(1) This Procedure is effective from 25 September 2024. (2) This Procedure sets out the processes for creating and renewing Affiliate Academic appointments. (3) This Procedure applies to Affiliate Academic appointments within the Faculty of Health. This procedural framework may be used in similar circumstances for other disciplines, subject to the approval of the relevant Executive Dean. (4) This Procedure does not apply to fixed-term or continuing Academic staff, Professional staff or Honorary staff. (5) Affiliate Academics are not University staff and the role carries no remuneration. However they may be employed concurrently as a sessional academic staff member by the University. Any sessional engagement is separate from their Affiliate Academic appointment at the University. (6) This Procedure is pursuant to the Employment of Staff Policy. (7) The University seeks to recognise significant and sustained contribution to the teaching, research and/or service activities of the University on the part of health and medical professionals through the provision of Affiliate Academic titles. (8) The University may appoint Affiliate Academics with the following titles: (9) School specific affiliate titles may also be offered to reflect the unique nature of the academic responsibilities in that school and its programs. (10) Further information on Affiliate Academic appointments, including titles, qualifications, experience and potential individual contributions can be found here. (11) Potential affiliates can apply at any time for an Affiliate Academic appointment by completing and submitting the Affiliate Academic appointment form. (12) Applications for an Affiliate Academic title at Levels A – D will be reviewed and endorsed by the Faculty of Health Affiliate Academic Appointments Advisory Committee comprising: (13) The Vice-Chancellor, on the recommendation of one or more of the following, may confer a title of Affiliate Professor: (14) Individuals will be advised of the outcome of their application via email. (15) Affiliate Academic appointments will normally be for a period of up to three years, however may be for a period up to five years where long-term and acceptable standards of contributions to the University have been evidenced. (16) At least three months before the conclusion of an Affiliate Academic appointment, the relevant Dean/Head of School will request the Affiliate for evidence of their contributions during their previous appointment and advise them if they are eligible for renewal of their affiliate appointment. (17) Where a current Affiliate wishes to apply for an Affiliate title above that which they currently hold, either during the term of their appointment or as part of their renewal, a new form with supporting evidence of their additional experience, qualifications and/or contribution needs to be submitted. (18) Affiliate Academic appointments may be terminated at any time by the relevant Executive Dean (or nominee), who will advise the Affiliate Academic appointee in writing. (19) The University recognises that some Affiliate Academics will primarily contribute to research, or teaching and learning, or professional service, leadership or administration, for others the contribution may reflect a mixture of these. (20) The contributions will be agreed by the Affiliate Academic with the relevant Head/Dean of School (or another nominated academic supervisor). (21) Potential contributions to teaching and learning include but are not limited to: (22) The relevant Head/Dean of School must approve the Affiliate Academic’s involvement in the following research activities: (23) Further examples of the range of contributions made by Affiliate Academics and acceptable standards of contribution can be found here. (24) When contributing to the University, Affiliate Academics must comply with any applicable legislation and all relevant University policies, and procedures including but not limited to the Code of Conduct, Declaration of Interest procedure, Intellectual Property Policy and relevant health and safety policies. Affiliate Academics must also complete any required compliance training including cyber security compliance training. (25) Affiliate Academic appointees receive a wide range of benefits from Deakin including: (26) Additionally, the following opportunities may be provided to an Affiliate Academic may subject to approval by the relevant Head of School: (27) For the purpose of this Procedure:Affiliate Academic Appointments Procedure
Section 1 - Preamble
Section 2 - Purpose
Section 3 - Scope
Section 4 - Policy
Section 5 - Procedure
Affiliate academic titles
Approval of Affiliate Academic appointments
Duration and renewal of affiliate academic appointments
Contributions and responsibilities of Affiliate Academic appointees
Benefits for Academic Affiliate appointees
Top of PageSection 6 - Definitions
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