(1) This Procedure is effective from 11 September 2018. (2) To outline the processes involved in: (3) This Procedure applies to surveys undertaken or coordinated by staff members for University purposes. It does not apply to surveys that form part of a research project by a student or an Academic staff member. For surveys that are part of research projects refer to the Research Conduct Policy. (4) This Procedure is pursuant to the Quality Management policy. (5) The Strategic Intelligence and Planning Unit will maintain a Survey Evaluation Framework, which will be published on the Conducting Surveys at Deakin website and will contain information including: (6) The conduct of non-core surveys requires the approval of the Director, Strategic Intelligence and Planning Unit. To seek approval a survey sponsor (normally a member of the Executive) must submit an application through the Deakin Survey Approval Process. (7) The Director, Strategic Intelligence and Planning Unit will consider whether: (8) After considering the matters set out at clause 7 and consulting with the Dean of Students in regard to proposed non-core student surveys, the Director, Strategic Intelligence and Planning Unit will advise the survey sponsor whether the survey may proceed. (9) The survey sponsor may seek further assessment by the Vice-Chancellor or nominee. The decision of the Vice-Chancellor or nominee is final. (10) Key approved surveys will be added to the University’s calendar of surveys published on the Conducting Surveys at Deakin website. (11) Approved non-core surveys will be conducted for the period for which they have approval. (12) Staff of the Strategic Intelligence and Planning Unit will liaise with the Human Research Ethics Committee where appropriate to determine whether Human Research Ethics Committee approval is required to conduct a particular survey. (13) The Strategic Intelligence and Planning Unit will schedule and prioritise all surveys to ensure that core University surveys are given priority in scheduling, and, where possible will ensure that: (14) The Strategic Intelligence and Planning Unit will produce reports on the major externally coordinated annual surveys of student outcomes, including relevant Quality Indicators of Learning and Teaching surveys, as well as on surveys conducted to support the University's strategic and operational planning or quality assurance. (15) The Strategic Intelligence and Planning Unit will provide data analysis and reports on core surveys within four weeks of receiving the final data and/or data files. (16) Summary results of surveys will be published on the Strategic Intelligence and Planning Unit's Surveys website. Access to results may be provided to survey participants by other means subject to privacy and confidentiality requirements associated with the data. (17) No survey data from surveys conducted by the Strategic Intelligence and Planning Unit will be released to parties outside the University without the approval in writing of the Senior Deputy Vice-Chancellor Academic. (18) The Strategic Intelligence and Planning Unit will retain all survey raw data for a minimum period of five (5) years. (19) For the purposes of this Procedure:Surveys procedure
Section 1 - Preamble
Section 2 - Purpose
Top of PageSection 3 - Scope
Section 4 - Policy
Section 5 - Procedure
Approval of non-core surveys
Ethics Committee approval
Analysis and reporting
Section 6 - Definitions
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