(1) This Policy is effective from 20 October 2023. (2) This Policy sets out the responsibilities of University credit card holders and steps for the acceptable use of University credit cards by staff. (3) This Policy applies to the use of University credit cards, including grant-related expenditure. (4) This Policy should be read in conjunction with the Procurement policy and procedure. (5) Staff holding a credit card are in a position of trust regarding the use of University funds. (6) The University may issue a University credit card to eligible staff for the payment of legitimate and reasonable business and travel expenses. (7) Staff issued with a University credit card (the cardholder) can use the University credit card only: (8) University credit cardholders must: (9) The University will: (10) Staff requesting a University credit card must complete the application form which must be approved in accordance with clause 12. (11) A University credit card may only be issued to staff who: (12) Applications for University credit cards cards need to be approved by an approver with a financial delegation at Band 1 to 8 as per the Delegations Policy (ie Cost Centre Approver or above for the cardholder’s primary cost center, refer to the Deakin UniFi delegation matrix); and the Director, Finance Services and Support or nominee. (13) University credit card limits will be based on an appropriate amount for the level of expenditure that the cardholder will incur. Standard monthly limits are set at $2,000, $5,000 or $10,000. (14) A cardholder can request an ongoing or temporary change to their University credit card monthly or transaction limit by submitting the Corporate Credit Card Request form setting out: (15) Changes in limits are approved by the Director, Finance Services and Support or nominee and will be based on an appropriate amount for the level of expenditure that the role will incur. (16) The Director, Finance Services and Support or delegate may cancel cards which are inactive for six months or more. (17) Cardholders must successfully complete the compliance training module on credit cards: (18) The cardholder is responsible for all transactions on their credit card and to: (19) For entertainment expenses, the most senior cardholder present, with a delegation over the budget for the entertainment, must incur the expenditure on their credit card. (20) Cardholders must advise creditcard@deakin.edu.au if: (21) The cash advance facility is disabled on all University credit cards. (22) Cardholders must acquit all transactions incurred on the University credit card by submitting the following in DeakinUniFi: (23) Where a tax invoice/receipt cannot be obtained or the original is lost, the cardholder must submit a Missing Tax Invoice/Receipt Declaration as supporting documentation. When purchasing online, particularly from overseas, a full tax invoice may not be provided – in these instances an order or email confirmation listing the company, purchase price and details of what has been purchased is sufficient. (24) Acquittals must be completed in DeakinUniFi by the last day of the month after the transaction was incurred (i.e. any transactions in March, must be acquitted by the 30th April). (25) If acquittals are not completed by the prescribed deadline, the University credit card limit will be reduced to $1. If the cardholder: (26) Where credit cardholders repeatedly fail to acquit expenditure in accordance with this Policy, the Director, Finance Services and Support may refer the matter as card misuse to the Chief Financial Officer, and the credit card may be cancelled. (27) Approvals are determined based on the cost centre information entered on the transaction. Approvals are routed to the relevant project manager and/or category manager (if applicable), before going to a financial approver. (28) Approvals must be completed in DeakinUniFi in a timely manner. When authorising transactions, the approver must ensure all transactions are: (29) Staff members must not approve any expenditure relating to their own expenses. Where costs relating to a manager are paid for on a subordinate staff member’s card, the manager cannot approve the expense report, and must add an appropriate additional approver to approve the expense report. (30) Cardholders must take all reasonable measures to protect their University credit card from being lost, stolen or misused, and must not: (31) The cardholder must notify any loss, theft or suspected fraudulent use as soon as practical to the ANZ Bank by telephoning the number on the back of their card (1800 636 359) and by emailing creditcard@deakin.edu.au. (32) The cardholder will be held personally liable for any unauthorised use unless their card has been reported as lost or stolen. (33) Once a report of loss, theft or fraud has been made to the ANZ Bank, the card will be cancelled and a replacement card organised. The cardholder must also contact local police to file a report if theft or fraud is suspected. (34) The cardholder is responsible for promptly lodging and resolving any University credit card disputes. Cardholders are required to call the ANZ bank on 1800 032 481 to lodge the dispute. ANZ will confirm the dispute with the cardholder via email. The email must be attached to the acquittal of the transaction in DeakinUniFi. (35) The University does not tolerate the misuse of University credit cards. (36) The University promotes a culture of honesty and integrity. Staff and associates must report: (37) When personal expenditure is inadvertently charged to a University credit card, the cardholder must immediately take the following corrective action: (38) Failure to take corrective action may result in the University: (39) The University will monitor credit card use. (40) Internal Audit may review credit card transactions. (41) If misuse or non-compliance with this Policy is detected, the Chief Financial Officer or nominee may: (42) The Chief Financial Officer or nominee may withdraw or cancel a University credit card at any time. (43) The Chief Financial Officer or nominee may approve the issuing of a new University credit card to a staff member who has had their card cancelled due to non-compliance with this Policy, providing: (44) Before cancelling a University credit card, the cardholder must acquit all outstanding transactions. (45) For the purpose of this Policy:Credit Card policy
Section 1 - Preamble
Section 2 - Purpose
Section 3 - Scope
Section 4 - Policy
Top of PageSection 5 - Procedure
Applying for a University credit card
Issuing University credit cards
Cardholder responsibilities
Advising changes in particulars
Cash advance facility
Approval of credit card transactions
Loss, theft and fraudulent transactions
Disputed transactions
Misuse of the University credit card
Applications for a University credit card following cancellation
Cancelling a card
Section 6 - Definitions
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