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Travel procedure

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Section 1 - Preamble

(1) This Procedure is effective from 7 July 2024.

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Section 2 - Purpose

(2) This Procedure provides instructions regarding Deakin-related travel to facilitate compliance with Travel policy requirements.

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Section 3 - Scope

(3) This Procedure applies to all Deakin-related travel regardless of duration or source of funds, including student travel connected with University programs and activities.

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Section 4 - Policy

(4) This Procedure is pursuant to the Travel policy.

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Section 5 - Procedure

Preparing to travel

(5) Travellers will discuss with their managers any proposed travel prior to submitting a travel booking and ensure:

  1. the principal purpose of travel is Deakin-related
  2. the travel is essential and alternative options have been considered and are not feasible
  3. the funding source is correct with enough funds to allow travel to proceed
  4. work commitments and responsibilities will be covered, and the Faculty/Portfolio is not unduly impacted
  5. the traveller’s passport is valid for at least 6 months from when the trip will end
  6. the traveller has checked the visa requirements for the countries being visited or transiting through
  7. the traveller is aware of any cultural sensitivities and legal requirements of destinations and/or organisation(s) they are travelling to or through
  8. the traveller understands and has undertaken a risk assessment including financial, reputational, security and other risks including the risk of breach of confidential University information, Intellectual Property and data loss/theft, and the risk of foreign interference
  9. the traveller has undertaken and completed the travel compliance module
  10. the traveller has current knowledge of health requirements of, but not limited to, governments, destinations, airports, airlines, ground and other transport, accommodation and organisations
  11. any associated private travel is approved, a Fringe Benefit Tax (FBT) assessment has been undertaken where required, any private expenses are not University funded, and personal leave is entered into Deakin People.

Traveller wellbeing, health and safety

(6) Travellers will take reasonable steps to ensure they are fit for travel and acquire appropriate health and safety advice prior to travel, including understanding the vaccination requirements of the countries or regions they will be travelling to.

(7) Travellers will disclose any health, wellbeing and disabilities that may impact upon their fitness to travel. See Making Reasonable Adjustments - Students with Disability procedure, Workplace Adjustments procedure.

(8) Managers will consider any health, wellbeing and disabilities of the traveller, as part of their approval.

Staff travel approval

(9) Staff travel must be approved by their line manager, recorded in Locomote system or Log My Trip as appropriate.

(10) Where a flight is not required but incorporates an overnight stay (with the exception of accommodation at Waurn Ponds Estate), accommodation must be booked and approved through Locomote.

(11) Intercampus travel requires approval from the traveller’s manager/supervisor prior to departure.

(12) Any traveller receiving funding from an external body must comply with the conditions of the relevant external body and Deakin Policies.

(13) Deakin-related travel that is not funded by Deakin needs to be manually registered via (“Log My Trip”) and International SOS prior to commencement of travel.

(14) All Academic/Research conference travel must be taken in accordance with the Research Conference Attendance (Academic Staff) procedure.

(15) Approved Academic Study program travel must comply with the Travel policy and this Procedure. Refer to Academic Study Program Procedure.

(16) No more than four staff from one business area may travel by air together unless approved by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor, University Services prior to travel. This does not apply to participants travelling on study tours.

Student travel (including Higher Degree by Research [HDR] travel)

(17)  Approval for HDR student travel must be obtained from the relevant Faculty or Portfolio.

(18) HDR travel is to be booked through the HDR Student Travel Booking Request.

(19) Students travelling for University purposes internationally and interstate must register their travel details with International SOS.

(20) Student travel that is wholly non-Deakin funded is exempt from booking with the University Travel Management Consultant.

(21) Undergraduate students travelling internationally must comply with the requirements of the Student International Programs and Placements procedure.

(22) All student international travel (excluding HDR) must be recorded by the applicable Faculty or Portfolio and provided to the Deakin Abroad Office by emailing

University Travel Management Consultant (TMC)

(23) All Deakin-related travel, including accommodation, must be booked via the contracted TMC, unless an exemption has been approved. International Branch Campus (IBC) staff whose home campus is outside of Australia are exempt from booking through the Locomote tool and Australian contracted TMC.

(24) The traveller’s approver may allow an exemption for accommodation bookings where:

  1. there is evidence based on risk (safe and secure environment),
  2. convenience of location and/or
  3. value for money.

(25) Travellers must advise the TMC of any changes or cancellations to their travel.

Air travel

(26) Air travel shall be sourced from 3, 4 or 5 star airlines operating schedules on the route requested.  Low-cost airlines with a 1 or 2 star rating will only be used where the operation of the 1 or 2 star airline is the only option to travel the route or itinerary required.

(27) All travellers will undertake a class of air travel based on the following:

Class of travel  Traveller Entitlement
Business Class Chancellor, Vice-Chancellor and members of the Executive
Premium Economy or Business Class if Premium Economy seats are unavailable Associate Deans International or University Travellers who have a particular class of airfare travel stated in their contract of employment
Economy All other Academic and Professional staff

(28) For any exceptions to class of air travel, the traveller must seek written endorsement and approval from their Executive Member prior to booking the travel

(29) Air travel must be undertaken via the shortest and most direct route based on Lowest Logical Airfare (LLAF). The LLAF refers to a fare on an airline for which a seat is available in the class required, which meets the needs of the traveller in terms of cost, schedule, duration, service, flexibility, reliability, itinerary, comfort and safety.

(30) The selection of fares should not be biased towards a preferred carrier to maximise frequent flyer points, loyalty credits or the ability to upgrade.

(31) When a carrier provides the option to select seats for an additional cost, the traveller may choose a preferred seat as long as it falls within their allocated funding and does not change their class of travel. If funding is unavailable, seat selection may be arranged directly by the traveller with the airline using personal funds.

(32) Where a carrier provides the option to upgrade travel class, the traveller may use their personal funds or frequent flyer points to upgrade. Travellers must not use a University credit card or seek reimbursement to pay for an upgrade.


(33) Travellers must book accommodation which is considered fair and reasonable (equivalent to an Australian 3 or 4 star hotel), is not excessive and will be able to withstand public scrutiny.

(34) Deakin travellers are required to book one room per person as standard practice and are not permitted to stay in shared accommodation, unless an exemption is granted by a member of Senior Leadership Team (SLT) member.

(35) When booking and approving accommodation, the following principles apply:

  1. Should provide a safe and secure environment
  2. Convenient to the place of work or destination
  3. Provides value for money.

(36) Airbnb, Stayz and other accommodation offered through independent online platforms may only be used when there is no other mainstream hotel accommodation offered in the area, for example, in regional or remote areas when undertaking field work. 

Ground transportation

(37) Ground transport should be used based on what is the most safe, efficient, sustainable and cost-effective means.

(38) Private car and airport transfers may be booked in locations where there are security considerations with alternative transport options.

(39) Share cars and private vehicles may be used in accordance with the Parking and Use of Vehicles procedure. Refer to Guidelines for use of vehicles for University business for further information.

Travel expenses and payments, FBT and travel diaries

(40) Travel expenses must be incurred in accordance with Business Expenses Policy.

(41) Travel expenses that are not managed through the TMC can be charged to a Deakin credit card, or can be funded personally with the expense then claimed as a reimbursement via DeakinUniFi. Travel reimbursements for students will be processed via the relevant Faculty, or research area.

(42) Staff travellers are responsible for understanding the possible implications of Fringe Benefits Tax (FBT) of their travel and any required documentation prior to travelling. For further information refer to the Fringe Benefits Tax Travel Benefits Guide or consult the Taxation Manager.

(43) To ensure Deakin does not incur any FBT, the traveller may be required to personally contribute to the cost of the trip or reduce their personal travel component.

(44) The Equal Opportunity Act 2010 (Vic) is considered in making a decision with regard to approving/refusing to pay FBT; 

  1. The criteria which will be considered (i.e. section 19 Equal Opportunity Act 2010 (Vic)) and how this is decided, on a case-by-case basis; 
  2. Circumstances should be discussed and approved by line manager, with consultation and consideration of circumstance occurring via the Office of General Counsel, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, and Taxation Manager as required.

(45) A travel diary must be completed in Locomote for all international travel and domestic travel of six nights or more.

(46) The travel diary must include date of departure through to date of return, including any private segments and be submitted within 14 days of return from travel.

Private and accompanied travel

(47) Private travel incidental to Deakin-related travel will only be approved if:

  1. the Deakin-related travel is the principal component of the travel
  2. all private expenses are personally funded
  3. a logical flight path to and from the Deakin-related destination is used
  4. the reason for the private travel is a secondary consideration to the business/activity reason for the travel, and does not result in any additional cost to the University; and
  5. the travel would not have occurred but for the Deakin-related component of the travel
  6.  an FBT assessment is undertaken where required and no FBT liability arises to Deakin due to any private leave or travel.

(48) A partner and/or dependent(s) may accompany a University traveller provided additional approval by the traveller’s line manager is given prior to travel and that the traveller will ensure the business/activity of the University is not compromised.

(49) The University will not fund travel expenses of any nature by a partner and/or dependent(s) unless specific funding has been awarded via the Gender Equity in Research Policy. University travellers are not permitted to change tickets to a lower class to fund their partner or dependent’s travel.

Risk management

(50) Where a critical travel incident affects the University traveller or their travel plans, the traveller must follow the instructions or communications issued by the University, International SOS or Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT).

(51) If the University traveller becomes ill, experiences property loss or theft, bodily injury or needs medical attention, they or their nominee must contact International SOS to seek advice or assistance.

(52) When travelling with University IT equipment, travellers must use Multi-Factor Authentication and be aware of cyber security threats. For further information refer to the Multi-Factor Authentication and DUO Travel Guide.

Traveller insurance

(53) Travellers are responsible for ensuring that they are fully covered for insurance as per their travel needs, including taking out a Private Travel Insurance Policy for any private related travel, and discussing pre-existing medical conditions with the Insurance Office prior to travel by emailing

(54) Insurance claims are to be directed to the Insurance Office by emailing

Code of Conduct and Compliance

(55) All University travellers must adhere to the University’s Code of Conduct and other policies and legislation of the jurisdiction in which travelling whilst undertaking Deakin-related travel.

(56) Members of the University Executive, Senior leaders and budget owners will regularly monitor compliance and cost management by staff.

(57) Non-compliance with this Policy and the Travel Policy may result in disciplinary action in accordance with the Compliance Management policy including but not limited to paying back expenditure to the University.

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Section 6 - Definitions

(58) For the purpose of this Procedure:

  1. Critical travel incident: as defined in the Travel policy.
  2. Deakin-related travel: as defined in the Travel policy.
  3. Deakin Abroad: The office with central University responsibility for the management of outbound and inbound student mobility.
  4. Fit for travel: Mentally and physically fit and able to participate in the Deakin-related travel.
  5. Fringe Benefits Tax (FBT): as defined by the Australian Taxation Office (ATO).
  6. International SOS: as defined in the Travel policy.
  7. Locomote: the travel approval and booking tool used by the University.
  8. Lowest Logical Airfare (LLAF): the fare on a carrier for which a seat is available in the class required, which meets the needs of the traveller in terms of cost, schedule, duration, service, flexibility, reliability, itinerary, comfort and safety.
  9. Travel Management Consultant (TMC): the travel agent/s contracted by the University to facilitate University travel.
  10. University traveller (traveller): a person who travels on behalf of the University including staff, students, members of Council, and other persons whose travel is associated with and/or paid for by the University.