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Emeritus Professors Appointment policy

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Section 1 - Preamble

(1) This Policy is effective from 1 January 2021.

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Section 2 - Purpose

(2) This Policy sets out the criteria and process for the appointment of Emeritus Professors.

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Section 3 - Scope

(3) This Policy apples to Professors retiring from Deakin University in circumstances where the University is satisfied that the Professor is unlikely to re-enter the academic workforce by accepting an academic position with another University.

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Section 4 - Policy

(4) Professors of the University may be appointed as Emeritus Professors on their retirement from the University to recognise their distinguished service to the aims and objectives of the University and their ongoing contribution to the scholarly community and/or engagement with the academic life of the University.

(5) Emeritus Professor is a title of high honour and nominees must exhibit a level of service beyond that usually expected of a senior staff member.

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Section 5 - Procedure


(6) Nominations may be made by an Executive Dean to the Emeritus Professors Committee.

(7) Nominations will generally be for a Professor from the relevant Faculty but may also be for a Professor holding a University appointment outside the Faculty, for example in an Institute or another portfolio area of the University.

(8) Self-nomination is not permitted.

(9) Nominations must be made using the Emeritus Professor Nomination Form and set out how the nominee meets the following criteria:

  1. the nominee’s distinction of service to the University by reference to intellectual and scholarly contributions, and to other services
  2. the nominee’s contribution and standing in relation to their discipline and the community
  3. the length of service of the nominee to the University. Length of service is not a determining factor in deciding whether a person should be appointed as an Emeritus Professor, however it may be taken into account when considering the impact that the Professor has made on their discipline and/or the University
  4. any other relevant factors, including their support for the values of the University.

Emeritus Professors Committee

(10) The Emeritus Professors Committee will comprise:

  1. Deputy Vice-Chancellor Education
  2. Deputy Vice-Chancellor Research
  3. Chair, Academic Board. 

(11) Members of the Emeritus Professors Committee may only appoint a nominee to deputise for them on the Committee with the approval of the Vice-Chancellor.

(12) With the exception of nominations covered by clause 19 the Emeritus Professors Committee will consider nominations and may:

  1. recommend to the Vice-Chancellor that the nominee be appointed as an Emeritus Professor
  2. seek further information
  3. decline to recommend that the nominee be appointed as an Emeritus Professor because the nomination does not meet the high standards required or does not advance the interests of the University or the scholarly community.


(13) If satisfied that the appointment is deserved, the Vice-Chancellor will approve the appointment of the Emeritus Professor.

(14) The appointment of the Emeritus Professor is effective on the individual’s retirement or upon approval by the Vice-Chancellor (whichever is appropriate).

(15) An Emeritus Professor will retain the title in perpetuity, however the University reserves the right to revoke an Emeritus Professor appointment and the associated title at anytime to protect the reputation of the University and the integrity of the title. Any such revocation must be made by the same authority which approved the appointment.

(16) An Emeritus Professor is, for all purposes of courtesy and on ceremonial occasions, regarded as a Professor of the University, but is not a member of the Academic Board, any Faculty Board or a staff member of the University.

(17) An Emeritus Professor will receive a letter of appointment setting out the terms, privileges and conditions of appointment, including opportunities for continuing engagement in the academic and community life of the University.


(18) The Vice-Chancellor will report the appointment of Emeritus Professors to the next available meetings of:

  1. the Academic Board
  2. the University Council.

Escalation process

(19) Where the Vice-Chancellor or a member of the Emeritus Professors Committee is the subject of a nomination that nomination must not be considered by the Emeritus Professors Committee and must be escalated to the University Council for consideration and, if appropriate approval, in accordance with the criteria set out in this Policy.

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Section 6 - Definitions

(20) There are no definitions arising under this Policy.