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Community, Industry and Government Partnerships procedure

This is not a current document. It has been revoked and is no longer in force.

Section 1 - Preamble

(1) This Procedure was approved by the Vice-Chancellor on 29 May 2014.

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Section 2 - Purpose

(2) This Procedure governs community, industry and government partnerships.

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Section 3 - Scope

(3) This Procedure applies to the development and maintenance of community, industry and government partnerships with other entities in Australia and overseas. For the purposes of this Procedure, it does not include partnerships specifically related to research matters.

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Section 4 - Policy

(4) This Procedure is pursuant to Partnerships Policy.

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Section 5 - Procedures

(5) The process associated with the development and maintenance of partnership arrangements that cover a combination of types of partnerships must be consistent with the requirements for each individual type of partnership.

Establishment and approval

(6) Members of the Executive may propose the establishment of domestic and international community, industry and government partnerships.

(7) The proposer/s prepare a business case for a partnership for consideration and recommendation for approval by the Vice-Chancellor in conjunction with the Chief Advancement Officer and other relevant Executives as required. The business case should include:

  1. an outline of the strategic value of the partnership to the University and its contribution to the achievement of the University's goals
  2. a risk and benefit analysis of the proposal
  3. a due diligence report on the partner institution(s), as appropriate
  4. evidence of consultation with and support from other relevant sections of the University, including the sponsoring Faculty or Faculties affected by the partnership, the Library, Deakin Finance, the Deputy Vice-Chancellor Global Engagement Portfolio.

Monitoring and review

(8) The Vice-Chancellor manages and monitors government partnerships.

(9) The Chief Advancement Officer manages and monitors community and industry partnerships with additional responsibilities allocated to the sponsoring Faculty or Portfolio to:

  1. monitor the formal agreement, report against proposed outcomes and follow established communication protocols
  2. normally visit each partner institution at least annually or as required to meet with key stakeholders.

(10) Between six and nine months prior to the expiration of a community, industry or government partnership contract, the CAO or the Vice-Chancellor, in consultation with sponsoring Faculty or Faculties or Portfolios will review the operation of each partnership. This review forms the basis for the renewal and/or renegotiation of each partnership agreement.

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Section 6 - Definitions

(11) For the purpose of this Procedure:

  1. Community and industry partnership: partnerships with a diversity of individuals, agencies and organisations, community groups, professional associations and other educational providers, both nationally and internationally.
  2. Government partnership: partnerships with governments or government bodies  whether domestic (at local, state or federal level) or international.
  3. Partnership sponsor: a member of the Executive who proposes the establishment of a partnership.
  4. Sponsoring Executive Portfolio: the Executive Portfolio (or its specific constituent area) responsible for developing, managing and monitoring a community or industry partnership.
  5. Sponsoring Faculty: the Faculty responsible for developing and delivering a course through an Academic Partnership or developing, managing and monitoring a community or industry partnership.