(1) This Procedure was approved by the Vice-Chancellor on 5 March 2016. (2) This Procedure outlines the steps that staff members experiencing domestic or family violence can take to access available support mechanisms (including special leave). (3) This Procedure is pursuant to the Domestic and Family Violence (Staff and Student Support) Policy and gives effect to the situations of domestic or family violence clauses contained in the Deakin University Enterprise Agreement 2013. (4) This procedure applies to all staff of the University. (5) Refer to the Domestic and Family Violence (Staff and Student Support) Policy. (6) Deakin will adopt a collaborative approach to supporting staff experiencing domestic or family violence. The University's Safer Community Services will act as the central point of enquiry for information, advice and support and will work positively with other internal and external avenues of assistance and the affected staff member so that he/she can continue to work. (7) A staff member experiencing domestic or family violence can elect to contact (8) All staff involved in supporting a staff member experiencing domestic or family violence must treat the matter as confidential. To protect the safety of others or as agreed with the staff member, supporting staff must not discuss the matter with other staff or people outside Deakin, other than the University's Safer Community Services, or unless there is a legal obligation to do so. (9) Any individual receiving a disclosure will: (10) Additional requirements apply to specific roles: (11) Staff members may request a support person to attend any meetings in relation to matters of domestic or family violence. (12) Deakin will co-operate with all legal orders protecting staff experiencing domestic or family violence. (13) Safer Community Services, in consultation with other relevant areas of Deakin including the relevant HR Client Partner, will consider any request for support from a staff member experiencing domestic or family violence. Staff experiencing domestic or family violence may have access to a range of supporting measures, which may include: (14) A request for special leave can be submitted by the staff member via Safer Community or by contacting their HR Client Partner or HR Adviser. (15) A request that is submitted via Safer Community or email to HR will by-pass the staff member's work area and go direct to a designated approver within Human Resources Division (HRD). (16) The amount and timing of special leave will take into account the individual's situation and will be assessed and determined in consultation with the staff member, Safer Community Services, the staff member's supervisor and HRD. Casual staff members may be eligible for unpaid special leave. (17) Special leave may be granted for a range of reasons, including but not limited to: (18) When a staff member raises a concern regarding domestic or family violence, the University Safer Community Services, with input from the supervisor and the area's HR Client Partner, may be required to put in place strategies to ensure the safety of the staff member and others in the workplace. (19) When developing a personal safety plan the following must be considered: (20) If a person breaches a court order by coming into the workplace or disrupts the workplace, the staff member's supervisor must: (21) In the case where a reported domestic violence situation is occurring between two members of the University community, Deakin will make reasonable changes necessary to support and maintain the safety of both parties. (22) When applying for support under this procedure, including for special leave, proof of domestic or family violence may be required by Safer Community Services and/or HRD. Evidence can be in the form of a document issued by: (23) Any notes of meetings, discussions and actions proposed or taken must be stored in a secure location in accordance with the Privacy Policy. All information pertaining to a staff member's personal circumstances in terms of domestic or family violence must be kept confidential and not be placed on their personnel file. (24) Supervisors are responsible for: (25) For the purpose of this Procedure:Domestic and Family Violence (Staff Support) Procedure
Section 1 - Preamble
Section 2 - Purpose
Section 3 - Scope
Section 4 - Policy
Section 5 - Procedure
Requesting support
Managing requests for support and responding to a disclosure
Types of support available to staff
Special Leave
Safety Plans
Record keeping
Responsibility of supervisors
Top of PageSection 6 - Definitions
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to discuss their situation and access support.
It is recognised that staff experiencing domestic or family violence may also disclose their experience to a trusted colleague or someone from outside their immediate work unit or an external support agency.