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Employment of Staff Policy

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Section 1 - Purpose

(1) This Policy is effective from 9 August 2024.

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Section 2 - Purpose

(2) This Policy supports the University’s commitment to creating fulfilling experiences across the employment lifecycle in the way we attract, develop, promote, engage and retain our staff.

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Section 3 - Scope

(3) This Policy applies to all prospective and current staff of the University.

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Section 4 - Policy

Ways of working and inclusion 

(4) Deakin is dedicated to creating a flexible and inclusive work environment that emphasises the nature of work and fosters team connections. This approach to 'ways of working' prioritises the nature of the work rather than the number of days on campus and encourages leaders and team members to collaboratively navigate their work at Deakin, making decisions informed by work type, workspace, team, and social needs.

(5) Flexibility is applied according to the unique demands of each role, informed by legislative requirements, team dynamics and the outcomes of the work itself.

(6) The University is also deeply committed to fostering an inclusive workforce by providing employment conditions that support individuals of all backgrounds, cultures, abilities, gender and other identities to participate, thrive and balance work and life needs.

Right to disconnect

(7) The University is committed to supporting wellbeing and encourages all staff to maintain a healthy work-life balance.  

(8) Staff have the right to refuse to monitor, read or respond to work-related communications from the University, students or other third-parties outside of their ordinary hours of work or during periods of approved leave except pursuant to a relevant clause under the Deakin University Enterprise Agreement 2023  (2023 EA) (such as flexi-span, on-call arrangements or authorised overtime).  

(9) If the University makes contact with a staff member outside of their ordinary hours of work or during periods of approved leave, the University does not expect staff to respond except:  

  1. where there is an operational need identified requiring the specific staff member’s assistance;  
  2. in an emergency circumstance or a genuine-welfare matter;  
  3. where the nature of the staff members’s position requires work at irregular hours, including because of the seniority of the position, or to respond to business needs from time to time;
  4. pursuant to a relevant clause of the 2023 EA (such as flexi-span or on-call arrangements or authorised overtime);
  5. where the reason for the contact is about the staff member’s leave, arrangements for returning from leave, to ascertain availability for work or to cover duties at short notice for a staff member on personal leave; or
  6. other reasonable circumstances in accordance with the law.

Attracting and retaining our staff 

(10) The University will recruit, select and appoint staff based on merit and on terms consistent with University Statute or Regulations and any other legal requirements and in accordance with the provisions of:

  1. the current 2023 EA
  2. Senior Staff Performance Contracts
  3. other contracts of employment.

(11) The University is committed to providing increased employment opportunities to our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities as stated in the Deakin Indigenous Strategy 2023-2028.

(12) The University is also committed to increasing the participation of women in senior academic roles in accordance with our Gender Equity Action Plan.

(13) All appointments must support and enable the achievement of the University’s Strategy and Guiding Plans, align with the University’s Job Framework and optimise the staffing profiles of Faculties and Portfolios as part of their workforce planning.

(14) The terms and conditions of employment for staff, including provisions relating to salary and any allowances, will be determined by the Vice-Chancellor pursuant to authority delegated by University Council and in accordance with the provisions of:

  1. the 2023 EA;
  2. relevant legislation or other legal requirement;
  3. Senior Staff Performance Contracts; and/or
  4. other contracts of employment as are applicable or may be appropriate.

Obligation to Declare Interest

(15) Staff must make disclosure to Deakin of any relevant interest that may give rise to a conflict of interest. Staff have an obligation to declare any actual, potential or perceived conflict of interest when they commence employment with the University and periodically thereafter if their circumstances change. The University’s due diligence assessments will include the capacity of staff to improperly influence or interfere in University activities, particularly in the interests of a foreign government or foreign government agency.

Appointments made by the Vice-Chancellor

(16) The Vice-Chancellor will appoint Academic, Professional and Honorary staff whose appointment is not otherwise specified in the University Statute or Regulations.

Development and promotion

(17) The University is committed to building the capabilities and effectiveness of its staff through a range of development opportunities which will assist them to develop their careers and contribute to the achievement of the University's strategic goals.

(18) The responsibility for identifying and supporting staff development is shared by individual staff members and their leaders:

  1. Staff members are encouraged to take responsibility for their own work-related learning and career development. They are also encouraged to assist others in their development.
  2. Leaders are responsible for encouraging and facilitating professional development activities based on the priority of their work area and the University.

(19) The learning and development needs of staff members are primarily identified by the leader and staff member through the DeakinAchive framework including for new staff as part of setting their probationary objectives as part of DeakinAchieve (see Probation website).

(20) People and Culture is responsible for coordinating University wide development opportunities for academic and professional staff as well as coordination of academic promotions in accordance with the Academic Promotion Policy and procedure.

(21) The Senior Deputy Vice-Chancellor Academic is responsible for the development of the University priorities and the provision of teaching development programs for academic staff.

(22) The Deputy Vice-Chancellor Research and Innovation is responsible for the development of the University priorities and the provision of research development and training.

(23) Faculties and Portfolios are responsible for the provision of any vocational development required by their staff. 

(24) Sessional Academic staff engaged to deliver teaching for at least one teaching period within an Academic Year, are eligible for up to four hours of paid induction (first year only) and professional learning and development (subsequent years) activities annually in accordance with the 2023 EA and the Casual Professional and Sessional Academic Staff Employment Procedure.

Retaining our staff 

(25) Whilst the University seeks to provide an environment where staff can fulfil their career aspirations, the University will also support staff as they transition from the University in accordance with the Leaving Deakin procedure

(26) The University’s Code of Conduct and a staff member’s contract of employment reflects the University’s values and the standards of conduct and performance of all staff.

(27) Where the University has concerns in relation to a staff member’s conduct or performance this will be managed in accordance with the Staff Discipline procedure

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Section 5 - Procedure

(28) The following Procedures document how to comply with this Policy:

  1. Recruitment of Staff Procedure
  2. Casual Professional and Sessional Academic Staff Employment Procedure
  3. Remuneration Procedure
  4. Flexible Working procedure
  5. Honorary Appointments procedure
  6. Emeritus Professors appointment policy
  7. Affiliate Academic Appointments Procedure
  8. Diversity, Equity and Inclusion policy
  9. Performance, Development and Recognition procedure
  10. Academic promotions policy
  11. Probation (Academic Staff) Procedure
  12. Probation (Professional Staff) Procedure 
  13. Leaving Deakin procedure
  14. Code of Conduct
  15. Staff Discipline procedure
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Section 6 - Definitions

(29) For the purpose of this Policy:

  1. Academic staff: staff who are engaged to undertake teaching, research and/or related academic duties
  2. Executive Team: includes the Senior Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Deputy Vice-Chancellors and Faculty Executive Deans who report directly to the Vice-Chancellor.
  3. Honorary appointment: academic appointments at the levels of honorary professor, honorary associate professor, adjunct professor and honorary fellow. Honorary appointments carry no specific remuneration and are not staff of the University.
  4. Professional staff: staff of the University who provide administrative, technical or other academic support services.
  5. Senior managers: senior positions as determined by the Vice-Chancellor.