(1) This Procedure is effective from 18 October 2018. (2) This Procedure includes the following schedules: (3) This Procedure details the process of recruiting and employing staff at the University, ensuring a transparent and fair approach to the recruitment, assessment and selection processes. (4) This Procedure applies to the recruitment of all Professional and Academic staff employed by the University on continuing or fixed-term contracts, traineeships and apprenticeships. It does not apply to casual staff, who are covered by the Casual Staff Employment procedure. (5) This Procedure is pursuant to the Employment of Staff policy. (6) The Head of Organisational Unit in which the position is located will: (7) If the Head of Organisational Unit is recruiting for a position that involves Australian Aid-funded research projects, they must comply with the recruitment requirements set out in the Child Protection in Australian Aid-Funded Research procedure. (8) The Head of Organisational Unit or nominee will initiate the recruitment process by: (9) To establish a new Chair position the relevant Faculty Board will make a recommendation to the Vice-Chancellor. The Vice-Chancellor will consider the recommendation and the position description and advise the Executive Director, HRD or nominee of their decision. (10) Where a Faculty wishes to establish a named Chair position, the Vice-Chancellor must recommend to Council that the named Chair be established. University Council will consider the recommendation to establish the named Chair position and advise the Executive Director, HRD or nominee of its decision. (11) Any amendment or change to an established Chair title requires the approval of the Vice-Chancellor or nominee. (12) The relevant Executive Dean may nominate individuals with significant professional and/or industry standing but with limited or no traditional academic experience to the following positions: (13) The appointment process for the positions outlined in clause 12 will follow the process set out in clauses 20-24 in the Honorary Appointments procedure. (14) The positions set out in clause 12 will: (15) All other Professional appointments will be made in accordance with this Procedure. (16) All continuing or fixed term Academic and Professional staff positions will be advertised externally unless: (17) HRD will liaise with and organise all advertising on behalf of the Faculty or Portfolio. All costs associated with advertising are the responsibility of the Faculty or Portfolio. (18) Faculties or Portfolios are encouraged to advertise for a minimum of two weeks, however for senior positions and positions advertised internationally, a four week period is recommended. (19) In consultation with HRD, the Head of Organisational Unit will determine the range of websites, publications and content to be used for advertising the vacancy including: (20) In some circumstances the Head of Organisational Unit may wish to undertake an EOI recruitment process as a development opportunity for current Deakin staff. (21) Where the Head of Organisational Unit wishes to undertake an EOI recruitment process (except for positions referred to in clause 16c.i), approval must be sought from: (22) Prior to advertising a flexi-span position, the University will invite EOI from Professional casual staff in the immediate work area for the position. If a flexi-span position cannot be filled by an existing casual Professional staff member through the EOI process, the position can then be advertised externally. (23) Where a Teaching Scholar position is advertised, the position will first be advertised as an EOI to casual Academic staff in that work area. If the Teaching Scholar position cannot be filled by an existing casual Academic staff member through the EOI process, the position can then be advertised externally. (24) Where there is only one EOI received for a vacancy and the applicant’s EOI demonstrates their suitability for the position, appointment may be recommended and approved by the Head of the Organisational Unit without interview (subject to clause 50). (25) Where there is more than one EOI received for a vacancy, a merit-based selection process should occur to assess applicants against the selection criteria in a fair and objective manner. (26) Where the Head of Organisational Unit has identified an outstanding individual for appointment, and considers that no better appointment could be made by following the recruitment process, they can seek approval to make a Direct Appointment. (27) Where it is reasonable to assume that there could be more than one internal staff member who could demonstrate that they meet the selection criteria for a vacancy, an EOI process or advertising the role internally to Deakin may be more suitable. (28) The Head of Organisational Unit can request approval to make a Direct Appointment by submitting an Appointment Recommendation form to HRD, setting out the rationale for the appointment. (29) HRD will seek approval for the Direct Appointment from: (30) Where a request for approval to make a Direct Appointment is not approved, HRD will notify the area of the reason why the appointment was not approved and alternative recruitment options. (31) If a Faculty or Portfolio has advertised internally and externally and has been unable to fill a position, they may, at their own expense, recruit through a specialist recruitment agency in accordance with the Guidelines for using recruitment agencies or Executive Search Firms. The use of such specialist recruitment agencies is only available after attempts have been made to fill the position in accordance with this Procedure and following consultation with the HRD Recruitment team. (32) Where a position is at HEW 10 and above or Level D and above the Faculty or Portfolio may, following consultation with the Recruitment team use one of Deakin's preferred Executive Search Firm suppliers. (33) Where a position is below a HEW 10 or below Level D the Faculty or Portfolio must use an agency from Deakin's Preferred Suppliers List. (34) If a Faculty or Portfolio wishes to use alternative suppliers, the Head of Organisational Unit will consult the Team Leader, Recruitment to determine if that agency should be added to the supplier list and that their proposed advertising and selection arrangements comply with the University’s selection processes. Additional suppliers will only be approved for use if it is deemed that the current preferred panel of suppliers is unable to provide candidates to the University. The Team Leader, Recruitment will be responsible for negotiating fees and finalising contractual terms of business for any current, additional or alternative suppliers. (35) Applications for advertised vacancies are submitted online. The Shortlisting Committee and Selection Committee members can access and shortlist applications via DeakinPeople. (36) Where an applicant can demonstrate extenuating circumstances that have resulted in their inability to submit an application by the closing date, HRD will consult with the Chair of the Selection Committee who will determine whether the late application will be accepted. (37) A Selection Committee will be convened for all advertised continuing or fixed-term positions. (38) The Selection Committee will be convened in accordance with Schedule A: Composition of Selection Committees. The Chair of the Selection Committee may add additional members as required. (39) All Selection Committee members (including the supervisor if they are not on the Selection Committee) must declare to the other Selection Committee members if they have any connection (familiar or otherwise) with any of the applicants or have any other potential conflict of interest. The Chair of the Selection Committee will refer to the Conflict of Interest procedure in determining how to proceed. (40) Selection Committee membership will achieve reasonable gender balance. (41) The Shortlisting Committee (see Schedule A: Composition of Selection Committees) will assess applications in relation to the position description, selection criteria, and for Academic positions, Gender Equity in Research policy (see Schedule C: Principles for Assessing Achievement Relative to Opportunity) and create a short list of applicants suitable for interviewing. (42) For Level E positions the Chair of the Selection Committee will report to the full Selection Committee on the strategies used to source and attract female applicants consistent with the Faculty or Portfolio’s Gender Equity Plan, the shortlisting process and the reasons why the shortlisted applications were selected for interview. (43) The Chair of the Selection Committee will inform the HRD of the shortlisted applicants via DeakinPeople. The Faculty or Portfolio that holds the vacancy will be responsible for organising the interviews, with the exception of senior positions, which are managed by HRD. (44) The Selection Committee will interview and assess the shortlisted applicants in a fair and objective manner against the position description, and where appropriate, Principles for Assessing Achievement Relative to Opportunity. (45) Selection committees are encouraged to consider using additional assessment activities or tools to assist in applicant assessment, such as ability tests, hypothetical problem-solving scenarios, case studies, presentations and psychometric testing. (See Psychometric and Skill Assessments website.) (46) Where psychometric tests are required, the HRD will make the arrangements at the request of the Chair of the Selection Committee. The Faculty or Portfolio advertising the position is responsible for the costs of the tests, which will be conducted by qualified providers. (47) The Chair of the Selection Committee is responsible for asking each shortlisted applicant whether they have any connections (familiar or otherwise) with any staff from within the Faculty or Portfolio where the position for which they are applying is situated. (48) The Selection Committee will select one or more preferred candidate(s) suitable for appointment. If none of the short listed candidates are suitable for appointment, the Head of Organisational Unit may decide to revisit the pool of original applications, re-advertise the position or seek to fill the vacancy in a different way. The appointment of a candidate is subject to satisfactory completion of the pre-employment requirements. (49) The Chair of the Selection Committee is responsible for retaining copies of any interview questions and notes taken as part of the selection process for a two year period following completion of the selection process. (50) The Chair of the Selection Committee or nominee will seek a minimum of two verbal references from people nominated by the preferred candidate/s, after interview and prior to recommending appointment. (See 'Checking references' on the Interviewing candidates website.) One of the two references must be from the current (or most recent) direct supervisor. (51) The Chair of the Selection Committee or nominee must document who the reference check was undertaken with; their position; their relationship to the candidate and the content of the reference discussion. This record should be retained by the Chair for a minimum of two years. (52) Subject to pre-employment requirements, including any immigration requirements, the Selection Committee will recommend a candidate for appointment, or decide not to make an appointment. (53) Where the Selection Committee is not unanimous in its recommendation of a candidate for appointment, the Chair of the Selection Committee has the final decision in determining whether or not to make an appointment. (54) The Head of the Organisational Unit may approve appointment recommendations made by selection committees other than where specified in the Employment of Staff policy and the Remuneration procedure (55) Where approval has been granted by HRD to undertake an EOI recruitment process, further approval of the selection decision is not required by HRD. (56) The Chair of the Selection Committee is responsible for contacting all unsuccessful interviewed candidates. The Faculty or Portfolio will advise all the applicants not shortlisted for interview, that they have been unsuccessful via DeakinPeople. (57) If satisfied that the preferred candidate meets the essential requirements of the role, the Vice-Chancellor will make a recommendation to Council to approve the Executive appointment. (58) Once a selection decision has been approved, the Chair of the Selection Committee may make a verbal offer of employment to the preferred candidate. They must advise the preferred candidate that the offer is subject to pre-employment requirements and final approval by the University (see clauses 58-76 of this Procedure). (59) HRD will issue a written employment offer to the preferred candidate following approval of the appointment. (60) The preferred applicant will be advised in the letter of offer that employment is conditional on the satisfactory completion of pre-employment requirements, and Deakin reserves the right to withdraw the offer of employment if Deakin receives information of any relevant criminal convictions, or knowledge that the applicant has been investigated for any other behaviour that would be incompatible with the position, or which may adversely affect Deakin's reputation if subsequently disclosed, conflict of interest or contrary medical information, or to take other action in the event of the candidate's failure to disclose such information prior to appointment. (61) HRD will include or request the following with the written offer/contract: (62) A person holding a position in the Executive, a Head of School (or equivalent), or Executive Director of a Division (or equivalent) must verify that they are a 'fit and proper person'. For such positions, the written offer will include the requirement to complete a Fit and Proper Person declaration available on the Employment and recruitment forms website. (63) Following completion of the declaration, the University may wish to validate the information through appropriate probity checks (e.g. National Police Record Check, Insolvency and Trustee Services Australia) as determined by the Executive Director, Human Resources or nominee. (64) The appointment may proceed contingent upon the outcome of the Fit and Proper Person Declaration and/or any subsequent checks. Refer to Schedule B: Pre-Employment Checks. (65) The University provides sponsorship to support international appointments where a unique skill set is not readily available in Australia. (66) The University provides sponsorship to: (67) Where the Chair of the Selection Committee considers there is a need to sponsor positions outside those positions specified in clause 66, they must seek approval of the Executive Director, HRD via their HR Adviser. (68) The Department of Home Affairs are responsible for processing application for sponsorships. The Chair of the Selection Committee must factor in this external processing by the Department when negotiating a start date to allow for the University’s nomination and the individual’s visa application to be processed, approved and for relocation to occur. (69) Where sponsorship requirements are identified by the Chair of the Selection Committee or HRD, HRD may request further evidential support to ensure compliance with University policy and procedure and also the requirements established by the Department of Home Affairs. No contract of employment will be provided to the preferred candidate until all University and Department requirements have been met. (70) Where a National Police Record Check has been prescribed as a requirement the Chair of the Selection Committee will advise HRD of the preferred candidate(s) so that the check can be arranged. (71) HRD will arrange a National Police Record Check and advise the Chair of the Selection Committee of the outcome when received. The Faculty or Portfolio advertising the position is responsible for the cost of the check. (72) The appointment may proceed contingent upon the outcome of the National Police Record Check. Refer to Schedule B: Pre-Employment Checks for further information. (73) Where a medical check has been prescribed as a requirement, the Chair of the Selection Committee will advise HRD of the preferred candidate(s) so that the check(s) can be arranged. (74) HRD will request the preferred candidate(s) arrange a medical check within a specified timeframe, with a medical practitioner of their choice or one nominated by the University. HRD will provide position details to the medical practitioner to enable the medical practitioner to assess the candidate's medical fitness to undertake the duties of the position. (75) HRD will advise the Chair of the Selection Committee of the outcome of the medical check. (76) HRD will collect the payment receipt from the preferred candidate(s) and forward it to the Faculty or Portfolio, who will arrange to reimburse the candidate. (77) Where a position requires a WWCC (as determined by the Head of Organisational Unit in clause 6c), the preferred candidate must pass a WWCC even if the candidate has undergone a National Police Record Check. Information on positions required to undergo a WWCC is available in Schedule B: Pre-Employment Checks, on the Victorian Government Working with Children website and in the WWCC Guidelines. (78) Where a WWCC has been determined as a requirement of the position, the Chair of the Selection Committee or their nominee in the relevant Faculty or Portfolio will advise the preferred candidate of the University process for providing evidence of their WWCC to their Faculty or Portfolio. (79) All new staff who commence on or after 22 November 2018 must obtain and maintain a WWCC as part of their pre-employment screening to join the University. (80) Existing staff members (ie those who commenced or were offered employment at Deakin prior to 22 November 2018) moving to a position that requires a WWCC, are required to obtain and maintain a WWCC. (81) The costs of initial WWCC and renewals are payable by the staff member and Deakin will not reimburse these costs. (82) Details of the WWCC will be recorded in DeakinPeople. (83) The appointment may proceed contingent upon the outcome of the WWCC, however, until the provision of the WWCC (or evidence of application for the WWCC where lawful) to the Faculty or Portfolio, the Faculty or Portfolio may be required to allocate alternate duties in accordance with the WWCC Guidelines. (84) In consultation with HRD, the Head of Organisational Unit or nominee will determine the probation period to be served by the appointee. This will be specified in the written offer. See Probation (Academic Staff) procedure and the Probation (Professional Staff) procedure. (85) Employment offers are made in accordance with the Remuneration procedure. (86) For senior manager positions, negotiations for the total remuneration package may occur between the preferred candidate and the Head of Organisational Unit or the Executive Director, Human Resources; these are subject to approval as set out in the Remuneration procedure. (87) The Faculty or Portfolio, the preferred applicant and the releasing area may reach a mutual agreement for appointment by secondment. (88) Secondments are usually fixed-term for up to 12 months, at the end of which the appointee returns to their original position. Secondments beyond 12 months are subject to negotiation (see the Secondments, Transfers, and Job Rotation Guidelines for further information). (89) If a selected candidate rejects the employment offer, the Selection Committee may extend the offer to the next preferred candidate (if appropriate), re-advertise the position, or make no appointment. (90) Employment will be confirmed upon: (91) The appointee must provide HRD with evidence of their qualifications in the form of original or certified documents within seven days of commencement at Deakin. (92) Appointees may be eligible to receive reasonable support towards relocation expenses as prescribed in the Business Expenses Reimbursement procedure. (93) Re-employment of previous staff, following resignation or redundancy, is based on the merit-based selection process described above, provided that re-employment with Deakin is not in breach of any legislation regarding taxation or superannuation. (94) Staff whose employment at Deakin has ceased due to redundancy (whether voluntary or otherwise) will not be re-employed by Deakin within 12 months of their cessation date. (95) The Vice-Chancellor will report all Academic Level E and senior staff appointments to Council at the earliest opportunity. (96) For the purpose of this Procedure:Recruitment of Staff procedure
Section 1 - Preamble
Section 2 - Purpose
Section 3 - Scope
Section 4 - Policy
Section 5 - Procedure
Initiating the recruitment process
Chair positions
Other Professorial categories
Position Title
Faculty of Business and Law
Professor of Practice
Faculty of Health
Clinical Professor
Faculty of Science, Engineering and Built Environment
Industry Professor
Expression of Interest
Direct Appointments
Specialist recruitment agencies
Receipt of applications
Selection committee
Selection process
Reference checks
Selection decision
Executive positions
Employment offers
Verbal offers
Written offers
Pre-employment requirements
Fit and Proper Person declaration
Department of Home Affairs obligations
National Police Record Check
Medical check
Working with Children Check (WWCC)
Probation period
Appointment by secondment
Rejection of employment offer
Acceptance of employment offer and confirmation of employment
Relocation expenses
Re-employment of previous staff members
Section 6 - Definitions
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