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Section 1 - Preamble
(1) This Procedure is effective from 4 October 2023.
Top of PageSection 2 - Purpose
(2) This Procedure details the process and roles of the Hiring Manager (HM) and the People Services Recruitment team in recruiting and employing staff at the University, ensuring a transparent and fair approach to the University’s recruitment and selection processes.
Top of PageSection 3 - Scope
(3) This Procedure applies to the recruitment of all Professional and Academic staff employed by the University on continuing or fixed-term contracts, traineeships and apprenticeships. It does not apply to casual professional or academic sessional staff, who are covered by the Casual Professional and Academic Sessional Staff Employment procedure.
Top of PageSection 4 - Policy
(4) This Procedure is pursuant to the Employment of Staff policy.
Top of PageSection 5 - Procedure
Recruitment Teams
(5) The People Services Recruitment Team is responsible for delivering a high quality, collaborative recruitment service that partners with all HMs across the University.
(6) The Recruitment Team is responsible for proactively managing candidate pools to attract and retain top talent, ensuring all HMs receive a personalised recruitment service to find the right candidate efficiently and effectively for their needs.
(7) Key roles and functions of the Recruitment Team who will deliver this service to HMs are:
Functions/roles |
Responsibilities and service provided to HM |
People Services Recruitment Team |
- Coordination and streamlined delivery of an end to end recruitment process and provision of tailored support to HMs throughout Deakin’s recruitment process
- Seamless recruitment processes and intuitive technology solutions
- Dedicated focus on candidate care
- Development of customised and contemporary sourcing strategies
- Application of expertise to support quality onboarding and improved candidate experiences
- Provision of administrative support to ensure a smooth end to end recruitment service Provision of a central point for standardised administrative support
- Reduction in the administrative burden for Faculty and Portfolio teams
Hiring Manager
(8) Before commencing recruitment, the HM must liaise with their People and Culture Partner to complete the job design and ensure the position supports and aligns with the area’s workforce plan, principles of Deakin’s operating model and aligns with Deakin’s Job Framework. HMs are required to confirm budget for the role with the appropriate approver.
(9) The HM may also make contact with the People Services Recruitment Team to discuss their recruitment needs and start considering information to be discussed as part of the recruitment brief (clause 41).
(10) If the HM is recruiting for a position that involves Australian Aid-funded research projects, they must comply with the recruitment requirements set out in the Child Safety policy.
Chair positions, Professors and other Professorial categories
Chair positions
(11) To establish a new Chair position, the relevant Faculty Board will make a recommendation to the Vice-Chancellor. The Vice-Chancellor will consider the recommendation and the position description and advise the Chief People and Culture Officer or nominee of their decision.
(12) Where a Faculty wishes to establish a named Chair position, the relevant Faculty Board will make a recommendation to the Vice-Chancellor. The Vice-Chancellor will consider the recommendation and if endorsed will recommend to University Council that the named Chair be established. Council will consider the recommendation to establish the named Chair position and advise the Chief People and Culture Officer or nominee of its decision.
(13) Any changes to an established Chair title must be approved by the Vice-Chancellor or nominee.
(14) The relevant member of the Executive may recruit Professors who are not appointed to a Chair position in accordance with this Procedure.
(15) Where a preferred candidate has been identified the relevant member of the Executive must seek approval for the appointment of the candidate in accordance with clause 64.
Other Professorial categories
(16) The relevant Executive Dean may nominate individuals with significant professional and/or industry standing but with limited or no traditional Academic experience to the following positions:
Faculty |
Position Title |
Faculty of Business and Law |
Professor of Practice |
Faculty of Health |
Clinical Professor |
Faculty of Science, Engineering and Built Environment |
Industry Professor |
(17) The appointment process for the Professorial categories set out in clause 16 above, will follow the process set out in clauses 20-24 in the Honorary Appointments procedure.
(18) These Professorial positions will:
- be employed as fixed term Professional staff (above HEW level 10) and are ineligible for the benefits and conditions that apply only to Academic staff
- not have an honorific title associated with the appointment
- be expected to use the relevant title as set out in clause 16 in formal usage for the duration of their appointment.
(19) The stages in the DeakinRecruit process are:
1 |
Creating a new position |
5 |
Candidate shortlisting, interview and selection |
2 |
Raising a requisition |
6 |
Making the offer |
3 |
Recruitment brief |
7 |
Onboarding the new starter |
4 |
Sourcing the candidate pool |
8 |
Inducting the new starter |
(20) Before a HM can commence recruitment, the position must exist in DeakinPeople.
(21) Where a position already exists in DeakinPeople and is vacant or the current incumbent is departing, the HM can proceed to raising a requisition in DeakinRecruit (clause 24).
Creating a New Position
(22) If the position that the HM is intending to recruit to does not currently exist, the HM will need to create a new position in DeakinPeople
(23) When a new position is created it will be reviewed and then an email confirmation will be sent to the HM and the local area Finance delegate. The HM will then be able to raise a requisition in DeakinRecruit.
Raising a Requisition
(24) The HM raises a requisition via DeakinRecruit.
(25) In DeakinRecruit the HM will be prompted to enter details in relation to the vacancy and attach the position description (if no changes are required to an existing position description) before submitting it for approval.
(26) If the HM is seeking to recruit outside the standard process detailed in this Procedure, the HM must identify in DeakinRecruit if they are proposing to:
- undertake an Expression of Interest (EOI)(clauses 28 to 35); or
- seek approval to directly appoint an internal or external person to a position (clauses 36 to 40).
(27) If a HM is considering an EOI or Direct Appointment they must seek advice from their People and Culture Partner before proceeding.
Expression of Interest
(28) A HM can request approval to proceed with an EOI via DeakinRecruit, setting out the rationale and justification for offering an EOI as a development opportunity for current staff.
(29) A HM does not require approval to proceed with an EOI for a flexi-span position or a Teaching Scholar position. These positions can be advertised in accordance with clauses 32 or 33.
(30) The Executive Deans may call for an EOI for the positions of Deputy Dean, Associate Dean, Deputy Head of School/Department, Associate Head of School/Department and Course Director before making a recommendation to the Vice-Chancellor.
(31) Requests to proceed with an EOI must be approved (except for positions referred to in clauses 29 and 30) in DeakinRecruit by:
- the Executive Dean for Academic and Professional staff positions in their Faculty (other than positions which report directly to the Executive Dean, which must be approved by the Vice-Chancellor)
- the Executive Director, Customer Experience or nominee for all other Professional staff positions
- the Deputy Vice-Chancellor Research for research-only Academic positions that are centrally funded from the Office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor Research
- the Deputy Vice-Chancellor Research for Academic and Professional staff positions within their Portfolio, namely the Institute for Frontier Materials. the Institute for Intelligent Systems Research and Innovation and the Applied Artificial Intelligence Institute.
- the Vice-Chancellor for Academic Level E positions and senior manager positions.
(32) Prior to advertising a flexi-span position, the HM will invite EOI from casual professional staff in the immediate work area for the position. If a flexi-span position cannot be filled by an existing casual professional staff member through the EOI process, the position can then be advertised externally via DeakinRecruit.
(33) Where a Teaching Scholar position exists, the HM must first advertise the position as an EOI to sessional academic staff in that work area. If the Teaching Scholar position cannot be filled by an existing sessional academic staff member through the EOI process, the position can then be advertised externally via DeakinRecruit.
(34) Where there is only one EOI received for a vacancy and the candidate’s EOI demonstrates their suitability for the position, appointment may be recommended and approved by the HM without interview. Reference checks must still be completed in accordance with clause 60.
(35) Where there is more than one EOI received for a vacancy, a merit-based selection process lead by the HM should occur to assess candidates against the selection criteria in a fair and objective manner.
Direct Appointments
(36) Where a HM has identified an outstanding individual for appointment, and considers that no better appointment could be made by following the standard recruitment process, they should liaise with their People and Culture Partner before progressing with a Direct Appointment.
(37) Where it is reasonable to assume that there could be more than one internal staff member who could demonstrate that they meet the selection criteria for a vacancy, an EOI process or advertising the role internally to Deakin may be more suitable.
(38) The HM can request approval to make a Direct Appointment by submitting a direct appointment request in DeakinRecruit setting out the rationale and justification for the appointment. Reference checks must be completed in accordance with clause 60.
(39) Direct appointments must be approved in DeakinRecruit by:
- the Executive Dean for Academic and Professional staff positions in their Faculty (other than positions which report directly to the Executive Dean, which must be approved by the Vice-Chancellor)
- the Executive Director, Customer Experience or nominee for all other Professional staff positions
- the Deputy Vice-Chancellor Research for research-only Academic positions which are centrally funded from the Office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor Research
- the Deputy Vice-Chancellor Research for Academic and Professional staff positions within their Portfolio, namely the Institute for Frontier Materials. the Institute for Intelligent Systems Research and Innovation and the Applied Artificial Intelligence Institute.
- the Vice-Chancellor for Academic Level E positions and senior manager positions.
(40) Where a request for approval to make a Direct Appointment is not approved, the Manager Recruitment Services or nominee will notify the HM of the reason why the appointment was not approved and alternative recruitment options.
Recruitment Brief
(41) Once a Requisition has been approved within DeakinRecruit, the People Services Recruitment Team will contact the HM or nominee to conduct a recruitment brief.
(42) The recruitment brief is an opportunity for the HM and the People Services Recruitment Team to discuss and clarify:
- the appropriate remuneration range and other total rewards and benefits available for the position, and obtain pre-approval if required, in accordance with the Remuneration procedure.
- sourcing strategy and advertising options
- global mobility options (inbound or overseas appointment options and considerations)
- skills and experience required and ideal candidate profile
- consideration of opportunities to promote diversity and inclusion including whether it is appropriate to identify the role for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in accordance with Deakin’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Employment Strategy
- additional assessment requirements
- pre-employment checks, including a Working with Children Check (required for all new staff), and whether a National Police Record Check, a Fit and Proper Person Declaration, and/or a medical check are required
- interview options and requirements including panel composition
- ideal commencement date.
(43) The People Services Recruitment Team will then provide the HM a recruitment brief confirmation including sourcing strategy, advertising copy and confirmation of costs.
Sourcing the candidate pool
(44) During the recruitment brief, the HM and the People Services Recruitment Team will determine an appropriate sourcing and advertising approach. This may include proactive sourcing channels such as the Deakin candidate pool, referrals or advertising.
(45) Where it is confirmed during the job brief that advertising is required, the People Services Recruitment Team and the HM will determine the range of websites, publications and content to be used for advertising the vacancy.
(46) If the position being recruited has been previously unable to be filled or is critical or is considered difficult to fill, the HM and the People Services Recruitment Team may decide to engage a specialist recruitment agency.
(47) The People Services Recruitment Team will arrange all advertising requirements, including the engagement of any agency. All associated agency costs will be the responsibility of the Faculty or Portfolio.
(48) Internationally advertised roles will be advertised in accordance with immigration and labour market testing guidelines and as advised by the People Services Recruitment Team.
Candidate shortlisting, interview and selection
(49) All applications for advertised vacancies are submitted online via DeakinRecruit.
(50) The People Services Recruitment Team will develop a shortlist of up to 4 candidates for the HMs consideration following:
- assessing applications in relation to the position description, selection criteria (where appropriate), and for Academic positions, Principles for Applying and Assessing Achievement Relative to Opportunity.
- phone screening of potential candidates.
(51) For Level E positions the People Services Recruitment Team will report to the HM on the strategies used to source and attract female candidates consistent with the Faculty or Portfolio’s Gender Equity Plan, the shortlisting process and the reasons why the shortlisted candidates were recommended for interview.
(52) The HM can advise the People Services Recruitment Team if they want to be involved earlier at any stage of the shortlisting of applications and request if they would like to receive a longer shortlist.
Interview and Selection
(53) The People Services Recruitment Team is responsible for organising all interviews and logistics and will collaborate with local areas regarding appropriate interview locations if required.
(54) An interview panel will be convened for all advertised continuing or fixed-term positions.
(55) The composition of the interview panel will be determined by the HM together with the People Services Recruitment Team who should seek to achieve reasonable gender balance on the interview panels.
(56) The People Services Recruitment Team will also provide advice and support to the HM in relation to compiling interview questions, arranging any identified psychometric testing and ensuring that each shortlisted applicant has declared any actual, potential or perceived conflict of interest in accordance with the Declaration of Interest procedure.
(57) All interview panel members must declare to the other panel members if they have any connection (familiar or otherwise) with any of the candidates or have any other potential conflict of interest. The HM will refer to the Declaration of Interest procedure and seek advice from the People Services Recruitment Team in determining how to proceed.
(58) The interview panel will interview and assess the shortlisted candidates in a fair and objective manner against the position description, and where appropriate, Principles for Applying and Assessing Achievement Relative to Opportunity. The People Services Recruitment Team will organise any other pre-employment testing identified as part of the Job Brief.
(59) The interview panel will determine the preferred candidate suitable for appointment. If none of the short-listed candidates are suitable for appointment, the HM in consultation with the People Services Recruitment Team may decide to revisit the pool of original applications, re-advertise the position or seek to fill the vacancy in a different way.
(60) The People Services Recruitment Team is required to conduct a minimum of two references from people nominated by the preferred candidate, after interview and prior to recommending appointment. The HM may also speak directly with any referees.
(61) The People Services Recruitment Team will retain all reference checks in DeakinRecruit for a minimum of two years.
(62) The People Services Recruitment Team is responsible for contacting all unsuccessful interviewed candidates and providing feedback and will advise the candidates not shortlisted for interview that they have been unsuccessful via DeakinRecruit.
Making the Offer
(63) Subject to pre-employment requirements, including any immigration requirements, the interview panel will recommend a candidate for appointment, or decide not to make an appointment. Where the interview panel is not unanimous in its recommendation of a candidate for appointment, the HM has the final decision in determining whether or not to make an appointment.
Executive and Professorial Appointments
(64) If satisfied that the preferred candidate meets the essential requirements of the role, the Vice-Chancellor will make a recommendation to Council to approve the Executive or Professorial appointment.
Employment Offers
Verbal Offers
(65) Once a selection decision has been approved in accordance with this Procedure, including via EOI or Direct Appointment, the People Services Recruitment Team or HM as discussed as part of the recruitment brief, will make a verbal offer of employment to the preferred candidate. They must advise the preferred candidate that the offer is subject to pre-employment requirements and final approval by the University.
Written offers
(66) The People Services Recruitment Team will issue a written employment offer to the preferred candidate following approval of the appointment.
(67) The preferred applicant will be advised in the contract that employment is conditional on the satisfactory completion of pre-employment requirements, and that the University reserves the right to withdraw the offer of employment if Deakin receives information of any relevant criminal convictions, or knowledge that the applicant has been investigated for any other behaviour that would be incompatible with the position, or which may adversely affect Deakin's reputation if subsequently disclosed, conflict of interest or contrary medical information, or to take other action in the event of the candidate's failure to disclose such information prior to appointment.
(68) The People Services Recruitment Team will generate the contract of employment in DeakinRecruit. The HM will receive an email confirming that the candidate has received this information.
Pre-employment requirements
(69) As part of the recruitment brief the People Services Recruitment Team and HM will have discussed the required pre-employment checks based on the seniority and nature of the position.
(70) When the results of any pre-employment check is unsatisfactory, the offer of employment may be revoked. This will be determined by the Executive Director, Customer Experience or nominee who will inform the candidate in writing of the outcome, and if employment has commenced, it may be terminated.
Working with Children Check (WWCC)
(71) All new staff must obtain and maintain a WWCC or equivalent check as part of their pre-employment screening to join the University.
(72) Existing staff members moving to a position that requires a WWCC, are required to obtain and maintain a WWCC or equivalent check.
(73) Staff are responsible for organising their WWCC. The costs of the initial WWCC and renewals are payable by the staff member and the University will not reimburse these costs.
(74) Details of the WWCC will be recorded in DeakinPeople.
(75) The appointment may proceed contingent upon the outcome of the WWCC, however, until the provision of the WWCC (or evidence of application for the WWCC where lawful) to the Faculty or Portfolio, the Faculty or Portfolio may be required to allocate alternate duties in accordance with the WWCC Guidelines.
Fit and Proper Person declaration
(76) All members of the Executive, Head of School (or equivalent), or Executive Director of a Division (or equivalent) must be a 'fit and proper person'. A Fit and Proper Person Declaration is used to determine this. Where there is doubt around whether a Fit and Proper Person Declaration is required, the People Services Recruitment Team will provide advice to the HM.
(77) For identified positions, the candidate will be required to complete the Fit and Proper Person Declaration which will be included with the contract of employment. Making a false claim in the Fit and Proper Person Declaration amounts to a breach of the Code of Conduct and will result in disciplinary action.
(78) The appointment may proceed contingent upon the outcome of the Fit and Proper Person Declaration and/or any subsequent checks.
Department of Home Affairs Obligations
(79) The University provides sponsorship to support international appointments where a unique skill set is not readily available in Australia.
(80) The University provides sponsorship to:
- Professional HEW 10 staff (including above HEW Level 10); and
- Academic Level A – E staff
- all Level A appointees are required to have had their PhD conferred
- all Academic appointees (Level A – E) are required to be able to demonstrate two years relevant work experience (defined as academic teaching and/or research on a full time basis and/or PhD studies).
(81) Where the HM considers there is a need to sponsor positions outside those positions specified in clause 76, they must seek approval of the Executive Director, Customer Experience or nominee via the People Services Recruitment Team.
(82) The Department of Home Affairs are responsible for processing application for sponsorships. The People Services Recruitment Team will facilitate this process.
(83) Where sponsorship requirements are identified by the HM, the People Services Recruitment Team may request further evidential support to ensure compliance with University policy and procedure and also the requirements established by the Department of Home Affairs. No contract of employment will be provided to the preferred candidate until all University and Department requirements have been met.
National Police Record Check
(84) All members of the Executive, members of the Senior Leadership Team (SLT) and senior roles in finance require a National Police Record Check. Where there is doubt in relation to whether a National Police Record Check is required, the People Services Recruitment Team will provide advice to the HM.
(85) Where a National Police Record Check has been prescribed as a requirement the People Services Recruitment Team will facilitate the process with the preferred candidate and advise of the outcome. The cost of the check will be funded by the Faculty or Portfolio in which the position sits.
(86) The appointment may proceed contingent upon the outcome of the National Police Record Check.
Medical check
(87) Where a medical check has been prescribed as a requirement, the People Services Recruitment Team will facilitate the process with the preferred candidate and advise of the outcome.
(88) The People Services Recruitment Team will request the preferred candidate to arrange a medical check within a specified timeframe, with a medical practitioner of their choice or one nominated by the University. The People Services Recruitment Team will provide position details to the medical practitioner to enable the medical practitioner to assess the candidate's medical fitness to undertake the duties of the position.
(89) The People Services Recruitment Team will advise the HM of the outcome of the medical check.
(90) The People Services Recruitment Team will collect the payment receipt from the preferred candidate(s) and forward it to the Faculty or Portfolio, who will arrange to reimburse the candidate.
Probation period
(91) In consultation with the People Services Recruitment Team, the HM will determine the probation period to be served by the new staff member. This will be specified in the written offer. See Probation (Academic Staff) procedure and the Probation (Professional Staff) procedure.
(92) Employment offers are made in accordance with the Remuneration procedure.
(93) For senior manager positions, negotiations for the total remuneration package may occur between the preferred candidate and the HM or the Chief People and Culture Officer or nominee; these are subject to approval as set out in the Remuneration procedure.
Appointment by secondment
(94) The Faculty or Portfolio, the preferred applicant and the releasing area may reach a mutual agreement for appointment by secondment.
(95) Secondments are usually fixed-term for up to 12 months, at the end of which the appointee returns to their original position. Secondments beyond 12 months are subject to negotiation (see the Secondments, Transfers, and Job Rotation Guidelines for further information).
Rejection of employment offer
(96) If a selected candidate rejects the employment offer, the HM may extend the offer to the next preferred candidate (if appropriate), re-advertise the position, or make no appointment. This will be facilitated by the People Services Recruitment Team.
Acceptance of employment offer and confirmation of employment
(97) Employment will be confirmed upon:
- receipt of electronic confirmation from the new staff member of their contract of employment; and
- satisfactory completion of pre-employment requirements including WWCC (and any right to work evidence, where applicable); and
- any other documentation required in individual cases.
(98) The new staff member must send requested evidence of their qualifications to People Services within 5 working days of commencing at Deakin.
Relocation expenses
(99) The Head of Organisational Unit has a discretion to approve reimbursement of reasonable relocation expenses up to the relevant value set out in clauses 101 and 104. Reimbursement for travel, relocation/onboarding must not exceed the maximum amounts set out in the tables in clauses 101 and 104.
(100) This will be discussed with the HM during the recruitment brief and facilitated by the People Services Recruitment Team.
Overseas appointees
(101) The Head of Organisational Unit has the authority to approve reimbursement for overseas appointees, the appointee’s partner and any dependents. The reimbursement includes:
Staff with Senior Staff Performance Contract |
Relocation expenses up to the value of $30,000 |
Academic – Level E and Professional - HEW 10+ |
Relocation expenses up to the value of $20,000 |
Academic – Level D and Professional – HEW 9 and 10 |
Relocation expenses up to the value of $12,000 |
Academic – Level C and Professional – HEW 8 and below |
Relocation expenses up to the value of $5,000 |
(102) In addition to the reimbursement of relocation expenses, appointees will be eligible for reimbursement for the cost of a one-way economy class airfare for the appointee, their partner and any dependent.
(103) In order for reimbursement to be approved:
- travel must be by the most economical and direct route
- reimbursements involving conversion from foreign currency will be calculated at the exchange rate applicable to the date on which the expenses were incurred
- a reimbursement claim for the use of a removal broker or contractor must be supported by three quotations and receipts for payment and submitted within six months of commencement of duty; and
- where an overseas appointee is unable initially to meet the full cost of removal expenses, the University may upon arrival of their goods pay a removal broker or contractor directly an amount not greater than the limit specified or the amount of the lowest of three quotations, whichever is the lesser.
Interstate appointees
(104) The Head of Organisational Unit has the authority to approve reimbursement for interstate appointees, the appointee’s partner and any dependents. The reimbursement includes:
Staff with Senior Staff Performance Contract |
Relocation expenses up to the value of $15,000 |
Academic – Level E and Professional - HEW 10+ |
Relocation expenses up to the value of $10,000 |
Academic – Level D and Professional – HEW 9 and 10 |
Relocation expenses up to the value of $7,000 |
Academic – Level C and Professional – HEW 8 and below |
Relocation expenses up to the value of $3,000 |
(105) In addition to the reimbursement of relocation expenses, appointees will be eligible for reimbursement for the cost of a one-way economy class airfare or one-way first class rail fare for the appointee, their partner and any dependent.
(106) In order for reimbursement to be approved:
- travel must be by the most economical and direct route
- a reimbursement claim for the use of a removal broker or contractor must be submitted within six months of commencement of duty and must be supported by three quotations and receipt for payment of the lowest quotation.
Settlement allowance
(107) The Head of Organisational Unit may, at their discretion, approve a settlement allowance for eligible appointees. The settlement allowance:
- is a one-off payment to assist with any settlement expenses associated with relocation costs within Victoria
- is up to a maximum of $1000
- is taxable and non-superannuable
- does not require receipts for payment but receipts should be retained for tax purposes.
(108) Once the new staff member has formally accepted the offer the onboarding process is initiated.
(109) The new member and the HM will receive communications via email 14-28 days prior to commencement until a week after the new staff member has started with a range of welcome messages and information relevant to their commencement at the University.
(110) New staff will receive induction information and support online, at their local level and will be invited to an interactive induction session. Further information in relation to induction can be found on the Career at Deakin webpage on Deakinhub.
Recognition of Prior Service
(111) New staff can apply for recognition of prior service in relation to sick leave and long service leave at the following listed organisations:
- Australian universities and the Australian Maritime College;
- Australian Technical and Further Education (TAFE) organisations and any State or Federal departments of education;
- Public hospitals for Academic staff employed within the School of Nursing and Midwifery and the School of Medicine, provided that the staff member’s employment was directly related to the requirements of their appointment.
(112) In limited circumstances the Executive Director, Customer Experience or nominee may at their discretion recognise service at organisations other than those specified in clause 111 of this Procedure.
(113) Prior services will be recognised for:
- Sick leave. A staff member who has been employed at a listed organisation will be entitled to have their sick leave credits transferred from that organisation to the University where any break in service does not exceed twelve months between the date the staff member ceased employment with the listed organisation and when they commenced employment with the University.
- Long service leave. A staff member:
- who has been employed at a listed organisation will be entitled to have their services at a listed organisation recognised for the purpose of determining long service leave entitlements provided that the break in service between one of the listed organisations and the University is less than five years
- who has been employed on previous fixed-term appointments with the University will have breaks in service of up to six months recognised for access to long service leave entitlement, but not for calculating the accrued entitlements.
(114) For the purpose of determining a staff member’s entitlement to long service leave, the following will not count as service:
- any period of service subsequent to the date from which a pension is payable under the provision of the Superannuation Act 1992 (Cth) or such other pension schemes as may apply where the staff member retires on the ground of age or ill-health
- any period of service for which payment in lieu of long service leave has been made by a previous employer or for which a staff member has an entitlement to payment in lieu of long service leave by a previous employer (as per clause 9 of the Deakin University Enterprise Agreement 2017), provided that any such period of service will be included for the purpose of satisfying the requirement that a minimum of seven years be served before long service leave may be taken.
(115) Where service with another organisations is recognised for the purpose of determining long service leave entitlement, the Executive Director, Customer Experience or nominee may require that a period of service with the University not greater than three years be completed before the staff member is eligible to take long service leave.
(116) The amount of service with previous organisations recognised for long service leave purposes will not exceed seven years and no accrued entitlement of leave will be accepted by any prior employer.
(117) People Services will advise all new staff members of their entitlement to apply for recognition of prior service with their letter of appointment.
(118) Where a staff member considers that they are eligible to have sick leave credits transferred or have prior service recognised for the purpose of long service leave, the staff member must make an application in writing to People Services within twelve months from the date of their appointment to the University.
(119) The Executive Director, Customer Experience or nominee will, no later than twelve months from the date of the staff member’s application, notify the staff member in writing of the number of sick leave credits which have been transferred and/or the amount of service with previous employers that has been recognised by the University for long service leave purposes.
(120) A staff member’s claim for recognition of prior service will only be approved upon the production of evidence satisfactory to the University.
(121) Where a staff member is seeking recognition of service at an organisation other than those specified in this Procedure, the staff member must make this request to the Executive Director, Customer Experience nominee prior to their acceptance of their contract of employment.
(122) If the Executive Director, Customer Experience or nominee recognises service at an organisation other than those specified in this Procedure, this recognition must be included in the staff member’s contract of employment. Recognition of service at organisations not included in the Deakin University Enterprise Agreement 2017 will only occur in exceptional circumstances.
Re-employment of previous staff members
(123) Re-employment of previous staff, following resignation or redundancy, is based on the merit-based selection process described above, provided that re-employment with Deakin is not in breach of any legislation regarding taxation or superannuation.
(124) Staff whose employment at Deakin has ceased due to redundancy (whether voluntary or otherwise) will not be eligible to apply for re-employment at Deakin for two years from their cessation date.
Top of PageSection 6 - Definitions
(125) For the purpose of this Procedure:
- Academic staff: staff who are engaged to undertake teaching, research and scholarship and/or related academic duties
- Executive: staff members who report directly to the Vice-Chancellor, other than staff whose functions support administrative and related functions of the Office of the Vice-Chancellor
- Flexi-span position: a position that requires the staff member to work ordinary hours that are rostered outside the spread of ordinary hours of work, as defined in the Deakin University Enterprise Agreement 2017
- Hiring Manager: the staff member to whom the staff member will report when hired
- Inbound appointment: appointment of a foreign citizen or resident who will relocate to Australia for the duration of their appointment
- Overseas appointment: appointment of a foreign citizen or resident who works from an international location for the entire period of their appointment
- Principles for Applying and Assessing Achievement Relative to Opportunity: provides a method for making merit based assessment while taking into account how circumstances can affect the productivity and the opportunities available (see Principles for Applying and Assessing Achievement Relative to Opportunity)
- Professional staff: as defined in the Employment of Staff policy
- Senior managers: Pro Vice-Chancellors, Vice-Presidents, Heads of Schools, Directors of Divisions, Chiefs of Areas, Directors of Institutes, Heads of Units, the University Librarian, the General Counsel, Executive Directors, and other senior positions as determined by the Vice-Chancellor
- Senior Leadership Team (SLT): membership includes all staff at above HEW level 10 who report to a member of the Executive and other positions as determined by the Vice-Chancellor