(1) This Procedure is effective from 20 October 2014. (2) This Procedure includes the following schedules: (3) This Procedure outlines the requirements and processes of the Art Collection and Galleries policy. (4) This Procedure applies to the management of the University's art collection, Deakin University Art Gallery and exhibitions managed by the Art Collection and Galleries Unit. (5) This Procedure is pursuant to the Art Collection and Galleries policy. (6) The University will acquire artworks, mainly by contemporary Australian artists, on the advice of the Manager, Art Collection and Galleries Unit within budgetary provisions and taking into consideration: (7) Acquisitions can only be approved by the Chief Advancement Officer based on a written submission from the Manager, Art Collection and Galleries Unit. (8) The University may accept donations of appropriate artworks from artists or owners, or through the Cultural Gifts Program on the advice of the Manager, Art Collection and Galleries Unit. Donations must be registered for inclusion in the art collection according to the Art Collection and Galleries Unit accession process. (9) The Manager, Art Collection and Galleries Unit will ensure donations of gifts under the Cultural Gifts Program comply with legislative requirements. (10) Newly acquired artworks will be photographed, catalogued and accessioned as soon as possible after acquisition (11) The Manager, Art Collection and Galleries Unit will ensure that artworks will be displayed in public University spaces and the number of works in storage will be kept to a minimum. (12) Artworks in a public space overseen by an organisational unit will be displayed in consultation with the Head of Organisational Unit. (13) Artworks in a public space not overseen by an organisational unit will be displayed in consultation with the Director, Facilities Services. (14) Artworks donated to an organisational unit will be displayed in that area. (15) Heads of Organisational Units may apply to the Manager, Art Collection and Galleries Unit to display artwork from the collection in offices and other spaces within the organisational unit. (16) Requests to display artworks will be evaluated and determined by the Manager, Art Collection and Galleries Unit on the basis of adequate security, appropriate lighting and suitable climatic conditions in the proposed display area. (17) Heads of Organisational Units authorised to display artworks must agree to the conditions outlined in Schedule A: Conditions of Use: Displaying Artworks from the University Art Collection. (18) Artworks on display may be recalled by the Manager, Art Collection and Galleries Unit if: (19) An annual program will be organised by the Art Collection and Galleries Unit which will include exhibitions by professional, contemporary artists. Where appropriate, exhibitions will be available for tour both regionally and nationally. (20) The annual program may include selected touring exhibitions initiated by others and invitations may be issued to local and/or regional community groups to participate in the program. Provision may be made to display the work of staff members, students and alumni. (21) University staff will not actively engage in the sale of artworks by exhibition participants. (22) The Manager, Art Collection and Galleries Unit may put a prospective buyer in contact with the commercial gallery representing the artist, or with the artist, if artworks are available for sale. (23) Prices will not be displayed on artworks. If an artwork is sold during an exhibition, the sale will not be marked in any way. (24) Staff members who wish to reproduce or communicate on-line an image from the University Art Collection must obtain the approval of their Head of Organisational Unit and forward a written request to the Manager, Art Collection and Galleries Unit. A request must be submitted at least 4 weeks before the intended use of the image and include: (25) Where requests are approved, the user must agree to the conditions outlined in Schedule B: Conditions of Use: Images of University Art Collection Artworks, and pay for the cost of reproducing the image. (26) Permission to reproduce the work will be declined if copyright approval cannot be obtained. (27) The Art Collection and Galleries Unit will deaccession an artwork when: (28) Every effort will be made to notify the artist and/or donor of a proposed deaccession. (29) Deaccessioned artworks must not be transferred to, purchased by or given to a University staff member or any member of their immediate family unless that person is the artist of the work. (30) Income obtained from deaccessioned artworks will be used for further acquisitions for the Art Collection. The original donor of a gifted artwork that has been sold will be acknowledged in association with new artwork purchased using the proceeds of the sale. (31) For the purpose of this Procedure:Art Collection and Galleries procedure
Section 1 - Preamble
Top of PageSection 2 - Purpose
Section 3 - Scope
Section 4 - Policy
Section 5 - Procedures
Exhibition program
Section 6 - Definitions
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