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Space Management policy

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Section 1 - Preamble

(1) This Policy was approved by the Vice-Chancellor on 17 January 2015.

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Section 2 - Purpose

(2) The University operates within limited physical and financial resources. Space Management facilitates effective space allocation to minimise surplus and poorly utilised space while retaining sufficient available capacity to respond to emerging University requirements.This Policy establishes a framework for the efficient and effective allocation of physical space in alignment with the University's strategic objectives and operational needs.

(3) The Space Management and Allocation procedure outlines the steps required to comply with this Policy.

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Section 3 - Scope

(4) This Policy applies to:

  1. the allocation of all University-owned land and buildings within Australia, including leased property; and
  2. all University staff and all Higher Degrees by Research students.
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Section 4 - Policy

Key principles

Management of space

(5) Space is a University owned asset. As such, the University will allocate space to best meet its strategic and operational needs.

(6) The University is the only entity legally able to enter into agreements (such as purchase contracts or leases) to acquire space or to occupy space owned by others. Leasing, licensing and purchasing of space is managed by the Infrastructure and Property Group and governed by the Management of University Physical Facilities policy, the Facilities Management procedure and the Contracts policy.

Efficient and effective use of space

(7) The following principles apply to the management and allocation of University space for efficient and effective use:

  1. the use, renewal and development of space is driven by the University's commitment to provide high quality teaching, learning and research facilities, with particular attention to the needs of students
  2. space is allocated to Faculties and Portfolios according to activity requirements and as such it can be reallocated as activities change or new priorities emerge
  3. occupancy is consolidated and rationalised to maximise utilisation and minimise operating costs
  4. space is configured flexibly to promote diverse use and reduce the cost of repurposing and reallocation
  5. a high priority for the University is the cooperative use of space to foster collaboration, teamwork and knowledge exchange within constraints of affordability.

Allocation of space

(8) Space allocation will support the University's strategic direction and projected operational requirements.

(9) Space will be shared across Faculties and portfolios where sharing is deemed practical by the University.

(10) The University will provide space for staff and students that is of an appropriate quality and meets regulatory compliance requirements, workplace health and safety standards, appropriate environmental standards and applicable professional obligations.

(11) Space will be allocated equitably to all Faculties and Portfolios based on activity requirements consistent with the provisions of this policy and related procedures.

(12) Where reasonably practicable, the University will seek to consolidate work groups/functions in order to best utilise space and support operations.

(13) University staff will be accommodated within open and flexible workspace comprising a variety of individual and group work spaces.

Roles and responsibilities

(14) The Executive Director, Infrastructure and Property Group is responsible for the allocation and reallocation of space after consultation with relevant parties. Decisions on allocation can be appealed to the Chief Operating Officer who will make a final determination.

(15) The Executive Director, Infrastructure and Property Group will ensure that space is well utilised and will measure usage against relevant performance indicators. Indicators will include benchmarks published by the Tertiary Education Facilities Management Association (TEFMA).

(16) The Infrastructure and Property Group will administer the allocation and occupancy of all space across the University to Faculties and Portfolios.

(17) The relevant member of the University's Executive is responsible for:

  1. allocations of space within the Faculties and Portfolios that they oversee
  2. ensuring that the space allocated is used for the agreed purpose and informing the Executive Director, Infrastructure and Property Group of any change of use. Approval from the Executive Director, Infrastructure and Property Group may be required if, in the view of the Executive Director, Infrastructure and Property Group the planned changes represent a significant change to the substantive use or function of allocated space
  3. ensuring that the space allocated is kept tidy and clear of obstructions and hazards to ensure safe evacuation egress and that all statutory and regulatory requirements within their control are adhered to.

(18) Prior to the commencement of new staff or enrolment in new programs, the relevant Directors and/or Heads of Faculties and Portfolios will work with Infrastructure and Property Group to identify the accommodation to be used for these staff and/or new programs or the expansion of existing programs.

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Section 5 - Procedure

(19) Refer to the Space Management and Allocation procedure.

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Section 6 - Definitions

(20) For the purpose of this Policy:

  1. Campus learning spaces (General): spaces generally equipped and configured for the delivery of classes and categorized by capacity/size, structure, facilities and equipment. These are centrally bookable via the University timetable.
  2. Campus learning spaces (Specialist): includes laboratories, studios, workshops and similar types of spaces which are designed, equipped and configured for a specific purpose. The specialist features of such spaces limit their suitability for general teaching. While not centrally bookable, their use will be recorded on the University timetable.
  3. enclosed office: a fully enclosed work area that is allocated to between one and four people.
  4. flexible workspace (Academic and Professional Staff): a work area with minimal floor-to-ceiling partitioning to subdivide work areas or functions. Flexible workspaces take many forms but would normally include access to formal and informal meeting/collaboration spaces, break-out, focus spaces and storage.
  5. research space: research spaces include laboratories, workshops, offices or other room types if their primary purpose is research or research support.
  6. room utilisation: a measure of room use (against room availability) during standard University teaching hours (8 am to 8 pm Monday to Friday).