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Admission policy

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Section 1 - Preamble

(1) This Policy is effective from 1 May 2023 for admission in the 2024 Academic year and onwards.

(2) This Policy is pursuant to the Academic Board Regulations.

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Section 2 - Purpose

(3) This Policy governs admission of students to the University.

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Section 3 - Scope

(4) This Policy applies to admission of students into award courses and relevant non-award offerings.

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Section 4 - Policy


(5) The University sets admission standards that:

  1. are consistent with the relevant policy and legislation
  2. contribute to a teaching and learning and research training environment of excellent quality
  3. are fair, equitable and transparent
  4. admit students who have a reasonable prospect of success
  5. utilise methods that are reliable and valid
  6. seek to minimise barriers for prospective students, including designated equity groups
  7. are underpinned by appropriate organisational structures and processes.

Minimum eligibility criteria

(6) The Academic Board determines minimum eligibility criteria for admission which include:

  1. minimum requirements for admission to the University are specified in the Admission Minimum Eligibility Criteria procedure encompassing:
    1. minimum academic requirements
    2. minimum English language proficiency requirements.
  2. course minimum requirements which may include:
    1. academic requirements above University minimum such as prerequisite study, qualifications, or specified levels of academic performance
    2. English language proficiency requirements above university minimum
    3. employment experience
    4. non-academic requirements such a Working with Children Check.
  3.  minimum requirements for micro-units and non-award offerings (if any).
Course and non-award offering requirements are approved in accordance with the Higher Education courses policy and Higher Education Courses Approval and Review procedure.


(7) Applicants must follow prescribed application procedures to be considered for selection.


(8) All applicants must satisfy minimum eligibility criteria to be considered for selection. Meeting eligibility criteria does not guarantee selection.

(9) Selection is based on holistic consideration of merit, likelihood of success, availability of places, participation requirements, regulatory requirements, and individual circumstances.

Individual circumstances

(10) The Academic Board determines mechanisms by which individual circumstances can be considered within admission and selection procedures which include:

  1. admission pathways and entry schemes
  2. admission and selection adjustment factors.


(11) The Academic Board is responsible for:

  1. approving minimum eligibility criteria for admission
  2. approving mechanisms for consideration of individual circumstances ensuring minimum eligibility criteria are appropriate for the Qualification level of the course of study and required learning outcomes, as specified in the Australian Qualifications Framework ensuring that recognition for prior learning arrangements preserve the integrity of the course of study in accordance with the Recognition of Prior Learning policy
  3. approving processes for setting and evaluating equivalence to minimum eligibility criteria
  4. reviewing minimum requirements for admission to the University at least triennially
  5. overseeing compliance with admission standards.

(12) Executive Deans are responsible for faculties:

  1. developing specific faculty or course-based minimum eligibility criteria
  2. approving minimum eligibility criteria for course transfers
  3. developing student selection strategies
  4. managing documented agreements that guide selection processes, which may include guidance on international partnerships, pathways programs, Deakin College and VTAC selection strategies
  5. undertaking selection consistent with the Higher Degrees by Research (HDR) Admission, Selection and Enrolment procedure, approved course specific admission processes, and micro-units and non-award offerings (where relevant)
  6. describing eligibility criteria (if any) for entry into micro-units or other non-award offerings.

(13) The Executive Director, Student Services is responsible for:

  1. managing, maintaining and auditing the records of admission decisions, including pathways agreements, and ensuring information is managed effectively in the Student Management System
  2. ensuring compliance with the Education Services for Overseas Students Act and all obligations under the relevant Commonwealth department pertaining to selection and admission requirements
  3. selecting and making offers to students consistent with documented agreements with Executive Deans
  4. appointing selection officers and approving delegated authority where appropriate
  5. ensuring compliance with transparency of admissions requirements
  6. establishing guidelines on evidence requirements and evidence verification processes for admission
  7. maintaining an Equivalence Register for minimum eligibility criteria
  8. maintaining an agreement with third parties for making offers, including but not limited to MIBT trading as Deakin College and the Deakin South Asia Office.

(14) The Executive Vice-President Futures is responsible for:

  1. overseeing publishing of minimum eligibility criteria and information relevant to admission in accordance with relevant legislation and Student Communication and Information policy  
  2. developing and implementing Deakin’s internationalisation strategies relevant to admissions
  3. developing minimum eligibility criteria for admission to Deakin University English Language Institute offerings
  4. managing admission processes for all in-bound and out-bound mobility programs. 

(15) The Senior Deputy Vice-Chancellor Academic is responsible for:

  1. Ensuring the admission related requirements of this policy are effectively upheld in implementation of the Curriculum Design and Delivery procedure and Higher Education Courses Approval and Review procedure

(16) The Deputy Vice-Chancellor Research and Innovation (DVCRI) is responsible for:

  1. managing admission processes for applicants to Higher Degrees by Research courses
  2. selecting and making offers to students consistent with documented agreements with Executive Deans
  3. selecting and making offers to applicants for Higher Degrees by Research courses in institutes that report to the Deputy Vice-Chancellor Research and Innovation.

(17) The Director, National Indigenous Knowledges Education Research Innovation Institute (NIKERII) is responsible for managing admission processes for applicants into NIKERII programs consistent with documented agreements with Executive Deans.

(18) The Chief Executive Officer of DeakinCo. is responsible for:

  1. all matters relating to vocational education and training consistent with obligations under the Australian Skills Quality Authority.
  2. admission process for applicants for employer-reserved places in specified courses, as approved by the Academic Board.
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Section 5 - Procedure

(19) The following support the implementation of this Policy:

  1. Admission procedure
  2. Admission Minimum Eligibility Criteria procedure
  3. Higher Education Courses Approval and Review procedure
  4. Higher Degrees by Research (HDR) Admission, Selection and Enrolment procedure 
  5. Recognition of Prior Learning procedure
  6. Student Communication and Information procedure
  7. Vocational Education and Training procedure
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Section 6 - Definitions

(20) For the purposes of this Policy:

  1. Admission pathway: any one of the options available to a prospective higher education student that will enable them to meet the entry requirements of their chosen courses.
  2. Adjustment factors: often referred to previously as “bonus points”, these are additional points that may be used in combination with an applicant’s ATAR to derive a person’s course Selection Rank. Adjustments do not change applicants’ ATARs, but change their Selection Rank for a particular course or courses.
  3. Course: has the same meaning defined by the Higher Education Courses policy
  4. Entry scheme: a specific admission pathway established under this policy for specified cohorts of prospective higher education students or specified individual circumstances, which may include their membership of a designated equity group, or other priority cohort.
  5. Higher Degrees by Research: has the same meaning defined by the Higher Degrees by Research policy.
  6. Individual circumstances: an applicant’s individual circumstances may be considered during selection. These circumstances include but are not limited to meeting criteria for which applicants may be recognised as belonging to designated equity groups or eligible for the Victorian Tertiary Admission Centre Special Entry Access Scheme (See Victorian Tertiary Admissions Centre (VTAC) webpage).
  7. Micro-unit: has the same meaning defined by the Higher Education Courses policy
  8. Non-award offering: has the same meaning defined by the Higher Education Courses policy
  9. Recognition of prior learning (RPL): a process used to assess an individual’s relevant prior learning (including formal, informal and non-formal learning) to determine the credit that may be granted towards completion of a qualification.
  10. Reliable and valid: means evidence-based admission and selection methods that have been shown to be reasonably predictive of student success. The introduction of new methods is generally guided by evaluation strategies governed by this Policy to establish the evidence-base that warrants their continuation.
  11.  Selection officer: a staff member(s) with delegated authority to select applicants to be offered a place in a course. A selection officer must be conversant with the University's admission and selection criteria.