approving the selection criteria for prizes offered by that Faculty.


(23) The Scholarships Office is responsible for the central administration of awards, including providing information in respect of the expenditure of funds from the Commonwealth and donors.

(24) Each Faculty must provide information on the scholarships and bursaries it offers and administers to the Scholarships Office for the purposes of public promotion as set out at clause 15 above.

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Section 6 - Definitions

(25) For the purpose of this Procedure:

  1. award: a scholarship, bursary or prize awarded to a student on the basis of academic excellence, outstanding achievement and/or access and equity.
  2. bursary: a full or partial remission of fees.
  3. prize: an award made in recognition of a student's achievement - prizes are for past achievements and cannot be made conditional on further study or continued high achievement.
  4. scholarship: financial aid, either in cash or kind, awarded to a student to help pay for their education. In-kind payments may include all or part of tuition expenses or accommodation costs.