(1) This Procedure is effective from 9 December 2024. (2) This Procedure documents processes relevant to admission of students into award courses and relevant non-award offerings. (3) This Procedure applies to admission of students into award courses and relevant non-award offerings. (4) This Procedure is pursuant to the Admission policy. (5) To be considered for selection applicants must meet minimum eligibility criteria comprising: (6) Selection is carried out by selection officers as specified in the Admission policy. Selection officers will be provided with appropriate training to fulfill policy responsibilities, including but not limited to managing conflicts of interest as regulated by the Declaration of Interest procedure. (7) Selection is not guaranteed for applicants who meet or exceed minimum eligibility criteria. (8) Selection is based on holistic consideration of merit, likelihood of success, availability of places, participation requirements, regulatory requirements, and individual circumstances. (9) Individual circumstances may be considered during selection as specified in Section 6 and are published on the Deakin University Special Entry Access Schemes website. (10) Summary statistics describing selection outcomes are published annually for every course on the Deakin website. (See Deakin University Courses website) (11) The University will publish evidence of minimum eligibility criteria on the Deakin website. (See Deakin University How to Apply website ) (12) Evidence of meeting minimum eligibility criteria may include one or more of the following: (13) Applications for admission may be made in the following ways: (14) All applicants who meet minimum eligibility criteria are assessed by selection officers on one or more of the following: (15) Applicants who meet minimum eligibility criteria applying through VTAC, with a recent secondary study are ranked by the Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR) or approved criteria; adjustments to aggregate study scores will be made by the University, as specified in Section 6 below. (16) Applicants with recent secondary education, applying directly to Deakin will be considered if their ATAR is at or above the Lowest Selection Rank to which an offer was made for the course and campus in the most recent VTAC selection period; adjustments to aggregate scores will be applied as specified in Section 6 below. (17) Applicants applying directly to Deakin on any other basis, including post-secondary study and work/life experience, will be considered by selection officers in a manner consistent with clause 8. (18) Offers are made by selection officers on a rolling basis to applicants who have met the admission criteria (subject to the availability of places), except for courses where a quota of places has been established. (19) Meeting minimum eligibility and selection requirements does not guarantee an offer for a place in a course. Offers are made by selection officers based on ranked order and the number of places available to achieve enrolment targets. (20) Where a quota of places has been established for a course, staff designated by faculty Executive Deans will assess and determine a ranked listing of applicants who meet the admission criteria and make offers to applicants based on the ranked order and number of places available. (21) One of the following types of offer may be made: (22) Staff designated by the faculty Executive Deans determine notional ATARs for undergraduate courses and Weighted Average Marks for select honours courses, postgraduate coursework courses and Higher Degrees by Research to inform prospective students of likely course criteria. (23) International applicants who apply based on an overseas secondary or tertiary qualification are considered for selection against criteria that are comparable to the relevant course admission standards applicable for the year of entry. (24) Selection officers assess the equivalence of international qualifications and other relevant evidence to minimum eligibility criteria, consulting where appropriate: (25) The Equivalence Register for minimum eligibility criteria is overseen by the Executive Director Student Services (or nominee) and is accessible to authorised staff involved in admission and selection. (26) Students wishing to change their enrolment to a new course or campus may apply for internal course transfer. (27) The minimum eligibility criteria for course transfers in coursework programs are set by Faculty Boards. (28) Minimum eligibility criteria for course transfer will be communicated to current students via the Deakin website. (See Deakin University Course Transfers website ). (29) Minimum eligibility criteria for course transfer will be consistent with the level of academic preparation and proficiency required for selection into the course for all applicants. Course transfer criteria may include but are not limited to: (30) The University may grant credit into the new course as part of the transfer process in accordance with the Recognition of Prior Learning Policy. (31) In deciding whether to approve a transfer of course, or transfer to another campus or funding category, selection officers will consider: (32) Where published requirements are not satisfied, transfers may be approved on a case-by-case basis by the Faculty Executive Dean or nominee and must be reported to Faculty Board. (33) Course, campus and funding category transfers will normally occur prior to the commencement of a study period. (34) Students applying for transfer back to a course or campus they have transferred from will be treated as applying to transfer to a new course. (35) Deferral will not be granted for students for whom an internal course transfer has been offered. (36) Applicants who receive an offer of a place in a course may apply to defer their studies. (37) Deferral will not be granted for non-award offerings, single units, cross-institutional enrolments, or Deakin Accelerate. (38) The University will normally allow domestic students to defer their studies for up to 24 months and international students for 12 months. The Faculty Executive Dean or nominee may consider requests from students for longer or shorter deferral periods in special circumstances. (39) Any approved study completed in the period of deferment cannot be used to gain recognition of prior learning unless specified in the conditions of the deferment. (40) An applicant who has reached the maximum deferral period of two years (or one year for international students) may apply to the Faculty Executive Dean or delegate to extend their deferral if there are extenuating circumstances. (41) If the deferral period lapses, the applicant will be required to apply for admission and to compete for a place at the appropriate time. If the applicant wishes to be considered for a place in a different course, a new application in accordance with standard admission application practices will be required. (42) An applicant whose application to defer their studies has been approved will be guaranteed a place in the coursework award program for which the original offer was made in the following academic year, provided that the course is available to commencing students at that time. (43) A student who is granted deferral will be liable for any tuition fees at the rates applicable in the year in which they enrol. (44) A student who wants to be readmitted following lapse or discontinuation in enrolment must apply for readmission through the appropriate application channel. (45) If a student is seeking readmission following an academic exclusion from the course, the application must be considered and approved by the relevant Faculty Committee as per the Academic Progress Policy. (46) A student is normally not permitted to be re-admitted into discontinued courses. (47) Applicants applying to study at DUELI for a standalone English program may be required to undertake an assessment of their English. (48) The requirements for entry to DUELI programs will be approved by the Pro Vice-Chancellor International and Vice President and published on the DUELI website. (49) Applicants applying to study a Deakin microunit must apply directly to the University. (50) Minimum eligibility criteria for microunits (if any) will be specified on the Deakin website (See Deakin University Courses website) (51) Minimum eligibility criteria for microunits (if any) are made in accordance with the Higher Education Courses Approval and Review procedure. (52) Admission and selection processes for higher degrees by research are described in the Higher Degrees by Research (HDR) Admission, Selection and Enrolment procedure (53) In making holistic judgements on the suitability of an applicant for a course the University will consider their individual circumstances, which may include their membership of designated equity groups, or other priority cohorts. (54) The primary mechanisms by which the University considers individual circumstances are described on the Deakin University Special Entry Access Schemes website (55) To activate a VTAC Special Entry Access Scheme, application applicants must first apply for a course through VTAC. (56) Eligible students will be ranked and selected into courses on the basis of academic merit, likelihood of success and the availability of places. (57) A Special Entry Access Scheme application does not exempt applicants from meeting Deakin minimum eligibility criteria. (58) A Special Entry Access Scheme application does not change the educational results or qualifications of applicants. (59) Consideration through the Special Entry Access Scheme does not guarantee an offer. (60) Selection rankings under the Special Entry Access Scheme take into consideration factors generally outside an individual’s control that: (61) Applicants applying based on a recently completed Australian secondary education will have points added to their aggregate study score to determine an equivalent ATAR. (62) The maximum adjustments in VTAC across adjustment categories, inclusive of equity adjustments, subject adjustments, location adjustments and any course specific adjustments is 27 aggregate points and 12 ATAR points. (63) Adjustment factors will be reviewed on at least a triennial basis as part of reviews of University admission criteria. (64) Adjustments are made on a number of contextual grounds: (65) The Academic Board may approve other entry schemes for considering individual circumstances during selection. Approvals for course-specific programs will be considered using processes described in the Course Approval and Review procedure. Approvals for cohort-specific programs will be considered on the advice of Teaching and Learning Committee. (66) Special entry access schemes approved by Academic Board include: (67) For the purpose of this Procedure:Admission procedure
Section 1 - Preamble
Section 2 - Purpose
Section 3 - Scope
Section 4 - Policy
Section 5 - Procedure
Minimum eligibility criteria
Selection overview
Evidence of eligibility
Application for admission
Selection process
Types of offer
Selection considerations for international applicants
Internal course transfers
Deferral of studies
Deakin University English Language Institute (DUELI)
Higher degrees by research
Section 6 - Individual circumstances
VTAC Special Entry and Access Scheme (SEAS)
Admission and selection adjustment factors
Mature age
Applies to applicants over 21 years of age at 1 January in the year of commencement, unless the offer is deferred.
up to 8 aggregate points
Applies to courses designated by the University as being under-represented by a specific gender. A list of eligible courses is available from the Special Entry Access Schemes webpage.
up to 5 aggregate points
Living or school locations
Applies to applicants with a permanent living address or have attended a school that is identified by the Australian Standard Geographical Classification - Remoteness Areas (ASGC-RA) classification as rural or regional
up to 10 aggregate points
Indigenous Australian
Applies to applicants who are of Australian Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander descent, or identify as a person of Australian Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander heritage and are accepted as such by an Indigenous community.
up to 15 aggregate points
Under-represented school
Applies to applicants who have recently completed secondary education at an under-represented school listed by Deakin University (See Deakin University Special Entry Access Schemes website)
This list of eligible schools will be determined using the Index of Community Socio-Educational Advantage and will include partner schools participating in Deakin’s Engagement and Access Program. up to 10 aggregate points
Non-English speaking background
Applies to applicants who were born outside of Australia in a non-English speaking country, speak a language other than English at home, and have arrived in Australia less than 10 years prior to their course application
up to 5 aggregate points
Disadvantaged financial background
Applies to applicants with circumstances that include individual or family poverty, excessive financial obligations or individual or family economic hardship:
Applicants or parent/guardian may be in receipt of a Centrelink benefit or alternatively may submit an impact statement and statement of support from a third party.
Ratings in this category are given by VTAC (from 1 to 5) are scaled so the disadvantage assessed by VTAC corresponds with the aggregate adjustment given by Deakin as specified (eg. a VTAC rating of 4 would scale to an aggregate adjustment of 8).up to 10 aggregate points
Disability or medical condition
Applies to applicants who may have a disability, impairment or medical condition impacting prior academic achievement.
Applicants must provide an impact statement and a statement of support detailing condition and duration from the treating health care professional. Details of any absences from learning (including duration) should also be included.
Ratings in this category are given by VTAC (from 1 to 5) are scaled so the disadvantage assessed by VTAC corresponds with the aggregate adjustment given by Deakin as specified (eg. a VTAC rating of 4 would scale to an aggregate adjustment of 8).up to 10 aggregate points
Difficult circumstances
Applies to applicants with circumstances may include refugee status, difficult or abusive living environment or natural disaster.
Applicants who have difficult circumstances impacting their prior academic achievement must provide an impact statement and a statement of support from a third party. up to 10 aggregate points
Other entry schemes considering individual circumstances during selection
Top of PageSection 7 - Definitions
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Minimum eligibility criteria are published for every course on course pages of the Deakin website. (See Deakin University Courses website).