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Enrolment, Fees and Charges procedure

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Section 1 - Preamble

(1) This Procedure is effective from 01 May 2023 for admission in the 2024 Academic year and onwards.

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Section 2 - Purpose

(2) This Procedure outlines the University's requirements and processes regarding the admission, enrolment and levying of student fees and charges at the time of admission and enrolment.

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Section 3 - Scope

(3) This Procedure applies to all University units, microunits and courses except higher degrees by research (HDR) and Vocational Education and Training (VET) courses.

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Section 4 - Policy

(4) This Procedure is pursuant to the Enrolment, Fees and Charges Policy.

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Section 5 - Procedure

Authority to make an offer

(5) Determination of offers of admission for all applicants are made by the relevant Faculty.

(6) Faculties may authorise Deakin International, Student Services or the National Indigenous Knowledges Education Research Innovation Institute to make offers for courses and units as determined by Faculty Boards and approved by the Academic Board.


(7) Offers of admission for domestic students will be made by the Executive Director, Student Services.

(8) Offers of admission for international students will be made by the Executive Director, Student Services or nominee.

(9) Offers of admission for applicants to the National Indigenous Knowledges Education Research Innovation Institute will be made by the Director, National Indigenous Knowledges Education Research Innovation Institute.

Withdrawal of offer

(10) Pursuant to the Enrolment, Fees and Charges Policy, the University may withdraw an offer of admission in the following circumstances:

  1. where an offer has been made on the basis of incomplete, inaccurate, fraudulent or misleading information supplied by the applicant or certifying authority. In these circumstances, fees paid may be forfeited
  2. where there are insufficient enrolments to make the course viable, the course into which entry is sought has filled its allocated quota of students or reached its maximum capacity
  3. at any time prior to the acceptance of the offer.


(11) A person who seeks to be admitted by the University to a course or unit must apply for admission in accordance with University-approved processes and within relevant timeframes. Irrespective of eligibility or any other provision in this Procedure, the Executive Director, Student Services or the Pro Vice-Chancellor and Vice-President (International) may:

  1. on reasonable grounds, refuse an application for admission from any applicant
  2. withdraw or refuse an application for admission where the applicant’s conduct does not meet the behavioural standards set out in the University’s Student Code of Conduct
  3. withdraw or refuse an application for admission in order to fulfil regulator or administrative requirements and guidelines.

Deferral of studies

(12) Applicants may apply to defer their studies within five working days of receiving an offer of a place in a course, through the relevant process as detailed in their offer letter or as outlined on the Deakin University website.

(13) The University will normally allow domestic students to defer their studies for up to 24 months and international students for 12 months. Entry into some courses of study, such as Doctor of Medicine, cross-institutional and non-award courses cannot be deferred. The Faculty Executive Dean or nominee may consider requests from students for longer or shorter deferral periods in special circumstances.

(14) An applicant who has reached the maximum deferral period of two years (or one year for international students) may apply to the Faculty Executive Dean or delegate to extend their deferral if there are extenuating circumstances.

(15) If the deferral period lapses, the applicant will be required to apply for admission and to compete for a place at the appropriate time. If the applicant wishes to be considered for a place in a different course, a new application in accordance with standard admission application practices will be required.

(16) An applicant whose application to defer their studies has been approved will be guaranteed a place in the coursework award program for which the original offer was made in the following academic year, provided that the course is available to commencing students at that time.

(17) A student who is granted deferral will be liable for any tuition fees at the rates applicable in the year in which they enrol.


(18) A student must formally undertake enrolment or re-enrolment on or before the date prescribed in each year via the prescribed process on the Deakin University website.

(19) The University will publish all information necessary for students to complete their enrolment in a timely manner.

(20) Student Services and Faculties will provide course and unit enrolment advice.

Study load

(21) Students enrolled in one or more Deakin courses concurrently can enrol in a maximum of 4 credit points of study per study period. 

(22) Students can apply to overload, enrol in units additional to their course requirements or their teaching period load, subject to approval from the Faculty and Student Services. Full fees may be charged.

(23) Approval to overload cannot exceed a total of 2.0 EFTSL in any calendar year.

Cross-institutional enrolment

(24) Students may apply to undertake study at another Australian tertiary institution or at an overseas tertiary institution and have their studies credited towards their Deakin University degree, subject to the following conditions:

  1. the student must normally have first successfully completed two periods of study at Deakin University
  2. the student must complete a minimum number of Deakin University units in line with the requirements of the Recognition of Prior Learning Policy
  3. the student can, by undertaking cross-institutional study, successfully meet the requirements and rules of their courses
  4. students would normally be allowed no more than four credit points for units taken at another Australian tertiary institution. Applications for up to a maximum of eight credit points will be considered if a student wants to take a sequence of study that is not available as a major sequence at Deakin University.

(25) Applications for cross-institutional enrolment must be approved by the relevant Faculty or Student Services.

(26) Studies at another Australian tertiary institution must be taken while maintaining continuity of enrolment at Deakin University.

(27) Students enrolled at another Australian tertiary institution or at an overseas tertiary institution may apply to undertake study at Deakin University and have their studies credited towards the course taken at their home institution.

(28) Units approved for cross-institutional enrolment will normally be restricted to those not offered by Deakin University.

Enrolment variations

(29) Once enrolment has been completed, students can vary their enrolment. Enrolment variations must be consistent with course and unit rules and requirements and prescribed dates.

(30) A student must consider the effect of any enrolment variation on their tuition fees, student contributions, scholarships and visas where applicable.

Continuity of enrolment

(31) To maintain continuity of enrolment in a course, a student must either:

  1. re-enrol by the required deadline for the following academic year, or
  2. obtain approval for an intermission.


(32) A student who wishes to discontinue their enrolment from all units and intends to return to their course of study at a later date, must submit an Application for Intermission in order to retain their right to re-enrolment.

(33) A student may apply for one or more periods of intermission from their course and may apply at any time of the year. Depending on the time, costs may be incurred for part (if international), or all fees, HECS liability, etc.

(34) Intermission must have a definite start date and must be for a specified amount of time, not exceeding the equivalent of one academic year.

(35) When considering applying for intermission it is the responsibility of the student to:

  1. seek appropriate academic advice before suspending their studies
  2. be aware of the
    1. potential impact of the absence on their ability to successfully complete the course (including any implications for unit currency and course completion limits)
    2. consequences that suspending their studies may have on their status as a student (i.e. eligibility for Centrelink benefits) or on any scholarships they may have
    3. fee impact.

(36) In exceptional circumstances (e.g. where a student needs approval for a longer period of leave due to known commitments such as employment or military service or a medical reason), approval of up to 24 months may be given by the Faculty Executive Dean or nominee.

Course discontinuation

(37) A student may discontinue their enrolment in a course or unit without penalty up to the dates prescribed and published by the Executive Director, Student Services.

(38) A course discontinuation may incur an academic and/or financial penalty as outlined on the Deakin Fees website.

(39) A student discontinuing their enrolment who later wishes to be re-admitted to their course of study or admitted to a different course, will be required to submit an application for re-admission in the prescribed manner.

(40) A student may be discontinued from a course for failure to comply with requirements set out in the Higher Education Support Act 2003 (Cth) (e.g. failure to lodge a Commonwealth Assistance Form [CAF] or Tax File Number [TFN] or non-payment of fees or charges).

(41) International and intending international students will default in relation to a course at a location, if they withdraw from the course at the location, either before or after the agreed starting day of the course in accordance with section 47A of the Education Services for Overseas Students Act 2000.

(42) A student who has been discontinued from the course and is not entitled to be enrolled (for example due to unsatisfactory course progress, academic integrity or student misconduct) must apply for re-admission in the prescribed manner.

Unit withdrawal

(43) A unit withdrawal may incur an academic and/or financial penalty (see Deakin Fees website) and may affect any student scholarships.

(44) A unit withdrawal up to and including the Census date does not incur an academic penalty (i.e. the enrolment will not be recorded on the Academic Transcript).

Unit discontinuation on administrative grounds

(45) A student's enrolment in a unit or units may be refused or discontinued by the University in the following circumstances:

  1. the student has enrolled or is attempting to enrol in a unit that is not approved for their course/unit requirements
  2. the unit has reached its quota
  3. the unit is withdrawn from offer as a result of a University decision. The University will ensure that an appropriate alternative unit is available to enable the student to complete the unit within the normal expected timeframe
  4. the student is found to have failed any relevant prerequisite or conditional enrolment requirements
  5. the student has been granted Recognition for Prior Learning (RPL) for the unit
  6. the student has been found guilty of misconduct and unit discontinuation has been determined as part of the penalty
  7. the student is subject to an enrolment restriction as determined by a Faculty Academic Progress Committee
  8. it is determined by the Executive Director, Student Services that this should occur in the interests of the student or the University.


(46) A person who wishes to complete a single microunit, excluding Deakin Professional Practice Credentials, offered by the University without undertaking an award course may apply for admission through the University's approved microunit admission processes.

(47) Specific admission, enrolment, fees and charges processes and responsibilities for microunits, excluding Deakin Professional Practice Credentials, will be determined by the Senior Deputy Vice-Chancellor Academic and will:

  1. ensure that the academic integrity of the microunit and destination degrees is maintained
  2. maintain flexibility and efficiency in the delivery of microunits
  3. be scaled to be commensurate with the volume of learning and the delivery models for microunits.

(48) Admission processes, enrolment, fees and charges for Deakin Professional Practice Credentials are specified in the Deakin Professional Practice Credentials procedure.

Non-award enrolment

(49) Subject to meeting the minimum admission criteria (see Admission Minimum Eligibility Criteria procedure), a person who wishes to complete a single unit of study, excluding microunits, offered by the University without undertaking an award course may apply for admission as a non-award student through the University's approved processes.

(50) The University reserves the right to vary the list of units available for non-award study.

Undergraduate early exit diplomas

(51) A student will be eligible to receive an undergraduate early exit diploma when they:

  1. have been actively enrolled in an undergraduate course, which offers an undergraduate early exit diploma in the 12 months prior to University approval of the diploma; and
  2. have requested a course discontinuation, or have been inactive for two compulsory study periods; and
  3. meet the relevant diploma course requirements.

(52) A student who has been awarded an undergraduate early exit diploma will not be permitted to be re-admitted to their original course of study for two compulsory study periods after the undergraduate early exit diploma is awarded.

(53) Awarding of an undergraduate early exit diploma will not entitle a student to alumni discounts if they choose to enrol or re-enrol in the future.


(54) If a student's enrolment has lapsed or been discontinued and they wish to be re-admitted, they must apply for re-admission. A student cannot be re-admitted without outstanding fees, academic progress or misconduct issues being resolved.

(55) A student may not normally be re-admitted into discontinued courses.

Changes to residency status

(56) If an international student gains Australian Permanent Resident status it is the student’s responsibility to immediately notify the University and provide evidence of their status.

(57) If a student’s residency status changes after the census date for that study period, the student will remain liable for fees at the international student fee rate for that study period.

(58) If a student’s residency status changes before the census date for that study period, provided places are available, and subject to any enrolment caps or limits, the student's fee liability status will be changed to:

  1. a Commonwealth supported place (CSP), subject to eligibility and availability; or
  2. or a domestic fee-paying place, if a CSP is not available.

(59) Where a student is transferred to a different fee regime it may not be possible to maintain any prior bursary or scholarship held under the original fee regime and any fee reduction arrangements previously applied will cease upon commencement of the new fee regime.

Student fees and charges

(60) After determination by the University of the annual fees and charges, the Executive Director, Student Services will publish current and comprehensive information about the fees and charges. The information will include:

  1. fees and charges and the periods for which these apply and remain fixed
  2. the dates on which students are liable for fees and charges
  3. a statement determining that full-fee rates, rather than Commonwealth supported fee rates, will be levied for any additional units studied beyond the usual number of credit points required to complete the student’s enrolled course
  4. circumstances in which a late enrolment fee may be imposed and the amount of that fee
  5. circumstances in which a person may be eligible for a refund, remission, waiver or write-off of fees paid
  6. penalty fees or charges and the circumstances in which they will be applied
  7. where students fail to pay fees and charges, circumstances in which the University may place restrictions on a student's access to University services, terminate a student's enrolment or apply a penalty
  8. circumstances under which a student may be eligible for an alteration to their fee category, including the availability of Commonwealth Supported Places
  9. circumstances under which a student may have their eligibility for a fee category, or access to the Australian Government loan program altered or revoked.


(61) Any applicant for admission or student who wishes to make a complaint to the University should refer to the Student Complaints Resolution policy and Student Complaints Resolution procedure.

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Section 6 - Definitions

(62) For the purpose of this Procedure:

  1. Academic year: the period from the first day of the first study period of any year to the day preceding the first day of the study period of the following year, both inclusive.
  2. Admission: authorised entry to an award or non-award course.
  3. Census date: the date on which enrolments in a unit are finalised. It is the last date on which an eligible student can: apply for HECS-HELP, FEE-HELP or SA-HELP for a unit; withdraw from a unit without being liable for the tuition fees or student contributions (domestic students) or for the full tuition fee (international students); or for the Student Services and Amenities Fee (if applicable), or withdraw from the unit without a reference appearing on their academic transcript.
  4. Commonwealth Supported Place (CSP): a place in a course for which the University receives funding from the Commonwealth Government.
  5. Course: means a program of study that leads to a degree, Vocational Education Training product or other award.
  6. Cross-institutional enrolment: an enrolment in units at another institution (approved in advance by a Faculty) which, on successful completion, will be credited towards an award of Deakin University, or an enrolment at the University in units that, on successful completion, will be credited towards an award of another institution.
  7. Defer: the approved postponement of study for a specified period prior to the first enrolment in a course.
  8. Domestic student: a student who is an Australian citizen, a New Zealand citizen or the holder of an Australian permanent resident visa (including Humanitarian Visas).
  9. EFTSL: Equivalent Full-Time Student Load.
  10. Enrol: the process of completing all required procedures including the payment of all prescribed fees and charges for the course and/or units to be undertaken by the student and/or the status which results from the completion of the process.
  11. FEE-HELP: Australian Government loan program to help eligible domestic fee paying students pay their tuition fees. Fee-Higher Education Loan Program.
  12. HECS-HELP: Australian Government loan program to help eligible Commonwealth supported students to pay their student contribution amounts. Higher Education Contribution Scheme, Higher Education Loan Program.
  13. Intermission: the approved suspension of study by a student after enrolling in a course, usually for a total period of not more than one academic year.
  14. International student: a student who is a temporary resident (visa status) of Australia, a permanent resident (visa status) of New Zealand, or a resident or citizen of any other country and who is enrolled in a course of study delivered at:
    1. a location outside Australia.
    2. an onshore Australian location and holding an appropriate student visa.
  15. Loan program: the student assistance available to eligible students by the Commonwealth that include FEE HELP, HECS HELP, OS HELP and SA HELP. 
  16. Microunit: a type of unit with clearly articulated learning outcomes which are assessed and that leads to the award of a microcredential.
  17. Non-award offering: a course, unit or module, excluding microunits, offered by the University that does not lead to an award of the University.
  18. Overload: enrol in units additional to the student’s course requirements or the teaching period load.
  19. SA-HELP: the Student Amenities Higher Education Loan Program is a loan scheme that allows eligible students to defer all or part of the cost of the Student Services and Amenities Fee.
  20. Student: a person, including a candidate for a Higher Degree by Research, enrolled in a course or unit in the University.
  21. Unit: a component of a program of study having a discrete designated code and title in which students enrol and complete specific work requirements.