This is the current version of this document. To view historic versions, click the link in the document's navigation bar.
Section 1 - Preamble
(1) This Code is effective from 5 January 2023.
Top of PageSection 2 - Purpose
(2) This Code sets out the standards of responsible and ethical behaviour and conduct expected of Deakin students as part of contributing to a thriving, progressive, respectful and inclusive University community.
Top of PageSection 3 - Scope
(3) This Code applies to all students of the University. This Code should be read in conjunction with other policies and procedures set out in Section 7.
Top of PageSection 4 - Deakin’s values
(4) Deakin’s values underpin the expected behaviour of students in interactions with the University community:
- Ethical: We conduct our work and study with the highest standards of behaviour and integrity
- Inclusive: We value equity and diversity, embrace difference, and seek to engage and welcome all
- Sustainable: We care about our shared future, integrating economic, environmental and social dimensions of sustainability in all we do
- Excellent: We strive for excellence in all aspects of our work and study
- Brave: We make bold decisions, demonstrate courage and ambition, and we support personal responsibility and accountability
- Dynamic: We are innovative and entrepreneurial, solving problems with creativity and flexibility.
(5) We apply these values to all our actions, decision-making and conduct. In demonstrating these values, students act respectfully towards others across the University community, are responsible and accountable for their actions, and are proactive in seeking information and assistance from University support services in a timely manner.
Top of PageSection 5 - Deakin’s commitment to students
(6) Deakin is committed to:
- offering students an outstanding education which prepares them for successful lives and careers
- welcoming student partnerships and feedback
- integrity and respectful, ethical behaviour in all aspects of learning, teaching and research
- promoting an environment where students feel safe, included and respected, and are treated with fairness and objectivity
- advancing the educational aspirations of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples, and moving Indigenous Knowledges into the mainstream of Australian life
- preventing sexual harm in our University community and continuously improving how we respond to, and support, those who have been affected
- an environment where ideas are pursued with passion and where they can be challenged freely in accordance with the commitments set out in the Code for Upholding Freedom of Speech and Academic Freedom.
Top of PageSection 6 - Student responsibilities and obligations
(7) Deakin students:
- undertake their academic work with integrity and honesty
- work cooperatively and collaboratively with other students, staff, associates and University partners
- educate themselves on, and comply with all relevant University policies and with any codes of conduct and practice that apply at the course, professional or research level, including those of external partner organisations
- communicate with courtesy and consideration in person and online (including via email and social media)
- responsibly exercise their rights to freedom of speech and academic freedom, and respect others' rights to their own opinions and beliefs, in accordance with the Code for Upholding Freedom of Speech and Academic Freedom
- uphold the health, safety, wellbeing and privacy of others in the University community
- use University property, facilities and resources responsibly, in accordance with relevant policies and considering others' needs
- follow reasonable directions from University staff
- provide accurate personal details to the University, keep those details up to date, and read and respond to official University communications (including via Deakin email) in a timely manner.
(8) Deakin encourages students and staff to raise any concerns related to this Code with the University by contacting the Office of the Dean of Students.
(9) Alleged or actual breaches of the Student Code of Conduct are taken seriously by the University and may be dealt with by the relevant policy set out in Section 7.
Top of PageSection 7 - Policies and procedures
(10) This Code is a set of overarching principles to be followed. It is not an exhaustive list of behaviours. The Code cannot address all possible issues and scenarios which may be faced in the course of a student’s activities or study at the University.
(11) The following policies provide further guidance on how to implement the Code in specific areas:
- Alcohol policy
- Child Safety Policy
- Code for Upholding Freedom of Speech and Academic Freedom
- Copyright policy
- Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Policy
- Fraud and Corruption Prevention and Control procedure
- Health, Wellbeing and Safety policy
- Information and Communication Technology Acceptable Use policy
- Library policy
- Making Reasonable Adjustments - Students with Disability procedure
- Privacy policy
- Research Conduct Policy
- Property Management Policy
- Sexual Harm Prevention and Response Policy
- Smoking, Vaping and Tobacco free policy
- Social Media Policy
- Student Academic Integrity policy
- Student Complaints policy
- Student International Programs and Placements Procedure
- Student Misconduct procedure
- Student Placement procedure.
Top of PageSection 8 - Definitions
(12) For the purpose of the Student Code of Conduct:
- associates: contractors, consultants, volunteers, visiting appointees and visitors to the University.
- staff: members of the Academic or Professional staff, or persons holding Honorary or Affiliate/Conjoint appointments.
- student:
- a person enrolled in a course or unit in the University;
- a student of another higher education institution to whom the University grants rights of access to University premises and facilities;
- a candidate for an award of the University whose work has been examined or assessed but on whom the award has not been conferred;
- a person who is on leave of absence from or who has deferred enrolment in a unit or course of the University.