(1) This Procedure is effective from 18 October 2022. (2) This Procedure is pursuant to the Vice-Chancellor Regulations regulation 6.3. (3) This Procedure sets out steps for the establishment and maintenance of Faculty Boards. It balances the need for a consistent approach across the University with flexibility for Faculties to meet their specific needs. It is underpinned by the University’s values of excellence, inclusion and ethical. (4) This Procedure applies to the Faculties of the University. (5) The Principal Officer of each Faculty will ensure the establishment and maintenance of a Faculty Board as required by the Vice-Chancellor Regulations regulation 6.3 and this Procedure. (6) Faculty Boards are established to: (7) A Faculty Board has three categories of membership: official members, elected members and co-opted members. Clauses 8 to 13 below set out parameters for each membership category which Faculty Boards are committed to applying in accordance with the following principles: (8) Official members are members on account of their position and are: (9) Elected members of a Faculty Board are elected by the relevant cohort of staff or students of the Faculty or relevant Faculty Services Division in accordance with the Elections policy and are: (10) A Faculty Board may, by resolution, increase the number of elected positions on the Board by either: (11) A Faculty Board may revoke a resolution under clause 10 but any member affected by such a resolution will be entitled to complete the term for which they were elected. (12) Terms of office for elected members will be three years for staff and two years for students. Elected members may serve a maximum of two consecutive terms unless otherwise approved by the Chair. (13) A Faculty Board may by resolution co-opt members to improve gender balance or diversity, fill vacant elected positions or to provide additional expertise relevant to the needs of the Faculty. Co-opted members may or may not hold positions or be enrolled in the Faculty. The Faculty Board will determine each co-opted member’s term of office at the time of co-option, not exceeding three years for a staff member and two years for a student. Co-opted members may serve a maximum of two consecutive terms unless otherwise approved by the Chair. (14) When acting in their capacity as a Faculty Board member, Faculty Board members must: (15) Professors appointed to a Faculty, if not members of the Faculty Board of that Faculty, have the right of audience and debate at all meetings of that Faculty Board. (16) A Faculty Board may invite a member of the University who is not a member of the Faculty Board to attend Faculty Board meetings with rights of audience and debate. Such an invitation may be a standing invitation and may be extended to the invitee’s nominee. (17) The Pro Vice-Chancellor, Indigenous Strategy and Innovation has a standing invitation to each Faculty Board. (18) A Faculty Board may invite individuals external to the University to attend a meeting or a series of meetings of the Faculty Board, for example where industry experience is desirable. (19) A Faculty Board may approve a request from a member or members of the University who are not members of Faculty Board to attend meetings of Faculty Board with rights of audience and debate. (20) A Faculty Board will meet at least six times a year. (21) The Chair of the Faculty Board may call a special meeting to discuss a specific issue or resolution and must call a special meeting at the written request of: (22) Where a special meeting is called the notice of the meeting must: (23) A Faculty Board quorum is one third of the members. (24) Subject to the Deakin University Act 2009, the University Statute and Regulations and this Procedure a Faculty Board may regulate its own proceedings. A Faculty Board may use the Standing orders for the Academic Board and its committees as a guide to regulating proceedings. (25) Voting will be decided by a show of hands unless a ballot is directed by the Chair, Faculty Board or is demanded by at least ten members of Faculty Board. Where a ballot is taken, it will be conducted in a manner determined by the Chair, provided that confidentiality is ensured. (26) Non-members, observers and visitors may not vote. (27) A Faculty Board will appoint such committees as it considers appropriate or are required by the University Statute and Regulations and policies and procedures together with appropriate terms of reference. The Faculty Board will constitute the committees and appoint a Chair of each committee. Committee Chairs should generally be appointed from the existing members of the Faculty Board but in certain circumstances (eg specific expertise is required) the Chair may be appointed from outside the existing membership and appointed to the Faculty Board as a co-opted member. (28) A Faculty Board may nominate members to represent the Faculty on University committees or other bodies. (29) In addition to the powers and functions set out in the University Statute and Regulations and this Procedure, a Faculty Board may by resolution delegate to: (30) A Faculty Board will annually review and report to Academic Board on how it meets its academic governance responsibilities. That report will include information on: (31) The Academic Board will consider all Faculty Boards’ Annual Reviews together, with a view to aligning academic governance across the University. (32) All elected and co-opted members of a Faculty Board serving a term when this Procedure comes into effect will be eligible to complete that term provided that they continue to be employed or enrolled in the category in which they were elected. This prevails despite changes to composition arising from this Procedure. (33) There are no definitions arising under this Procedure.Faculty Boards procedure
Section 1 - Preamble
Section 2 - Purpose
Section 3 - Scope
Section 4 - Policy
Section 5 - Procedure
Faculty Board Composition
Official members
Elected members
Co-opted members
Obligations of members
Attendees with rights of audience and debate
Faculty Board Committees
Annual Review to Academic Board
Transitional provisions
Section 6 - Definitions
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This is the current version of this document. To view historic versions, click the link in the document's navigation bar.
any of its powers and functions, except this power of delegation.