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Domain Name Registration Procedure

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Section 1 - Preamble

(1) This Procedure is effective from 15 February 2024.

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Section 2 - Purpose

(2) This Procedure outlines the registration and use of University-owned domain names and subdomain names.

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Section 3 - Scope

(3) This Procedure applies to all organisational units of the University.

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Section 4 - Policy

(4) This Procedure is pursuant to the University-owned Business and Domain Names policy.

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Section 5 - Procedure

(5) The Chief Information and Digital Officer will be the Vice-Chancellor's delegate in granting or refusing permission to register a domain name, establish a subdomain name or assigning and hosting a University-owned domain name and subdomain name.

Registering a domain name or subdomain name

(6) A proposal to register a domain name or a subdomain name will be submitted to the Chief Information and Digital Officer through the Domain Name Registration form and discloses:

  1. that the information and activities to be conducted under the auspices of the domain name or subdomain name will comply with all relevant legislation, University policies and procedures and are compatible with the University’s values, objectives and core commitments.
  2. that approval has been granted by the Designated Web Manager, or Head of Area if there is no Designated Web Manager, to host information and activities under the domain name.

(7) The Chief Information and Digital Officer will consider the proposal and may:

  1. approve the registration of a domain name where they are satisfied that the proposed activities are consistent with the University’s objectives set out in the Deakin University Act 2009 (Vic), comply with the Information and Communications Technology Acceptable Use Policy and Web Publishing Policy and information technology, including cyber security, best practices and are compatible with the University’s values and core commitments;
  2. reject the proposal; or
  3. seek further information from the proposer prior to determining whether to approve or reject the proposal.

(8) The Chief Information and Digital Officer or nominee will advise the proposer of the outcome of the decision and, where the registration has been approved, register the domain name or subdomain name on behalf of the University.

(9) The Chief Information and Digital Officer will maintain a register of all University-owned domain names registered in the name of the University and assigned subdomain names, including when registration expires.

(10) The Chief Information and Digital Officer will renew domain names before their expiry date.

(11) The Chief Information and Digital Officer may take the necessary steps to cancel or not renew a registration where they are satisfied that activities:

  1. are no longer conducted by the University under the domain name or subdomain name, or
  2. conducted under the auspices of the domain name no longer align with the University’s objectives as set out in the Deakin University Act 2009 (Vic) or the University’s values and core commitments, or
  3. a significant breach of conduct occurred, or
  4. cyber security risk has been identified.

Approval to host a website pointing to a University-owned domain name or subdomain name

(12) Any staff member or student may request hosting a website at a University-owned domain name or subdomain name. All proposals will be submitted to the Chief Information and Digital Officer, via the Domain Name Registration form.

(13) Websites at University-owned domain names and subdomain names will be hosted by Deakin.

(14) The Chief Information and Digital Officer may approve an exemption to host a domain name externally, where there is a valid reason for doing so.

(15) The Chief Information and Digital Officer will maintain a register of hosting of websites at University-owned domain names and subdomain names and will conduct an annual review.

(16) The Chief Information and Digital Officer may cancel website hosting where they are satisfied that a cyber security risk has been identified or they have identified exceptional circumstances requiring the cancellation.

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Section 6 - Definitions

(17) For the purpose of this Procedure:

  1. domain name: a physical name of a website (the address) that includes two sections: the top-level domain or domain suffix, such as .com,,; and the second-level domain, the section preceding the top-level domain such as ‘Deakin’ in
  2. subdomain: a seperate entity of a domain name; its parent can precede the domain name with a period.
  3. website: a collection of webpages and media content that is hosted by a hosting organisation.