(1) This Procedure is effective from 4 July 2023. (2) This Procedure provides instructions regarding Deakin-related travel to facilitate compliance with Travel policy requirements. (3) This Procedure applies to all Deakin-related travel regardless of duration or source of funds, including student travel connected with University programs and activities. (4) This Procedure is pursuant to the Travel policy. (5) Travellers will discuss with their managers any proposed travel prior to submitting a travel booking to ensure: (6) Travellers will take reasonable steps to ensure they are fit for travel and acquire appropriate health and safety advice prior to travel, including vaccinations. (7) Travellers will disclose any health, wellbeing and disabilities that may impact upon their fitness to travel. See Making Reasonable Adjustments - Students with Disability procedure, Workplace Adjustments procedure. (8) Managers will consider any health, wellbeing and disabilities of the traveller, as part of their approval. (9) Staff, visitor and higher degrees by research (HDR) student travel must be approved in the online Travel Approval System (TAS) (travel includes accommodation). (10) Intercampus travel requires approval from the traveller’s manager/supervisor, but this approval does not need to be recorded in the TAS. (11) Approval for student and all other University travellers’ travel must be sought from the relevant Faculty or Portfolio. (12) Travel to a high-risk destination is not permitted without the permission of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor, University Services. (13) Any traveller receiving funding from an external body must comply with the conditions of the relevant external body. (14) All conference travel must be taken in accordance with the Research Conference Attendance (Academic Staff) procedure. (15) Approved Academic Study program travel must comply with the Travel policy and this Procedure, including booking travel through the University TMC. Refer to Academic Study Program procedure. (16) No more than four travellers from one business area may travel by air together unless approved by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor, University Services prior to travel. This does not apply to participants travelling on study tours. (17) All Deakin-related travel, including accommodation, must be booked via the contracted TMC. Exceptions may be approved by the traveller’s approver where there is evidence based on risk (safe and secure environment), convenience of location and/or value for money. Where travel is not booked via the TMC the traveller must provide travel details to travel@deakin.edu.au. (18) Air travel must be undertaken via Lowest Logical Airfare (LLAF), regardless of airline preferences and/or accrual of frequent flyer points. (19) All air travel will be economy class unless the traveller is entitled otherwise. (Refer Travel guidelines.) (20) Travellers must advise the TMC of any changes or cancellations to their travel. (21) Student travel that is wholly non-Deakin funded is exempt from booking with the University TMC. (22) Students travelling internationally must comply with the requirements of the Student International Programs and Placements Procedure. (23) Students travelling internationally and interstate must register their travel details with International SOS. (24) All student international travel must be recorded by the applicable Faculty or Portfolio and provided to the Deakin Abroad Office by emailing education-abroad@deakin.edu.au. (25) Accommodation bookings will be guided by what is reasonable, necessary and able to stand up to rigorous scrutiny as per the Business Expenses Policy. (26) Travellers may book accommodation using online accommodation marketplaces provided they take all appropriate measures to: (27) Ground transport should be used based on what is the most safe, efficient, sustainable and cost-effective means. (28) Share cars and private vehicles may be used in accordance with the Parking and Use of Vehicles procedure. Refer to Guidelines for use of vehicles for University business for further information. (29) Travel expenses must be incurred in accordance with Business Expenses Policy. (30) All travel reimbursements for staff and other travellers must be processed via DeakinUniFi. Travel reimbursements for students will be processed via the relevant Faculty, or research area, or Terra Dotta. (31) Travellers are responsible for understanding the possible implications of Fringe Benefits Tax (FBT) of their travel and any required documentation. For further information refer to the Fringe Benefits Tax Travel Benefits Guide or consult the Taxation and Treasury Manager. (32) A travel diary must be completed for all international travel and domestic travel of six nights or more. (33) Private travel incidental to Deakin-related travel will only be approved if: (34) A partner and/or dependent(s) may accompany a University traveller provided additional approval by the traveller’s approver is given prior to travel and that the traveller will ensure the business/activity of the University is not compromised. (35) The University will not fund travel expenses of any nature by a partner or dependent. University travellers are not permitted to change tickets to a lower class to fund their partner or dependent’s travel, or to use the difference in cost for any other personal benefit. (36) University travel booked via the TMC will be registered with International SOS. (37) Where a critical travel incident affects the University traveller or their travel plans, the traveller must follow the instructions or communications issued by the University, International SOS or Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT). (38) If the University traveller becomes ill, experiences property loss or theft, bodily injury or needs medical attention, they or their nominee must contact International SOS. (39) When travelling with University IT equipment travellers must use Multi-Factor Authentication and be aware of cyber security threats. For further information refer to the Multi-Factor Authentication and DUO Travel Guide. (40) International travel approved in the TAS is covered by travel insurance. (41) Travellers are responsible for ensuring that they are fully covered for insurance as per their travel needs, including taking out a Private Travel Insurance Policy for private travel, and discussing pre-existing medical conditions with the Insurance Office prior to travel by emailing finance.insurance@deakin.edu.au. (42) Insurance claims are to be directed to the Insurance Office by emailing finance.insurance@deakin.edu.au. (43) For the purpose of this Procedure:Travel procedure
Section 1 - Preamble
Section 2 - Purpose
Section 3 - Scope
Section 4 - Policy
Section 5 - Procedure
Preparing to travel
Traveller wellbeing, health and safety
Travel approval
University Travel Management Consultant (TMC)
Student travel
Accommodation, other transportation
Travel expenses and payments, FBT and diaries
Private and accompanied travel
Risk management
Traveller insurance
Section 6 - Definitions
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The Travel Procedure is under review in accordance with the launch of the staff new travel service on 3 April 2024. The Travel Services team (03) 5227 3581 or travel@deakin.edu.au can assist with inquiries.