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Support for Students Policy

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Section 1 - Preamble

(1) This Procedure is effective from 1 January 2024.

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Section 2 - Purpose

(2) To set out how Deakin University supports students enrolled in units and experiencing academic difficulties to successfully complete their studies.

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Section 3 - Scope

(3) This Policy applies across the University and focusses on support for students enrolled in units who are experiencing academic difficulties. Measures to support students facing financial difficulties are set out in the Student Financial Assistance policy, Student Financial Assistance procedure, Higher Degrees by Research (HDR) Admission, Selection and Enrolment procedure and Higher Degrees by Research (HDR) Academic Progress procedure.

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Section 4 - Policy

(4) Deakin University is committed to:

  1. maintaining high academic standards
  2. supporting students to succeed in their studies.

(5) Deakin provides regular, timely and targeted information to all students about student support services.

(6) Deakin regularly monitors and analyses student success and student support services data and trends to inform continuous quality improvement. The University will report deidentified student success and student support services data and trends and compliance with this Policy to the Minister, via Academic Board.

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Section 5 - Procedure

Students at Risk of Not Successfully Completing Units

(7) Deakin will monitor student engagement to identify students who may be at risk of not successfully completing their units.

(8) Deakin will communicate with students identified as at risk to ensure they are aware of support services available to assist them in successfully completing their units.

Support Available to Students

(9) Deakin offers numerous support options for students to assist in successful completion of their units, such as:

All students can access academic and mental health support on-campus or online.

(10) Deakin will publish information regarding support for students on its website.

(11) This Support for Students Policy is supported by the following Deakin policies and procedures which detail specific supports for students including:

outlines the principles governing academic progress standards for students, and responsibilities and processes for promoting and supporting students’ academic progress and includes processes for identifying students at risk of unsatisfactory academic progress and supports available to students to assist them to make satisfactory academic progress.
commits the University to a centralised academic timetable and includes a clause on ‘Meeting students’ needs’.
highlights the importance of making materials delivered in electronic format, including teaching and learning materials or promotional materials, accessible to the diverse cohorts of students.
governs admission of students to the University.
documents processes relevant to admission of students into award courses and relevant non-award offerings.
establishes the minimum requirements applicants must meet to be eligible for admission to the University.
provides the standards for the design and implementation of assessment in undergraduate and postgraduate award courses other than higher degree by research theses. Assessment drives student learning, and the standards given in this Procedure lay a foundation for good practice while providing opportunities for continuous improvement and innovation and includes processes to support students in attempts to demonstrate the unit learning outcomes such as extensions, special consideration and reasonable adjustments.
outlines the University’s commitment to promoting the wellbeing and safety of children connected to the University community.
outlines the process that students, staff and associates are required to follow when they have concerns about the safety of a person under the age of 18 (a child).
sets out the processes that apply to the development and delivery of courses, units and micro-units.
documents the processes for approving and revising Deakin Professional Practice Credentials, the process for assessing knowledge or capabilities that merit the award of credentials and the process for awarding credentials.
articulates the University’s commitment to providing an accessible and inclusive learning and work environment free from discrimination, sexual harassment, victimisation and vilification.
outlines the requirements and processes in the administration of examinations in undergraduate and postgraduate award courses (other than higher degrees by research). It applies to all staff administering examinations and students undertaking examinations.
sets out how the University supports students and staff who are affirming, seeking to affirm or have affirmed their gender.
outlines the University’s support and encouragement of a safe work culture and the provision and maintenance of an environment and work practices that are safe and without risks to health. It applies to staff, contractors, students and visitors.
outlines the requirements for academic progress for higher degree by research students. It does not apply to degrees by coursework or higher doctoral degrees.
sets out the minimum criteria and processes for admission, selection and enrolment of applicants into the University’s higher degrees by research courses. It does not apply to undergraduate and postgraduate coursework programs or higher doctoral degrees.
outlines the assessment processes for higher degrees by research. It does not apply to masters or doctoral degrees by coursework or higher doctoral degrees.
sets out the requirements for establishing and managing partnerships for the delivery of higher degrees by research between Deakin University and one or more partner institutions.
outlines the principles and responsibilities of the University in offering higher degrees by research (HDR). It applies to candidates for HDR, their supervisors, faculties and University administrators.
outlines the processes involved for academic staff in the supervision of students for higher degrees by research awards.
governs the design, development, approval and review of the University’s higher education award and non-award courses and includes the Deakin Curriculum Framework and the Deakin Graduate Learning Outcomes.
documents the process for reviewing, determining and implementing reasonable adjustments for a student of the University with a disability, health condition, mental health condition or carer responsibilities to enable them to fully participate in the University environment on the same basis as other students of the University without a disability, health condition, mental health condition or carer responsibilities.
governs the credit that can be granted towards a University course for prior or concurrent learning.
governs credit that can be granted on the basis of recognition of prior learning (RPL) towards a University course.
outlines the University’s commitment and proactive approach to preventing sexual harm and the support available at the University in responding to sexual harm.
guides and informs the way in which the University will support and respond to any matter involving sexual harm.
outlines the principles and responsibilities for promoting and supporting student academic integrity standards.
sets out the processes for educating students about academic integrity and responding to allegations of breaches of academic integrity standards.
applies to all student appeals and provides a framework for the University to respond to student appeals in a way that reflects the University’s commitment to principles of equity and social justice, and ensures that appeal processes are transparent, consistent and fair.
documents the appeals processes for students under the relevant academic progress, assessment, academic integrity, research integrity and student misconduct procedures relating to students enrolled in the University’s award courses.
sets out the standards of responsible and ethical behaviour and conduct expected of Deakin students as part of contributing to a thriving, progressive, respectful and inclusive University community.
sets out the framework for effective and timely communication and information between the University and current and prospective students.
provides instruction for effective and timely communication with current and prospective students.
provides a framework for responding to concerns and resolving complaints made by students in a way that contributes to a supportive and fair learning environment. It applies to concerns and complaints by current, former or prospective students.
documents the University’s student complaints resolution process and outlines the avenues available for students to resolve their concerns or complaints.
outlines how the range of measures for financial assistance are administered and how eligible students can apply.
sets out processes for the administration of the various measures for student financial assistance.
to govern the development, approval, maintenance and evaluation of student international programs and any student international placements within University academic programs.
details the process for dealing with misconduct by students.
sets out the processes to be followed by University staff, students and hosts when facilitating and managing compulsory and elective student placements.
sets how the University manages the enrolment and care of domestic students aged under 18 years of age at the commencement of their course, and guides parents/guardians and the University community on actions to minimise risk to the wellbeing of these students.
governs the endorsement, delivery and assessment of the University’s Vocational Education and Training (VET) award courses.
documents the University’s VET course endorsement process.
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Section 6 - Definitions

(12) There are no definitions arising under this Policy.