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Academic Board policy

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Section 1 - Preamble

(1) This Policy is effective from 15 November 2021.

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Section 2 - Purpose

(2) This Policy sets out the functions of the Academic Board and its responsibilities in fulfilling these functions.

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Section 3 - Scope

(3) This Policy applies to the Academic Board.

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Section 4 - Policy

Statement of Authority

(4) The Academic Board is established by Council pursuant to the Deakin University Act 2009 (Vic).

(5) In accordance with the Deakin University Statute (University Statute), the Academic Board is established as the principal academic authority within the University and is responsible to University Council for maintaining the highest standards in teaching, learning and research.

(6) In accordance with the relevant University policy on quality management and reviews, the Academic Board may initiate reviews on academic governance matters.


(7) Functions of the Academic Board are derived from its powers set out in the Deakin University Statute, Council Regulations and Academic Board Regulations.

(8) The business of the Academic Board and its responsibilities cover key components of an academic governance framework: academic governance; academic strategy; academic standards and quality; and academic risk.

(9) The Academic Board fulfills its responsibilities in the following ways:

  1. Academic Governance
    1. Review the Academic Board Regulations and approve amendments, revocation and making of the Regulations
    2. Advice on matters of an academic nature
      1. provide advice to the Vice-Chancellor on the University's draft strategic, financial and operational plans
      2. provide advice to University Council as required
      3. report to University Council as required
      4. call for and consider advice from Faculty Boards as required
      5. generally exercise such other powers prescribed in the University Statute and University regulations or given to it by University Council.
    3. Academic Board's own affairs
      1. establish procedures to meet the Academic Board's own responsibilities, including its compliance obligations
      2. establish committees to advise it on matters related to its functions
      3. ensure clear delegations to the Chair, Academic Board, to committees of the Board and otherwise as required
      4. review Academic Board performance annually against components of the academic governance framework.
  2. Academic Strategy
    1. Contribute to continuous quality improvement measures including University reviews in relation to academic matters
    2. Academic engagement
      1. promote discussion/debate on academic matters within the Academic Board
      2. ensure a culture of collegial cooperation and open discussion within the Academic Board and its committees
      3. initiate reviews on matters of academic governance
      4. be a forum for ideas, debate, advice and discussion around academic matters, relating to accountability, responsibility and governance.
    3. Uphold and promote academic freedom within the University in accordance with the Code for Upholding Freedom of Speech and Academic Freedom
    4. Promotion of alignment of academic governance processes between Academic Board and Faculty Boards.
    5. Consideration of alignment with the University’s strategic objectives.
  3. Academic Quality and Standards
    1. Establishment and maintenance of academic standards
      1. approve academic policies, procedures and associated schedules that define the University's academic standards and monitor their compliance to ensure that they inform and guide academic activity within the University
      2. provide quality assurance and enhancement of good practice in respect of the academic activities of the University
      3. request reviews of academic policies and procedures, as required.
    2. Approval of courses for offer
      1. Introduction of new courses
        1. approve proposals for new courses on academic grounds, in terms of alignment with academic quality and standards
        2. provide final approval for offer of new courses, confirming academic and strategic grounds have been met.
      2. Revision and continuation of existing courses
        1. approve course changes impacting on academic standards
        2. approve continuation of courses for offer, following a Major Course Review.
    3. Approval of admission and selection criteria to the University courses of study.
    4. Make recommendations for the conferral or granting of academic awards.
  4. Academic Risk
    1. Student integrity, progression and academic appeals
      1. provide oversight on quality assurance for academic progress activities
      2. ensure adequate arrangements for the maintenance of student academic and research integrity
      3. ensure adequate procedures for the effective operation of student appeals.
    2. Ensure effective monitoring of academic risk associated with academic standards, through appropriate mechanisms and frameworks.


(10) The Chair, Academic Board shall report to University Council on:

  1. the proceedings of each meeting of the Academic Board, including matters approved by the Chair, Academic Board on behalf of the Board
  2. new and amended University regulations for the academic affairs of the University
  3. new course introductions approved for offer
  4. areas of academic risk including student success and retention, admission, course approval and academic integrity
  5. the implementation of academic policies and procedures to ensure the quality of its teaching, learning and research
  6. the way in which the University facilitates upholding academic freedom.
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Section 5 - Procedure

(11) There is no attendant procedure.

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Section 6 - Definitions

(12) There are no definitions arising under this Policy.