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Section 1 - Preamble
(1) This Policy is effective from 15 July 2024.
(2) This Policy includes the following schedules:
- Schedule A: Career Continuity for Researchers who are Primary Carers guidelines
- Schedule B: Vice-Chancellor’s Conference Care Support Fund guidelines
- Schedule C: Keeping Connected guidelines.
Top of PageSection 2 - Purpose
(3) This Policy seeks to address the known barriers experienced by researchers who are also primary carers and provides a range of measures targeted at these staff to assist them in progressing their careers and growing their research at Deakin.
Top of PageSection 3 - Scope
(4) This Policy applies to all staff undertaking research.
Top of PageSection 4 - Policy
(5) The University recognises:
- that Deakin’s success in education and research is contingent on attracting, developing and nurturing the careers of Academic staff, and
- the importance of work-life balance and the significance of family and community.
(6) The University is committed to realising the skills and capabilities of all staff in research and to maximise the benefits from its entire talent pool to grow the depth and quality of research and to improve education.
(7) The University will take a multi-faceted approach to remove the barriers for researchers who are also primary carers at Deakin through specific recruitment and retention measures including:
- the implementation of the Career Continuity for Researchers who are Primary Carers Guidelines that will support researchers to overcome actual and/or perceived barriers to academic career progression arising from primary caregiving.
- the implementation of the Vice-Chancellor’s Conference Care Support Fund to provide support to primary carer’s who wish to attend national and international conferences, workshops, and symposia or undertake fieldwork.
- providing access to a broad range of flexible opportunities which can be used by researchers during periods of parental leave to assist them to remain connected with their research (see Keeping Connected Guidelines).
- the implementation of the Principles for Assessing Achievement Relative to Opportunity (as set out in the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Policy) will establish standards to assist staff to fairly assess the outputs of researchers whenever this task is performed. These standards will be reflected in all applicable University policies and procedure.
(8) Support for researchers with primary caring responsibilities will be customised to find the best possible match between the interests of individual staff and those of the University.
Top of PageSection 5 - Procedure
(9) There is no attendant procedure.
Top of PageSection 6 - Definitions
(10) For the purpose of this Policy:
- primary carer: A researcher is considered a primary carer when they have the primary and sustained responsibility for full-time care of:
- dependent children up to 12 years of age
- an elderly parent or other elderly relative
- a partner, offspring or other relative with disability.