(1) This Procedure is effective from 7 May 2024. (2) This Procedure sets out the University’s commitment to providing appropriate premises and facilities and sufficient access to those premises and facilities to support members of the University and the University community to fulfil their needs and obligations. (3) This Procedure applies to all University entrants and users of University Property. (4) This Procedure is made pursuant to the Vice-Chancellor Regulations, with particular reference to regulation 5 (Responsibilities of the Vice-Chancellor) and regulation 12 (University Facilities and Premises); and the Property Management Policy. (5) The Deputy Vice-Chancellor, University Services: (6) Authorised Officers are responsible for ensuring that appropriate restrictions and/or conditions are applied to access to areas within their control and responsibility including any Restricted Areas as set out in clause 15. Restricted Areas are designated by signage displayed at the entrance to the area indicating that access is restricted and security controlled. (7) University users must not access restricted areas unless they are specifically permitted to do so under the access provisions set by the Authorised Officer and they are required to do so in the pursuit of their study or duties. (8) When accessing and using restricted areas University users must: (9) An Authorised Officer listed in clause 22 (including their delegate) has the power to withdraw the University’s permission allowing a person to be present on University Property by: (10) An Authorised Officer may give a direction under clause 9 in circumstances where they are reasonably satisfied that such person is: (11) An Authorised Officer must report any exercise of power made pursuant to clause 9 to the Deputy Vice-Chancellor, University Services as soon as possible. (12) Any person who considers that they have been unfairly, incorrectly or improperly directed by an Authorised Officer may, within seven days of the direction being made, seek reconsideration of the direction by written request to the Vice-Chancellor. (13) The Vice-Chancellor (or delegate) upon receiving a request for review of a direction made by an Authorised Officer may take any action that they determine appropriate in the circumstances. (14) Nothing in this Procedure affects: (15) Each Authorised Officer designated in clause 22 may delegate any or all of their powers under this Procedure to: (16) A written delegation signed by a person empowered to make the delegation pursuant to this Procedure shall be sufficient authority for the person or persons however named or described in that delegation to exercise the powers so delegated to them. (17) A written statement issued by the Vice-Chancellor or a member of the University’s Executive, or their delegate, naming a person as the person for the time being occupying a position designated in clause 22, and therefore authorised to exercise powers under this Procedure, shall be sufficient evidence of that occupation. (18) An Authorised Officer may by notice or sign designate areas of University Property as being: (19) A notice or sign caused to be made by an Authorised Officer in accordance with this paragraph shall: (20) Any question or dispute concerning the administration or enforcement of this Procedure shall be referred to the Vice-Chancellor, whose decision shall be final. (21) University users are bound by any terms of use or access of the University’s facilities and premises, whether or not they have been notified about them. The University will make reasonable endeavours to ensure that University users are given adequate notice of any relevant terms of access or use of the University’s facilities and premises. (22) Authorised Officers are: (23) For the purpose of this Procedure:University Property Procedure
Section 1 - Preamble
Section 2 - Purpose
Section 3 - Scope
Section 4 - Policy
Section 5 - Procedure
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Authorised Person
Areas subject to authorisation for the purpose of clause 9
Deputy Vice-Chancellor University Services
Dean of Students
Security OfficerAll University Property
Executive Directors of Divisions
Areas under the control of the relevant Executive Director of the Division
Executive Deans/Principal Officers of Faculties
Premises under the administrative control of each Centre or Institute
University Librarian
Deakin University Libraries
Dean/Principal Officer of the Medical School
Premises under the control of the Medical School
Section 6 - Definitions
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Such delegation must be in writing and signed by the Authorised Officer and does not detract from the Authorised Officer’s right or responsibility to exercise such delegated power or powers.