(1) This Procedure is effective from 18 April 2024. (2) This Procedure outlines requirements for all public relations and marketing activities including branding and merchandising, undertaken by or on behalf of the University. (3) This Procedure applies throughout the University and to any individual or organisation designated to undertake public relations and marketing, including branding or merchandising, on behalf of the University. (4) This Procedure is pursuant to the Public Relations and Marketing Policy. (5) The University brand mark must be used on all official University documents and marketing, advertising and communications material in accordance with instructions on the Promoting Deakin website. The website includes information regarding attaining approval for use of the brand mark and access to templates, which must be used for any communication identifying the University. Faculties and Portfolios are responsible for ensuring they use the latest version of the templates. (6) The brand mark cannot be used by any external organisations without the written permission of the University's Marketing and Recruitment. External requests for the use of the brand mark - such as by media, marketing or advertising agencies - must comply with the Deakin University Editorial Style Guide and must be authorised by Marketing and Recruitment. Requests for use of the brand mark should be submitted to identity@deakin.edu.au. (7) The University reserves the right to withdraw permission to use the University's brand mark, or any component thereof. (8) Faculties and Portfolios entering into agreements with external organisations to use University branding must comply with this Procedure and such compliance must be indicated in the terms of contract. Measures will be taken to correct the improper or unauthorised use of the University's brand and any related costs will be incurred by the area in breach. Corrective measures may include destruction of material that breaches the Deakin University Editorial Style Guide. (9) Any and all brand elements as approved by the University are the sole elements to be used to represent the University and its work. (10) All University advertising must be placed through the Marketing and Recruitment and the University's appointed advertising agency. Marketing and Recruitment will be responsible for engaging any advertising agency and will ensure all materials produced meet the University's advertising guidelines, comply with legislative and accessibility requirements including Digital Accessibility Guidelines, are effectively aligned in terms of message and audience, and that placements are booked at best available rates and placed in the best medium to achieve desired purpose. (11) All advertising requests and enquiries should be directed to Marketing and Recruitment via brand@deakin.edu.au prior to any commitments being made to purchase, develop content for or place advertisements. (12) University staff must consult the Identity and Merchandise Coordinator in the Brand and Marketing Communications Division before developing any merchandise to determine the need for the product. (13) Staff must complete the Merchandise Procurement Application Form and receive approval from the Identity and Merchandise Coordinator before approaching any potential supplier of merchandise, for both new requests and when re-ordering. (14) The staff member who requested the merchandise must also: (15) The Identity and Merchandise Coordinator will maintain a register of approved University merchandise including details of type of product, supplier, quantities and distribution. (16) All University merchandise will use environmentally responsible and sustainable product choices where feasible and in accordance with the Sustainability Policy and Procurement policy. (17) Any obsolete merchandise must be disposed of. The most appropriate means of disposal will be determined in consultation with the Identity and Merchandise Coordinator. (18) For the purpose of this Procedure:Public Relations and Marketing Procedure
Section 1 - Preamble
Section 2 - Purpose
Section 3 - Scope
Section 4 - Policy
Section 5 - Procedure
Section 6 - Definitions
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