(1) This Procedure is effective from 4 October 2023. (2) This Procedure outlines the University's processes to effectively manage critical incidents. (3) In addition to this Procedure, the Critical Incident Management Plan contains operational instructions and guidance relating to critical incident management at the University. (4) This Procedure applies to the management of any critical incident, whether on or off-shore, that has an impact on members of the Deakin community or University activities. (5) This Procedure is pursuant to the Critical Incident Management policy. (6) Any incident has the potential to start as or escalate into a critical incident. Incident types include, but are not limited to: (7) All incidents must be reported to the University Security by calling 222 (internal) or 1800 062 579, if they: (8) There are a number of procedures established within the University for the management of incidents, these include: (9) All incidents reported to Security are classified as Level 1, 2 or 3 according to the risk-based critical incident classifications outlined in the Critical Incident Management policy. (10) Level 2 or 3 incidents must be escalated by Security in accordance with the Critical Incident Management Plan. This process results in the incident being reviewed and where necessary, directed to the Critical Incident Management Team Leader for formal incident classification. (11) The Critical Incident Management Team Leader will evaluate the reported incident and where necessary activate the Critical Incident Management Team. Where appropriate the Critical Incident Management Team Leader will consult: (12) The Critical Incident Management Team will refer to the Critical Incident Management Team Leader and provide executive decisions and strategic direction on University priorities when responding to the critical incident. (13) The Critical Incident Management Team will: (14) Subject matter experts within the University will be enlisted by the Critical Incident Management Team to: (15) Where applicable, costs incurred by a student or student's next of kin or family as a result of a critical incident will be met by the student or the student's family, unless: (16) The Critical Incident Management Team will design and implement a comprehensive recovery process when the immediate aspects of a critical incident are under control, addressing short and long term issues. (17) When an incident disrupts a critical activity or process, the University's Business Continuity policy and Business Continuity procedure will be implemented. (18) The University undertakes a process of learning and adapting after critical incidents through debriefs conducted before the Critical Incident Management Team is stood down and a structured post incident debrief and evaluation process according to the scale and impact of the event. (19) After the debriefing and evaluation program is complete, the Emergency Management Committee oversees a comprehensive follow-up process designed to: (20) Annual training and testing of the University's critical incident management arrangements will be undertaken, with outcomes reported through the Emergency Management Committee and annual assurance provided to the University Senior Executive Team. (21) In addition to the accountabilities outlined in the Critical Incident Management policy, the following responsibilities apply to critical incident management: (22) The Critical Incident Management Team is responsible for providing executive decisions and strategic direction on University priorities when responding to, recovering and learning from critical incidents. (23) The Emergency Management Committee is responsible for: (24) The Executive Director, Campus Operations is responsible for directing the annual training and testing program for the University's critical incident management arrangements, reporting outcomes through the Emergency Management Committee and providing annual assurance to the University Senior Executive Team. (25) The Executive Director, Campus Operations will notify the Director, Academic Governance and Standards of critical incidents that will have a significant impact on the University’s ability to meet the Higher Education Standards. The Director, Academic Governance and Standards will ensure that the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards (TEQSA) is notified where required under the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency Act 2011. (26) The Executive Director, Campus Operations will notify the Director, Academic Governance and Standards of material breaches in safety that will have a significant impact on the University’s ability to meet the Higher Education Standards. The Director, Academic Governance and Standards will ensure that the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards (TEQSA) is notified where required under the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency Act 2011. (27) The Executive Director, Campus Operations is responsible for providing subject matter expertise and incident response relating to health, wellbeing, safety and local emergency arrangements. (28) The Executive Director, Student Services is responsible for providing subject matter expertise for critical incident response relating to all students. (29) The Pro Vice-Chancellor and Vice-President (International) is responsible for providing subject matter expertise in responding to international critical incidents involving members of the Deakin community engaged in approved international mobility programs. (30) Security Services are responsible for establishing and implementing the annual training and testing program for the University's critical incident management arrangements and the establishment and maintenance of systems to detect, respond and report to critical incidents. (31) The Manager, Finance and Travel Services is responsible for reporting significant travel warnings and advice relating to staff travel arranged through the University's approved Travel Consultant. (32) The affected Faculty or Portfolio, in conjunction with the Critical Incident Management Team, is responsible for the identification of staff and students who are affected or traumatised as a consequence of a critical incident and for ensuring that appropriate communication and support is offered. (33) All University staff, and where appropriate non-staff members of the Deakin community, must ensure that all incidents are reported as per clause 8 of this Procedure. (34) All University staff with management and supervisory responsibilities must ensure that any procedures established for the management of area specific incidents include appropriate reporting and escalation elements that satisfy clause 8 of this Procedure. (35) For the purpose of this Procedure:Critical Incident Management procedure
Section 1 - Preamble
Section 2 - Purpose
Section 3 - Scope
Section 4 - Policy
Section 5 - Procedure
Detecting and reporting a critical incident
Responding to a critical incident
Recovering from a critical incident
Learning and adapting from a critical incident
Planning and preparing for a critical incident
Section 6 - Definitions
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