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Honorary Degrees procedure

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Section 1 - PREAMBLE

(1) This Procedure is effective from 28 June 2022.

(2) This Procedure is pursuant to regulation 23 of the Council Regulations.

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Section 2 - PURPOSE

(3) This Procedure sets out the processes for nominating individuals for Honorary Degrees and for the consideration of nominations.

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Section 3 - SCOPE

(4) Honorary Degrees may be conferred on individuals for outstanding contributions to the community. They honour achievement which is aligned to the University's aims and which provides inspiration to members of the University community.

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Section 4 - POLICY

(5) Refer to regulation 23 of the Council Regulations.

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Section 5 - PROCEDURE

(6) Nominations for the awarding of Honorary Degrees are considered by the Vice-Chancellor in the first instance.

(7) Nominations may be made to the Vice-Chancellor by:

  1. University staff through a member of the Executive
  2. senior staff who report to the Vice-Chancellor
  3. members of the Deakin University Council.

(8) All nominations are strictly confidential. The person being nominated should not be advised of their nomination unless and until an award is approved.

(9) Self-nominations are not permitted and are not consistent with the confidentiality of nominations.

(10) Nominees for honorary degrees must be alive at the time that the nomination is made but a posthumous award may be made if the person died after the nomination was submitted.

(11) The Council Secretary will circulate information to the University community at regular intervals inviting nominations for honorary degrees in accordance with this procedure.

(12) In accordance with regulation 23 of the Council Regulations there are two levels of Honorary Degrees:

  1. The Deakin Honorary Doctorate in recognition of an eminent individual who has made an inspiring or significant and sustained contribution to the community aligned to the University's objectives
  2. The Honorary Master of Innovation in recognition of an individual who has made a meritorious and worthy contribution in their chosen field that is making a difference in the community.

(13) Nominations for the awarding of Honorary Degrees must specify:

  1. which degree is proposed
  2. the contributions or accomplishments of the nominee which merit the awarding of the degree.

(14) Nominations should be made by completing all sections of the Honorary Degree Nomination Form and submitting the form to the Vice-Chancellor or delegate.

(15) Where the Vice-Chancellor considers that a prima-facie case for the awarding of an Honorary Degree exists, a recommendation will be made to the Honorary Degrees Committee.

(16) Following consultation with the nominator the Vice-Chancellor may recommend the award of a different level of Honorary Degree to that initially nominated.

(17) The relevance of the person's contribution (or potential contribution) to the objects and programs of the University or to the communities it serves will be among the matters taken into account by the Honorary Degrees Committee.

(18) On the advice of the Honorary Degrees Committee, the Vice-Chancellor may recommend to Council that conferral of the Honorary Degree be approved.

(19) If Council approves the award the Vice-Chancellor will advise the awardee. The name of the awardee will be published in the minutes of the relevant Council meeting.

(20) If Council does not approve the award the Vice-Chancellor will advise the nominator that the nomination was unsuccessful. The name of the nominee will not be made public.

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Section 6 - DEFINITION

(21) There are no definitions arising under this Procedure.