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Higher Degrees by Research (HDR) Candidature Procedure

This is the current version of this document. To view historic versions or versions that have not yet come into effect, click on the Historic or Future version links in the navigation bar.

Section 1 - Preamble

(1) This Procedure is effective from 1 January 2025.

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Section 2 -  Purpose

(2) This procedure outlines the rights, responsibilities, and processes related to graduate research candidature at the University.

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Section 3 - Scope

(3) This procedure applies to all graduate research candidates enrolled in higher degrees by research.

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Section 4 - Policy 

(4) This Procedure is pursuant to the Higher Degrees by Research (HDR) Policy.

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Section 5 - Procedure 

(5) The period of candidature is prescribed by the University. For master’s candidates, the time is a minimum of one year and a maximum of two years, with an expected period of 18 months. For doctoral candidates, the time is a minimum of two years and a maximum of four years, with an expected period of three years. These times are equivalent full-time. For candidates admitted to candidature based substantially on prior publications, the maximum enrolment will be one year with an expected period of six months.

(6) Graduate research candidates who have consumed their maximum candidature and not yet submitted their thesis will assume the status of lapsed. Lapsed candidature status will not normally exceed 12 months.

(7) All jointly supervised (cotutelle) and joint graduate research degrees are established and delivered in accordance with the requirements of the Higher Education Standards Framework (Threshold Standards) 2021. Where there are differences between Deakin University's policies and procedures and those of the partner institution/s, the parties will determine procedures in accordance with the Higher Degrees by Research (HDR) Partnership Procedure.


(8) Graduate research candidates will be offered an induction and orientation to their degree program. The Researcher Development Academy provides advice on effective orientation and induction activities for graduate researchers.

(9) Graduate research candidates, in collaboration with their supervisors, must complete the activities prescribed in the HDR Candidature Engagement Form  within three calendar months of commencing their candidature.

Recognition of prior learning

(10) Enrolled graduate research candidates may request recognition of prior learning for graduate research coursework only by including a written request and supporting evidence (e.g., transcript(s) and subject/unit guide(s)) in their application. Such requests will be assessed by the relevant Unit Chair in accordance with the Recognition of Prior Learning Procedure. Credit for prior learning will:

  1. be granted only for coursework components of the degree.
  2. not be granted for qualifications or work that are prerequisites for admission.

Candidature variations 

(11) A graduate research candidate may apply for:

  1. variations to study-load, location, research topic, supervisory team, or examination type.
  2. intermission of candidature.

(12) Changes to candidature will be made according to processes approved by the Pro Vice-Chancellor Researcher Development Academy or nominee.

(13) Intermission, including for compassionate and compelling reasons, must be requested where a candidate is unable to work on their research and annual leave is not appropriate. The following applies to intermission:

  1. The period of intermission will generally not exceed 12 calendar months in total over the period of candidature, irrespective of whether the candidate is full or part-time.
  2. Intermission will not be granted in the first 12 months of candidature unless there are exceptional circumstances.
  3. Key academic milestones such as Maximum Completion Date and Annual Reviews will be extended to reflect the period of intermission.
  4. Intermission excludes approved leave.

(14) International graduate research candidates who are studying in Australia on a student visa may only apply for intermission, parental leave, or partner leave for documented compassionate or compelling reasons. They must seek the approval of an International Student Support Officer before making an application for intermission. International graduate research candidates must comply with their visa conditions while on intermission and notify the Researcher Development Academy as soon as practicable if any relevant circumstances change.

(15) Where a graduate research candidate applies to change their research topic, the following applies:

  1. If the candidate is from a country listed under the autonomous sanctions’ requirements, the change must be assessed by the University's Autonomous Sanctions Risk Assessment Panel using the approved process to determine whether the change would be in breach of the requirements of the Autonomous Sanctions Act 2011 (Cth). Depending on the country of origin, approval from the Department of Home Affairs may also be required.
  2. If the candidate holds a visa subject to condition 8208 (Critical Technology – Enhanced Visa Screening Measures – See Critical technology - enhanced visa screening measures webpage Department of Home Affairs), they will be required to seek and receive approval, in writing, from the Minister of Home Affairs prior to commencing a new critical technology-related topic.


(16) Graduate researcher candidates are entitled to recreation leave annually from candidature. Recreation leave, also known as annual leave, is an approved absence from the program of up to 20 working days’ equivalent full time and requires approval by their principal or co-supervisor.

(17) Graduate researcher candidates are entitled to take up to 10 working days’ equivalent full-time personal leave per year from candidature, subject to approval by their principal or co-supervisor. Personal leave is available to candidates who are unable to study due to personal illness or injury or who need to care for or support an immediate family or household member due to illness, injury, or unexpected emergency. Recreation and personal leave are included in the candidature duration and accrue fortnightly, with unused portions carrying over from year-to-year.

(18) Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander candidates are entitled to take up to 10 cultural leave days per calendar year, non-cumulative, for cultural and ceremonial obligations.

Additional absence entitlements

(19) Additional leave obligations and entitlements for scholarship holders, including the effect of leave periods on scholarship payment entitlements, are specified in individual scholarship terms and conditions and will be implemented according to the Higher Degrees by Research (HDR) Scholarships procedure.

(20) Graduate research candidates (except for specified international candidates according to clause 14) who have or will have responsibility for the care of a child either by birth (by themselves or their partner) or adoption are entitled to a single continuous period of up to 52 weeks of parental leave from the course. The candidate must provide a medical certificate to confirm their pregnancy and expected date of birth, or a birth or placement certificate, as well as a statutory declaration that they will be the only primary caregiver for the period of the leave (except for up to six weeks when there can be two primary carers of the child).

(21) Graduate research candidates (except for those international candidates specified in clause 14) are entitled to 10 working days’ equivalent full-time partner leave under the following conditions:

  1. their partner is pregnant or the parent of a newborn child, or when the graduate researcher adopts a child under the age of five years
  2. the graduate researcher will not be the primary carer
  3. the leave must be taken during the pregnancy or within three months after the date of the birth or placement of the child.

(22) Graduate researcher candidates may request an additional period of birth-related or primary carer leave of up to 52 weeks to be the primary carer for the same child at any time up to when the child reaches five years of age.

Miscellaneous obligatons 

(23) Graduate research candidates are responsible for ensuring that the University has their correct contact details and for regularly checking their Deakin email for university correspondence. International candidates are required to notify the University of a change of address within seven days.

(24) An International graduate research candidate who receives a change in their visa status must inform the Researcher Development Academy and the International Compliance team within seven days of the visa change notification and provide evidence of this change.

Withdrawal from candidature

(25) Graduate research candidates may withdraw from their course at any time by notifying the Associate Director, HDR Candidature Operations, in writing. Withdrawal may result in an academic and/or financial penalty. The effect of withdrawal on scholarship entitlements is set out in the candidate’s scholarship terms and conditions and the Higher Degrees by Research (HDR) Scholarships Procedure.

Termination of candidature

(26) A graduate research candidate’s enrolment may be terminated by the University in the following circumstances:

  1. the graduate research candidate has not met conditional enrolment requirements specified in the letter of offer.
  2. The graduate research candidate has provided false or misleading information in relation to an application for admission.
  3. The graduate research candidate has breached their responsibilities under the Student Academic Integrity Policy, Research Conduct Policy, or the Student Code of Conduct and termination of candidature has been determined as part of the outcome.
  4. The graduate research candidate has not met the requirements of candidature including:
    1. enrolment or re-enrolment processes
    2. successful completion of the confirmation of candidature or an annual review of candidature by the required date 
    3. submission of the thesis by the maximum completion date or approved lapsed period
    4. maintaining satisfactory academic progress according to the Higher Degrees by Research (HDR) Academic Progress Procedure.
  5. Where staff at the University have tried to contact the candidate in writing and received no reply for one month, and an intermission or leave has not been authorized.
  6. The graduate research candidate has failed to pay tuition fees or other fees by the specified deadline.
  7. It is determined by the Executive Director, Student Services that termination should occur in the interests of the candidate or the University.
  8. Where the graduate researcher or their project is no longer determined as low risk or approved by the Australian Government's Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade under the Autonomous Sanctions’ legislative requirements.
  9. The Pro Vice-Chancellor Researcher Development Academy determines that, within six months of candidature commencement, it is not possible to come to an agreement about changes to the project or supervision arrangements.

(27) The Pro Vice-Chancellor Researcher Development Academy or nominee will review recommendations by the Faculty Executive Dean or nominee to terminate a candidature for reasons outlined in clause 26.

(28) The Researcher Development Academy will inform the graduate researcher in writing that their enrolment has been terminated and the reasons for the termination. If the grounds are for non- payment of fees, Student Services will inform the graduate research candidate and provide the candidate with a limited time to resolve the situation. A graduate research candidate whose enrolment has been terminated ceases to be a student at the University.

(29) Any rights the graduate research candidate has to appeal will be described in the notification letter, and will be in accordance with the Student Appeals Policy.

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Section 6 - Definitions 

(30) For the purpose of this Procedure:

  1. candidature: as defined in the Higher Degrees by Research (HDR) Policy
  2. coursework: units of study in the graduate research program to support candidate’s research capabilities and success
  3. full-time study: as defined in the Higher Degrees by Research (HDR) Policy
  4. graduate research: as defined in the Higher Degrees by Research (HDR) Policy
  5. graduate research candidate or graduate researcher: as defined in the Higher Degrees by Research (HDR) Policy
  6. intermission: a period of time when an enrolled graduate researcher takes an approved break from their studies, excluding recreation leave
  7. international candidate: not an Australian citizen or permanent resident or New Zealand citizen.
  8. international graduate research candidate: a student enrolled in a graduate research degree who is not an Australian citizen or permanent resident or New Zealand citizen
  9. joint graduate research programs: as defined in the Higher Degrees by Research (HDR) Policy
  10. lapsed candidature: a status of being enrolled with zero load. Access to the University library and digital resources are maintained. Fees are not incurred. Supervision is generally not available during lapsed candidature
  11. maximum completion date: as defined in the Higher Degrees by Research (HDR) Policy
  12. partner: a person who (regardless of sex or gender) lives in a relationship as a couple with another person on a genuine domestic basis. The definition also includes a former spouse or de facto partner of the graduate researcher
  13. principal supervisor: as defined in the Higher Degrees by Research (HDR) Policy
  14. recognition of prior learning (RPL): a process used to assess an individual’s relevant prior learning (including formal, informal and non-formal learning) to determine the credit that may be granted.