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Information and Communications Technology Acceptable Use policy

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Section 1 - Preamble

(1) This Policy is effective from 4 December 2020.

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Section 2 - Purpose

(2) This Policy sets out acceptable and unacceptable use of Deakin’s information and communications technology (ICT) facilities, services and materials.

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Section 3 - Scope

(3) This Policy applies to students, staff and associates and where not already covered, to ICT facilities, services and materials owned, managed or leased by the University or as applicable by commercial or legal arrangement, including Bring your own device (BYOD).

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Section 4 - Policy

(4) The University will provide ICT facilities, services and materials for use in the academic, administrative, commercial and community activities of the University.

(5) The Chief Digital Officer is responsible for providing standard ICT facilities, services and materials.

(6) The Chief Digital Officer must be consulted and approve the acquisition, development and maintenance of bespoke ICT facilities, services and materials and projects that have any ICT dependency.

(7) ICT facilities, services and materials managed by eSolutions are set out in the ICT Service Catalogue. ICT facilities, services and materials managed by other organisational units are documented in service catalogues held within each area.

(8) eSolutions may provide tailored ICT facilities, services and materials outside of the Deakin ICT service catalogue where approved in accordance with clause 6.

(9) The University will grant user access to ICT facilities, services and materials in accordance with access requirements specified by the relevant ICT facilities, services and materials owner and the user's duties. ICT Users can only access ICT facilities, services and materials to the extent authorised and necessary for conducting their duties.

(10) University ICT facilities, services and materials must be used in a lawful, ethical and responsible manner, and in accordance with the Information and Communications Technology Acceptable Use procedure, and other applicable University policies, and any additional terms of use that may apply to particular software or services.

(11) Some reasonable non-commercial personal use is allowed, but as a privilege and not a right, and if that privilege is abused it will be treated as a breach of this Policy.

(12) Users must take all reasonable steps to protect their account from unauthorised use.

(13) Use of ICT facilities, services and materials or Bring your own device (BYOD) must not jeopardise the fair, secure and productive ICT environment of the University community, or the University’s operations, assets, data integrity or reputation.

(14) eSolutions will monitor and audit the use of the University’s ICT facilities, services and materials to ensure these are used in an efficient, effective and secure manner. Personal information will be collected in accordance with the University’s Privacy policy.

(15) eSolutions will regularly review the range of ICT facilities, services and materials provided to ensure that they are in line with the University’s strategic goals.

(16) Information stored on ICT facilities, whether owned or leased by the University, remains the sole property of the University.

(17) Deakin University reserves the right to record, delete, block, quarantine, copy, use and take possession of all ICT facilities and any communications or data passing through ICT facilities and pass on the information to external organisations where legally obliged to do so or in cases of possible breach of University policies or procedures.

(18) The University accepts no responsibility for loss or damage, consequential loss or damage, or loss of data arising from the use and or maintenance of its ICT facilities, services and materials.

(19) Users working with media, social media and blogs must comply with the University’s Media policy and Social Media procedure.

(20) Non-compliance with this Policy and the Information and Communications Technology Acceptable Use procedure will be managed in accordance with the University Compliance Management policy, Student General Misconduct procedure and Staff Discipline policy.

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Section 5 - Procedure

(21) The Information and Communications Technology Acceptable Use procedure documents how to comply with this Policy.

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Section 6 - Definitions

(22) For the purpose of this Policy:

  1. BYOD (Bring your own device) – User’s personal device, not a Deakin provided device.
  2. Data: individual facts or items of content, including symbolic representations that may form the basis of information (e.g. a date, a name, a number).
  3. Information: a collection of data in any form, which may be transmitted, manipulated, and stored, and to which meaning has been attributed. Information may include, but is not limited to: a written document, an electronic document, a webpage, an email, a spreadsheet, a photograph, a database, a drawing, a plan, a video, an audio recording, a label or anything whatsoever on which is marked any words, figures, letters or symbols which are capable of carrying a definite meaning to one or more persons or information systems.
  4. Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Facilities, Services and Materials: all physical spaces (e.g. server rooms, network or communication closets, computer laboratories), hardware and infrastructure (e.g. servers, workstations, voice and data network, wired and wireless networks, audio visual equipment and portable storage devices) and any cloud-based facilities associated with the delivery of ICT services and materials. All software and applications, and services (including but not limited to telephony and internet access), and data contained or stored in any ICT facility.
  5. Information and Communication Technology (ICT) User: any authorised person with access to the University's ICT facilities, services and materials, including but not limited to students, staff, honorary staff members, visiting academics, contractors and alumni.
  6. Service Catalogue: a list of services provided to ICT users, which includes the purpose and key features of each service.