(1) This Procedure is effective from 23 March 2021. (2) This Procedure implements the requirements for the appointment and remuneration of Council members set out in: (3) This Procedure applies to the appointment and reappointment of members by the Victorian Government or by Council. It does not apply to: (4) The Deakin University Act 2009 (Vic) governs the appointment and remuneration of Council members. (5) The appointment of Council members is subject to consideration by the Chancellor's Advisory Committee and recommendations to: (6) In considering appointments the Chancellor's Advisory Committee will have regard to: (7) In making recommendations on all appointments the Chancellor's Advisory Committee will consider: (8) The following requirements set down in the Victorian Government’s Appointment and Remuneration Guidelines will inform recommendations on Government appointments and reappointments: (9) The Chancellor holds a standing delegation from Council to make recommendations for Government appointments to the Minister and reports to Council on recommendations made. (10) The Chancellor will discuss proposed appointments with the Minister as appropriate to explain the University’s needs and approach to meeting those needs and to determine the Minister’s views. (11) In considering recommendations to Council on the appointment and re-appointment of Council members the Chancellor's Advisory Committee will consider all of the criteria set out under clause 8 above including the effect on Council's skills mix of any potential Government appointments as discussed with the Minister in accordance with clause 10. (12) The Chancellor's Advisory Committee will also consider: (13) At least nine months before any appointed position is due to expire the Chancellor's Advisory Committee will consider the vacancy arising, having regard to Council's skills needs and the criteria set out in clauses 7-8 and 11-12 above. The Committee will identify the criteria required to fill the vacancy. (14) The Committee will consider the best method of identifying candidates to meet the required criteria which may include: (15) The Chancellor's Advisory Committee will identify preferred candidates in accordance with the criteria set for the position. (16) The Chancellor's Advisory Committee or the Chancellor on behalf of the Committee will meet with preferred candidates to ascertain their suitability and availability for appointment. (17) On the advice of the Chancellor's Advisory Committee the Chancellor will recommend appointments to the Minister or the Council and recommendations will specify: (18) Where any member of Council resigns or is unable to continue to hold office, the Council Secretary will declare a casual vacancy before the expiration of the term for which the member was appointed. The process for filling a casual vacancy will be the same as that for filling an ordinary vacancy. (19) If the vacancy occurs within six months before the expiry of the member’s term of office, the office may be left vacant for the remainder of the term. (20) A member appointed to fill a casual vacancy should normally be similarly qualified as the member whose office has become vacant. (21) A member appointed to fill a casual vacancy is entitled to hold office for the remainder of that term. (22) All recommendations on (re)appointments will be made to Council or the Minister at least 12 weeks before the position is due to become vacant to facilitate planning by the University and by outgoing and incoming members. (23) Where eligible, Council members will be entitled to remuneration at rates set by the Remuneration Committee of Council within bands set out in the Government’s Appointment and Remuneration Guidelines. (24) Staff members of the University are ineligible for Council remuneration regardless of the time fraction of their staff appointment. (25) The Remuneration Committee will determine by November each year: (26) In setting remuneration the Remuneration Committee will have regard to: (27) The remuneration paid to Council members will be reported in the University’s Annual Report. (28) There are no definitions arising under this Procedure.Council Members Appointment and Remuneration procedure
Section 1 - Preamble
Section 2 - Purpose
Top of PageSection 3 - Scope
Section 4 - Policy
Section 5 - Procedure
Government Appointments
Council Appointments
Appointment Process
Casual Vacancies
Section 6 - Definitions
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which are governed by specific provisions of the Deakin University Act 2009 (Vic) and the University Statutes and Regulations.
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