(1) This Procedure is effective from 13 December 2023. (2) This Procedure outlines the steps that staff who are currently experiencing, or who have previously experienced family violence can take to access available support mechanisms. (3) This Procedure applies to all staff. (4) Reports of family violence impacting children are managed through the Child Safety policy. (5) This Procedure is pursuant to the Family Violence (Staff and Student Support) policy. (6) The University will adopt a collaborative approach to supporting staff who are currently experiencing, or have previously experienced family violence. The University's Safer Community will act as the central point of enquiry for information, advice and support and will engage with internal and external stakeholders as appropriate. (7) Staff who are currently experiencing, or have previously experienced family violence can disclose their experience to another trusted staff member. This includes, but is not limited to: (8) The University provides professional development for staff to understand and respond to interpersonal violence. All staff are encouraged to engage with the available programs, in particular those staff listed as a disclosure contact point in clause 7. (9) Any individual receiving a disclosure will: (10) Safer Community can support and assist staff who are currently experiencing, or have previously experienced family violence to access available support measures. Support measures available through Deakin may include but are not limited to: (11) Staff who are experiencing or have experienced family violence can request: (12) Staff can request family and domestic violence leave via: (13) Staff may be required to submit documentation to support requests for family and domestic violence leave and special leave. (14) Supporting documentation can be in the form of a document issued by: (15) Leave requests lodged in accordance with clause 11 will be processed by the designated approver within the People Services (Wellbeing Team). Staff who are taking leave may request support from any of the parties listed in clause 12 when informing their line manager of their absence from work. Staff are not required to disclose to their line manager that they are taking family and domestic violence leave. (16) Family and domestic violence leave may be granted for a range of reasons, including but not limited to: (17) Any notes of meetings, discussions and actions proposed or taken must be stored in a secure location in accordance with the Privacy policy. All information pertaining to a staff member's personal circumstances in terms of family violence must be kept confidential and not be placed on their personnel file unless they have provided consent to do so. (18) For the purpose of this Procedure:Family Violence (Staff Support) procedure
Section 1 - Preamble
Section 2 - Purpose
Section 3 - Scope
Section 4 - Policy
Section 5 - Procedure
Requesting support
Staff Training
Managing requests for support and responding to a disclosure
Support measures available to staff
Leave Arrangements
Record keeping
Section 6 - Definitions
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