(1) This Procedure is effective from 13 May 2022. (2) This Procedure provides instruction on how to acquire goods and services on behalf of the University. (3) This Procedure applies to the purchase or lease of all goods and services from suppliers external to the University and its controlled entities except as otherwise specified in other policies and procedures. (4) This Procedure is pursuant to the Procurement policy. (5) Purchasers must ensure that they have the required financial delegation to make a purchase, or that a staff member with an appropriate financial delegation can complete the purchase on their behalf. (6) Purchasers must confirm there is an approved budget for the goods and services being procured. The total expenditure over the lifecycle of a good or service must be taken into account. (7) All procurement activities must be undertaken using approved Procurement Templates. (Contact procure@deakin.edu.au for templates). (8) Prior to undertaking procurement activity a purchaser should consider whether their procurement poses any risks to Deakin. Guidance on identifying risks is outlined in the procurement category plans provided on the ordering and buying goods and services page on DeakinHub. If in doubt a purchaser can contact the Procurement Team for advice. (9) Purchasers must contact the corresponding Restricted Category Manager or the Procurement Team before purchasing goods or services from the following restricted categories: (10) Purchasers must use approved suppliers for identified categories as listed on the ordering and buying goods and services page on DeakinHub. Where approved suppliers are not identified, purchasers must follow the procurement process set out in this Procedure and the Procurement policy. (11) The Procurement Team will facilitate market approaches considered to be of high risk or over $300,000. (12) All market approaches (except for Requests for Quotations less than $100,000 in value) must be conducted through the University’s approved e-tender portal, or another approved portal as determined by the Manager, Procurement Policy and Process. (13) Where a market approach is at or above a threshold specified in Table A the corresponding procurement process and minimum requirements must be followed, unless an exemption is approved. (14) The purchaser must develop a procurement plan in conjunction with the Procurement Team for any procurement activity considered to be of high risk and high value as detailed in the relevant category plan. (15) The purchaser must develop a probity plan in conjunction with the Procurement Team for every procurement activity considered to be of high risk and high value or where parties external to Deakin are involved in developing the procurement scope/brief or evaluating responses to a market approach process. (16) Supplier Invoice Payments or Ad Hoc Payments can be used for low value purchases of less than $5,000 (inclusive of GST) where the requirements of clause 13 have been fulfilled. See the Finance SharePoint for more information. (17) A purchase order must be raised through DeakinUniFi prior to purchasing the goods or services where the value of the procurement exceeds $5,000 (inclusive of GST). See the Finance SharePoint for more information. (18) Credit card purchases must be undertaken in accordance with the Credit Card policy. (19) Requests for an exemption from a market approach as set out in clauses 11 to 13 must be submitted and approved by the Special Advisor, Strategic Procurement via the Exemption Request Form, prior to procurement taking place. (20) The Special Advisor, Strategic Procurement may: (21) The Executive Vice-President Resources may approve or reject an exemeption request. (22) All contracts must be facilitated in accordance with the requirements of the Contracts policy and Contracts procedure. (23) For the purpose of this Procedure:Procurement procedure
Section 1 - Preamble
Section 2 - Purpose
Section 3 - Scope
Section 4 - Policy
Section 5 - Procedure
Planning for Procurement
Procurement within Restricted Categories
Procurement within Other Categories
Market Approach
Table A: Procurement Thresholds
Procurement Process
Minimum Requirement
$5,000 and under
Request for Quotation
One verbal or written quotation
Request for Quotation
At least one written quotation
Request for Quotation
At least three written quotations
Over $300,000
Request for Tender (RFT), Request for Proposal (RFP), Request for Information (RFI) or equal approved process
Procurement and Probity Plans
Purchase Orders
Exemption from a market approach
Section 6 - Definitions
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Open RFT, RFP or RFI approved process where an alternative procurement request is endorsed