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Information and Communications Technology Use policy

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Section 1 - Preamble

(1) This Policy was approved by the Vice-Chancellor on 20 April 2005 and incorporates all amendments to 20 May 2015.

(2) This Policy is pursuant to the Code of Conduct and includes the following schedule:

  1. Schedule A: Conditions of Information Technology Use.

(3) The Information and Communications Technology Use procedure documents how to comply with this Policy.

Governing legislation

(4) This Policy is governed by the following law and regulations:

  1. Deakin University Act 2009 (Vic)
  2. Regulation 4.1(1) - General Misconduct
  3. Regulation 6.1(4) - Information and Communications Technology
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Section 2 - Purpose

(5) This Policy documents the requirements and conditions of use of the University's ICT facilities by staff and students.

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Section 3 - Scope

(6) This Policy applies throughout the University.

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Section 4 - Policy

(7) Persons using the information and communication facilities, services and materials provided by the University must ensure their use complies with the common law and with all relevant Commonwealth and Victorian legislation as well as with Deakin University statutes and regulations.

(8) ICT users must adhere to the Conditions of Information Technology Use set out in Schedule A: Conditions of Information Technology Use.

(9) The Chief Digital Officer will ensure that the need to protect and keep confidential the personal information of ICT users is balanced with the need to protect the integrity of the University and its facilities, the need to ensure legal compliance and with the efficient conduct of the business of the University.

(10) In the course of providing a secure and reliable information technology service and ensuring compliance with the common law, legislation and University policy, staff members authorised by the Chief Digital Officer or nominee may monitor and audit the use of ICT facilities, services and materials, and may view data stored on these facilities and services, as well as material received or transmitted via these facilities (including email), in accordance with the provisions specified in the Information and Communications Technology Use procedure.

(11) The Chief Digital Officer will designate a representative to receive and act on notifications of alleged breaches of use of ICT facilities, services and materials.

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Section 5 - Procedure

(12) Refer to the Information and Communications Technology Use procedure.

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Section 6 - Definitions

(13) For the purpose of this Policy:

  1. Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Facilities: all physical spaces (e.g. server rooms, network or communication closets, computer laboratories), hardware and infrastructure (e.g. servers, workstations, voice and data network, audio visual equipment and portable storage devices) associated with the delivery of ICT services and materials.
  2. Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Services and Materials: all software and applications, and services (including but not limited to telephony and internet access), and data contained or stored in any ICT facility.
  3. Information and Communication Technology (ICT) User: any authorised person with access to the University's ICT facilities, services and materials, including but not limited to students, staff, honorary staff members, visiting academics, contractors and alumni.