(1) This Procedure is effective from 15 June 2021. (2) This Procedure outlines the processes for staff leaving their employment with the University. (3) This Procedure applies to all staff (other than casual staff) employed by the University. (4) This Procedure is pursuant to the Employment of Staff policy. (5) Staff may leave their employment or have their employment terminated by the University in accordance with clause 64 the Deakin University Enterprise Agreement 2017(EA), an Executive Contract, or a Senior Staff Performance Contract. (6) All staff who wish to resign from the University must advise their Head of Organisational Unit, either directly or through the staff member's manager, of their intention to resign in accordance with the notice period specified in their contract of employment. (7) The staff member must then submit their resignation through DeakinPeople via the Resignation/Retirement tile. (8) The Head of Organisational Unit may waive or reduce the period of notice. In such cases, the Head of Organisational Unit must advise HRD of the revised notice period. (9) HRD will confirm the staff member's resignation in writing. (10) Staff may choose to retire from the University at any time after reaching the age of 55 years. (11) Eligible staff wishing to retire must: (12) Minimum notice of an intention to retire is the notice period specified in the staff member’s contract of employment. However, staff are encouraged to discuss any intention to retire as part of their regular DeakinAchieve conversation to support workforce planning and for the University to consider whether circumstances exist where a pre-retirements contract may be offered by the Executive Director, Human Resources. (13) The Executive Director, Human Resources or nominee may offer eligible staff members one of the following pre-retirement contracts: (14) A pre-retirement contract will only be offered to an eligible staff member by the Executive Director, Human Resources or nominee where they consider it to be mutually beneficial for the University and the staff member taking into account: (15) Where a manager is considering a pre-retirement contract as part of managing their workforce they must first discuss this with their HR Partner and together submit a business case addressing clause 14 to the Executive Director, Human Resources or nominee for consideration and determination. (16) The Executive Director, Human Resources or nominee will determine the duration of any offer of a fixed-term contract based on the University’s anticipated length of time it will take to: (17) Where a staff member accepts an offer of a pre-retirement conversion, the manager and the staff member will determine the work hours and job responsibilities, ensuring that the arrangement meets the operational needs of the area. (18) Unless otherwise agreed by the Executive Director, Human Resources or nominee this pre-retirement contract will be considered a transition to retirement arrangement and at the end of the fixed-term contract the staff member's employment with the University will cease. (19) At the discretion of the relevant member of the Executive, the University may engage the staff member as a casual staff member following cessation of their pre-retirement contract of employment. (20) HRD will confirm the staff member's retirement in writing. (21) Fixed-term staff leaving the University at the conclusion of their contract are not required to submit their resignation. (22) Fixed-term staff who wish to resign prior to the end of their fixed-term contract must do so in accordance with clauses 6 and 7 of this Procedure. (23) Where a staff member fails to attend work without prior notice or approval from their manager, the manager will attempt to contact the staff member at the earliest possible time. (24) If the manager is unable to make contact with the staff member, the manager should contact HRD who will attempt to contact the staff member. (25) The Executive Director, Human Resources or nominee will write to the staff member to: (26) If no response is received, the Executive Director, Human Resources or nominee will send a final letter to the staff member confirming the end of the employment relationship and the payment of the balance of any entitlements. (27) While the Executive Director, Human Resources or nominee undertakes the steps outlined in clauses 25 and 26 above, they will determine whether the staff member will be placed on leave without pay. (28) An unauthorised and unexplained absence from work for a total period of two weeks or more will normally constitute an abandonment of employment. (29) Prior to the staff member’s departure: (30) Staff must return all University property in their possession (see Leaving Deakin Checklist). (31) Any outstanding debts or overpayments must be cleared prior to departure, in accordance with the Remuneration procedure. (32) The Head of Organisational Unit will contact the Executive Director, Human Resources as soon as possible following the death of a member of staff. (33) The Executive Director, Human Resources will advise the Vice-Chancellor and relevant member of the Executive and liaise with the organisational unit of the deceased staff member to offer assistance to the family of the deceased as appropriate. (34) The Executive Director, Human Resources or nominee will also arrange for support and counselling for other staff members as appropriate. (35) The Executive Director, Human Resources or nominee will liaise with the estate of the deceased staff member and organise for final payments to be made. (36) There are no definitions arising under this Procedure.Leaving Deakin procedure
Section 1 - Preamble
Section 2 - Purpose
Section 3 - Scope
Section 4 - Policy
Section 5 - Procedure
Expiry of a fixed-term contract
Abandonment of employment
Actions for manager and staff member prior to staff member’s departure
Death in service
Section 6 - Definitions
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