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Research in Honours and Coursework Units procedure

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Section 1 - PREAMBLE

(1) This Procedure is effective from 10 February 2021.

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Section 2 - PURPOSE

(2) This Procedure details the requirements for research conducted in Bachelor Honours Degrees and coursework units.

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Section 3 - SCOPE

(3) This Procedure applies to the delivery and assessment of research units in courses excluding higher degrees by research theses.

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Section 4 - POLICY

(4) This Procedure is pursuant to the Higher Education Courses Policy .

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Section 5 - PROCEDURE

Induction and orientation to research training

(5) Unit Chairs will ensure that students receive an induction that is appropriate for the type of research to be undertaken. This includes training in research integrity, codes of conduct, ethics, occupational health and safety, intellectual property and any additional matters that are necessary.


(6) Unit Chairs will appoint a member of staff at the University to supervise the student's research. The supervisor will:

  1. meet the Academic Staff Qualfications and Equivalence Framework in Section 6 of the Curriculum Design and Delivery procedure)
  2. have relevant knowledge, expertise and interest in the student's research topic
  3. be conducting research in the same or related discipline as the student's project and be publishing in the relevant disciplinary area
  4. have previous successful experience in supervising students in research or have completed training in supervision
  5. not have a conflict of interest which may advantage or disadvantage the student
  6. have access to adequate resources and sufficient time to provide proper supervision.

(7) Supervisors are responsible for:

  1. allocating the student sufficient time for adequate supervision during the course, and agreeing with the student on a schedule of meetings
  2. guiding the student on:
    1. the choice and definition of research topic
    2. planning the research and supporting the achievement of progress milestones
    3. the relevant literature
    4. research methods, techniques and obligations
    5. providing the student with feedback on work in progress and suggestions for improvement within a reasonable time-frame
  3. encouraging and supporting the presentation, publication and dissemination of the student's research.

(8) Where the student's progress or the standard of their work is unsatisfactory, the supervisor will inform the student of this as soon as possible and suggest ways to address any concerns. Concerns should be confirmed in writing to the student.

(9) The supervisor remains accountable for meeting the above requirements where the student is located with a third party.

(10) The Unit Chair will arrange for alternative supervision if a supervisor is absent for more than two weeks.

Research integrity and conduct

(11) Students will at all times follow safe and ethical study/research practices relevant to the field of research, and adhere to health and safety requirements in places of study and work. Students will comply with the Research Conduct Policy and the Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research, 2018.

(12) The supervisor is responsible for:

  1. identifying whether the research requires ethical approval and, if so, collaborating with the student on the research ethics application, and submitting it to the relevant research ethics committee on the student's behalf
  2. overseeing the ethical conduct of the research and ensuring that any reporting required by the ethics approval is done
  3. ensuring that potential, perceived or actual conflicts of interest for the student or the proposed project are declared, appropriately managed and overseen by the Head of Academic Unit.

Managing any conflict

(13) The Unit Chair will monitor any issues and/or conflicts between students and supervisors in research projects and will initiate early strategies to reduce the impact of these issues on student progress. Students may at any stage make a complaint according to the Student Complaints Resolution procedure.


(14) Assessment will take place according to the Assessment (Higher Education Courses) Procedure. In addition, clauses 16-19 will apply. Assessors of research components of a course will:

  1. not have supervised the student's research and be independent of the conduct of the research
  2. may be external to the University where a staff member with the appropriate expertise to assess the research is not available
  3. have appropriate qualifications and experience to assess the research project including:
    1. meet the same Academic Staff Qualifications and Equivalence requirements as the supervisor
    2. have relevant knowledge, expertise and interest in the student's research topic
    3. be conducting research in the same or related discipline as the student's project and be publishing in the relevant disciplinary area
    4. be impartial and have no conflict of interest
    5. have experience in assessing research outputs.

(15) Where the unit is worth two or more credit points, two or more assessors must assess the research component.

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(16) For the purpose of this Procedure:

  1. Research unit: a unit that requires a student to plan and conduct a piece of research with some independence.