(1) This Policy is effective from 25 August 2020. (2) This Policy provides a framework for responding to concerns and resolving complaints made by students, in a way that contributes to a supportive and fair learning environment. (3) This Policy applies to concerns and complaints by current, former or prospective students in relation to: (4) Matters covered by another University policy are dealt with in accordance with that Policy. (5) The University recognises a student's right to express legitimate concerns and complaints and is committed to responding in ways that contribute to a supportive and fair learning environment. (6) The University aims to maintain a student complaints resolution process that: (7) The University expects that all parties involved in a complaint will engage in good faith with the complaints resolution process. (8) The University does not tolerate victimisation and may take action against a student or staff member who is found to have victimised another student or staff member for their participation in (or association with) alleging, making, supporting or resolving a complaint. (9) Any student who uses the student complaints resolution process to make a frivolous or vexatious complaint or who lies or deliberately misleads in relation to a complaint may be subject to disciplinary proceedings. (10) The University can decline to investigate a complaint, particularly where another process is more appropriate or where there is insufficient nexus with the University. (11) A complainant seeking the statutory protections afforded by the Public Interest Disclosures Act 2012 (Vic) must take their complaint to the Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission (IBAC). The University’s obligations in respect of a public interest disclosure are set out in the Public Interest Disclosures procedure. (12) The Manager, Student Complaints and Appeals is responsible for: (13) Designated complaints contacts in Faculties and Portfolios of the University are responsible for: (14) The Student Complaints Resolution procedure documents how to comply with this Policy. (15) For the purpose of this Policy:Student Complaints Resolution policy
Section 1 - Preamble
Section 2 - Purpose
Section 3 - Scope
Section 4 - Policy
Top of PageSection 5 - Procedure
Section 6 - Definitions
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